Death of Osama bin Laden (reflections from a survivor of the 9-11-01 attacks)


As Americans, we welcome the news of the demise of Osama bin Laden.

While this may be a sense of justice for some... there is no real justice for those that lost loved ones on September the Eleventh. There is no justice in the world that will bring their loved ones back.

We praise the work and dedication of our brave men and women in uniform. We also praise their families.

We remember those that have fallen in duty to their country, and those of our allied friends that have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the War on Terror.

This action is the one of the key events that we have waited for. May those who have fallen in battle find peace in knowing that an integral part of their mission has finally been accomplished.

If it does not bring closure or justice, I hope that it brings a little peace. Peace to know that one less fanatic is causing havoc of global destruction on the world.

While indeed September the Eleventh will go down in history as one of the worst days in the history of the world. We can not forget the havoc that bin Laden was responsible for in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania at the U.S. embassies there. We can not forget the U.S.S. Cole bombing in Aden, Yemen.

Bin Laden may be dead. However, we can not forget that this isn't over yet. We need to stand firm and be vigilant. We can't afford to give up, nor assume that this is all over.

We may celebrate the death of the proverbial giant, but we can't forget that the giant is backed up by a large army intent on avenging his death.

In closing... Osama bin Laden may have been killed. A sense of justice may have been served. We may have struck at the snake, but we've only blinded it's left eye.

Never forget those who died at the hands of this bastard.

Bin Laden may be dead, but we can not forget what he was responsible for, and the loved ones that he took from us.

We can not forget that there are still those in the world intent on avenging his death by taking the lives of others.

I don't know about you. Just know that we will never forget. Ever.


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