Symptoms of UFO abduction

  1. LOST TIME: A period of time, from minutes to several days, in which you cannot recall what happened to you or what you have done.
  1. UNUSUAL MARKS: On your body like scars, scoop marks, laser cuts in series on ankle, wrist or back. Any scars which you’re unable to explain where you got them from.
  1. TAPPING OR HUMMING NOISES: Hearing these sounds upon odd occasion such as bedtime, just prior to sleep.(Many times, just prior to bedtime, for a period of many years, traveling on the road in my job, I thought an 18-wheeler was idling outside my room. Never was any truck, just the sound in my head.)
  1. BEING WATCHED: A feeling you get, during or just prior to sleep at night.
  1. SLEEPWALKING: You wake up in a different place from where you went to sleep and do not know how you got there. (As detailed in my book, I did this from age seven to age sixteen.)
  1. SEEN A UFO: During your life you’ve seen UFO’s or seen strange lights in the sky. (Many times, in my teenage years, I saw silver discs, very high in the sky.)
  1. NEED TO TRAVEL: A strange compulsion to walk or drive to another location without any explanation. (This happened four times to me.)
  1. UNEXPLAINED MEDICAL PROBLEMS: Sudden illness, sinus problems, fatigue, migraines or rashes.
  1. UNABLE TO SLEEP: You experience insomnia by way of nightmares, dreaming of UFO’s or being devoured by animals with large black eyes. (Usually associated with common wild animals such as owls, coyotes or wolves.)
  1. IMPLANTS: Your physician or you discover small, strange object inside your body that cannot be explained.Common places are the hip, ankle, foot, nose or hand. (Both Peggy and I have implants in our bodies.)
  1. TERMINATED PREGNANCY: You become pregnant and within a few months the pregnancy is terminated, without any explanation or discharge.
  1. SPERM SAMPLES: You believe you have had intercourse in the night or have had semen extracted from your body.
  1. PSYCHIC ABILITIES: You suddenly feel as though you have obtained some degree of psychic ability without any explanation for it.
  1. PARALYZED IN BED: Waking with immobility. For some reason you cannot move your body for a few seconds or minutes.
  1. BALLS OF LIGHT: Flashes of light or beams of light glimpsed through the corner of your eyes or seen directly, head on in your bedroom at night.
  1. DREAMS OF FLYING: Repeated dreams of having the ability to fly or of flying over your house or a familiar area.
  1. STRONG MEMORY: A very strong memory of something unusual such as floating through the air, lying upon an examination table, seeing a hypodermic needle or seeing a strange, skinny baby.
  1. COSMIC AWARENESS: A sudden interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism or you just become very socially conscious for no apparent reason in your adult life.
  1. YOUR MISSION: You become aware of a strong sense of duty, a mission in life. You have a compulsion to fulfill a task in life but you don’t know exactly what it is or why you have this feeling.
  1. “SPECIAL”: You have a feeling that secretly, known only to yourself, you are special or chosen by someone, somehow.
  1. UNEXPLAINED EVENTS: You have had occurrences in your life which you cannot understand or explain to anyone.
  1. PSYCHIC: You have had the experience of knowing something was going to happen before it happened and then – it did happen!
  1. EYE DREAMS: You remember dreaming about large eyes. Usually familiar wildlife animals such as deer, elk, moose, owl, wolf or coyote. All you remember about the dream are the unusually large eyes.
  1. STARTLED: You awaken in the night, sometimes frequently, feeling a sense of panic or anxiety for no apparent reason.

25.PICTURES OF ALIENS: You have an aversion to looking at any picture or drawing of an alien, similar to the greys shown on the cover of the book: “Communion”.

