Crystal Ball gazing

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As an important safety note, if you do candle gazing, don't fix your stare at the heart of the flame for more than a few minutes. You can damage your eyes. DO NOT wear contacts while attempting candle gazing.
Place the lighted candle as near to eye level as possible, approximately one arm's length in front of you. Make sure that you are not wearing contact lenses and that the room is as dark as possible. Make yourself as relaxed as possible by breathing slowly and deeply for a few moments. Make quite certain that the inhalations and exhalations are evenly spaced, and as you breathe in allow your tummy to rise, and when you breathe out let your tummy fall. Continue breathing in this way for approximately five minutes. Sometimes it helps to count six as you breathe in, retain the breath for a count of three, then exhale for the count of six, and so on. This is extremely effective in making the mind quiet and reducing levels of anxiety. Gaze at the tip of the flame without thinking of any one particular thing. Resist the temptation to blink or to move your eyes away from the flame even for a moment. Maintain the stare for as long as you possibly can before slowly closing your eyes. Now, place the palms of your hands over your eyes, applying a little pressure across the lids, and within moments the after-image of the flame will appear on the empty screen of your mind. Hold the image for as long as you possibly can, and when it becomes fragmented and begins to dissolve, open your eyes, return your gaze to the flame and repeat the whole process again. In fact, for the most effective results repeat the exercise three times. If you use any other form of meditation, it is a good idea to precede your meditation with the candle exercise. To achieve positive results candle gazing should be practised at least once a day.
WHAT DOES CANDLE GAZING ACTUALLY ACHIEVE? Candle gazing encourages the creative areas of the brain and stimulates Ajna, the brow Chakra, the seat of the traditional Third Eye. If you are to cultivate a clairvoyant ability, you must first of all be able to visualize and create images in the mind. Clairvoyance is controlled by the creative centres of the brain, and it is usually the very creative person who is able to develop an accurate clairvoyant ability.
If sitting silently with your eyes closed doesn’t hold your attention, try opening your eyes and gazing at an interesting object. Candle gazing is a good approach. Stare into the heart of the flames and let your eyes focus gently. Let your eye wander from the wick to the corona of the flame. Concentrate on every aspect of the flame, and gently allow your thoughts to still. You might also try staring into a crystal, or gaze into your own eyes in a mirror.
Instead of simply focusing on the object, focus within and watch the thoughts arise. Once you are aware of a thought, you can choose to either follow the thought for awhile, or release it and return your attention to your focus. Take an object or an idea and mentally list everything that comes to mind: Memories, related ideas, readings, sounds you associate, or people... continue to build the list for the object, and keep referring to the object whenever you get distracted. This keeps the mind interested, and at the same time it puts it back on track. Symbols such as the pentacle are an excellent object of focus in this regard.
After about fifteen minutes, grab a notebook or computer and write down everything that went through your mind that you remember. This will help you to keep interested and make you more mindful. You will train your mind to act as an observer, allowing yourself room to examine your own thoughts. Once identified, you can learn to screen out negative thoughts, and observe patterns of energy in your life.
You can increase the mind watching time up to several hours if you are dedicated. As a general measure, you should eventually be able to focus on an object of interest for as long as you wish. This frequently takes a matter of years to achieve, however. It's typical for an average beginner of meditation to sustain mindful concentration for less than a minute without a thought interruption. The more you practice, the longer you will be able to sustain concentration. All you need to do is practice, even when it’s boring, and even when it seems like nothing is happening.
Be patient with yourself, and be willing to let go of the million thoughts that constantly race through our brains. The stillness found on the other side is the source of all magick.Crystal Balls
For many people, when they hear the word, “crystal ball”, they think of the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz casting evil spells while gazing into her crystal ball, or some hardened gypsy just waiting to read your future. While the crystal ball does have an association with witchery, crystal balls are also used in Feng Shui or simply displayed because of their beauty.
We will break this down into three sections to give you a better idea of use and power of the crystal ball. Many people use a crystal ball for scrying, which is also known as crystallomancy. This practice is generally used by psychics, sorcerers, and seers for seeing into the past, present, and future, while using the crystal ball. The power of the crystal ball is used to take you on a journey where you will connect with the spirits of friends and family

One of the first uses of the crystal ball can be traced back to the Druids. The Scottish Highlanders first discovered the powers of the crystal ball. In these times, the crystal ball was created from beryl. Crystal balls were very prominent in the middle ages and when the scryers were finished with the work of their crystal ball, they would often pass their cherished crystal ball to their apprentice.
In addition to the world of witchery, crystal balls are also a large part of Feng Shui. Japanese respect the crystal ball and consider it a symbol of purity and perfection. Artisans in Japan have created crystal balls for centuries. They believe the dragon to be the supreme symbol of power and first believed the crystal ball was formed from the dragon’s breath. Quartz is able to transmit heat although it is cool to the touch. For this reason, the Japanese believed the crystal ball was ice, unable to melt. In Feng Shui, crystal balls are a cure for the adjustment of “Ch’i” and are used to bring positive energy. Often, the crystal ball will be placed in a window to change the “Sha” from entering the home, or in other words, negative things from the outside would transmute to positive things on the inside.
The third category for the crystal ball is for the people that enjoy the beauty of a crystal ball and display them in a lit china cabinet. For these people, they do not consider the power of the crystal ball. To them, it is all about a beautiful artifact for their home or office. It is the shine and brilliance of the crystal ball that entices them.
Each color of the crystal ball is believed to have special powers. Here are just a few examples:
Rainbow Crystal Ball – Produces light and protection, wards off evil while promoting good in all things, and helps people relax and have positive dreams
Rose Crystal Ball – Brings love to relationships, promotes self love, and heals emotions
Green Crystal Ball – Provides strong protection and shields against negativity
Lavender Crystal Ball – Helps enhance sensitivity and builds self-expression for people who are shy, anxious, nervous, stressed, suffer headaches, or insomnia
Amethyst Crystal Ball – Promotes general healing and meditation and helps with insomnia, grief, and addictions
Malachite Crystal Ball – Reveals past life, present patterns of behavior, and heals issues and relationships
Amber Crystal Ball – Energizes, helps in births, and warms the heart
Aqua Aura Crystal Ball – Helps connect with angels
The crystal ball can be made from a number of materials. The most popular choices are quartz and rock crystal. However, there are also lab-grown crystals and glass balls. The natural crystals are obviously, natural and tend to be stronger. Regardless of the use for the crystal ball, the natural crystal is by far the most powerful and most preferred. However, the lab-grown crystals are often used for superconductivity, although they can be used for scrying and Feng Shui as well. Generally, the lab-grown crystal is without inclusions and costs much less, although they do make excellent crystal balls. Finally, the glass “crystal” ball is more difficult to read. Additionally, the glass is unable to store information or history and is not good for scrying. Typically, the brighter the crystal ball, the more power it posses.

Hugs.gif Hugs image by Starsnwishes



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