  1. FEARS OR PHOBIAS: You have inexplicable feelings of aversion to heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, personal safety and/or a fear of being alone.
  1. SPECIAL PLACE: You have a memory of a special place with spiritual significance when you were a youngster.
  1. SELF-ESTEEM PROBLEMS: You have experienced that low worth feeling much of your life.
  1. SEEN IN SLEEP: Someone with you, a partner, become paralyzed, motionless or frozen in time, especially at or during bedtime.
  1. CRAFT OR ALIEN: You have someone in your life who claims to have seen a UFO, been abducted or has witnessed missing time.
  1. BLOOD: You have had times when you found blood, or small drops of blood on your pillow with no explanation how it got there.
  1. UFO’S OR ALIENS: You have had an interest in these topics in your mind with no idea why.
  1. AVERSION: You have an extreme aversion to talking, seeing or listening to any mention of the subject of UFO’s, aliens or abductions.
  1. BEING WATCHED: You have the feeling you are being watched most of the time, especially at night.
  1. SOLID OBJECTS: You have the feeling of having had your body pass through solid objects such as doors or windows.
  1. FOG OR HAZE: You have seen fog or haze when it should not have been there.
  1. NOSE BLEEDS: You have had nose bleeds at some time in your life without apparent cause or you have awoken with a nose bleed. (I had nosebleeds from childhood through my teenage years.)
  1. SORENESS: You awaken with soreness in your genitals which cannot be explained.
  1. BACK OR NECK PROBLEMS: Your back aches without cause or you awaken with unusual stiffness in any part of your body. (I still have that symptom, but it might just be arthritis at my age. Ha!)
  1. ELECTRONIC MALFUNCTION: Certain electronic appliances, (computers, digital watches, etc.) seem to malfunction in your presence with no explanation. Street lights going out when you walk under them or radio and television being affected when you walk by.
  1. RINGING IN THE EARS: Frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears on just in one ear.
  1. BEHIND YOUR EYE: A headache, especially in the sinus, or in just one ear.
  1. MEDICAL PROCEDURES: Dreams of doctors doing medical procedures upon your body.
  1. GOING CRAZY: Having the feeling that you are going insane for even thinking about these sorts of things. (Both Peggy and I have thought that, many times.)
  1. PARANORMAL: Experiencing psychic or odd experiences including intuition.
  1. COMPULSIVE/ADDICTIVE: This behavior either throughout your life or onset at adulthood. (I have had this problem, throughout my life.)
  1. URGE TO TAKE VITAMINS: Do you feel compelled to take more vitamins as the years pass? Do you feel somehow it is helping ‘replenish’ your body? (I started taking a lot of vitamins at age 50. I kept telling myself it was just because I wanted to be ‘healthy’.)
  1. AFRAID OF THE CLOSET: Have you ever been or are you now afraid of your closet or any closet in the house, having to make certain the door(s) are always shut?
  1. SEXUAL OR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS: Have had or are having an odd feeling that you must not become involved in a relationship because it would interfere with something.
  1. REMAIN VIGILANT: Fear that if you do not remain vigilant you will be taken away by someone.
  1. DIFFICULTY TRUSTING: Have trouble trusting other people, especially authority figures such as doctors. (I certainly have that now!)
  1. DREAMS OF DESTRUCTION: Dreams about catastrophes such as the end of the world.
  1. DON’T TALK: You have the feeling you should not talk about these things or that you are not supposed to talk about these things.
  1. SLEEP AGAINST THE WALL: You feel you must have your bed against the wall.
  1. LOCKING ALL DOORS: You double and triple-check locking up at night to prevent something or someone getting into your home. (I am still compulsive about that, from time to time.)
  1. CHILDREN OR PARENTS: Have talked about things on this list or you have heard them talk to others about things on this list.
  1. NO SUCCESS: You have tried to resolve some of these problems in your mind but with little success.
  1. NO RECALL: You have experienced many of these traits but cannot remember anything related to any abduction experience.


With grateful appreciation to Raymond Fowler in his most interesting book: “SYNCHROFILE” he has listed, (among many others), fourteen signs that we had not found in any previous literature. With his permission we list them here:


(I was sleepwalking, I thought, at a young age and my Grandmother awakened me in the front yard in the middle of the night!)










(Strange craft, conference, corridors, glowing-misty oval room with table, alien exam, instruments, babies, hybrid children, ufo sightings, etc.)


(In my case, cell repeater towers, triangular in shape, make me afraid when I see them. Still do not know why.)



(Such as awakening at 1:11 a.m. or 3:33 a.m.)


How To Tell If You've Been Raped By A Space Alien
Naomi Wolfberg

"Many women who have been sexually assaulted by space aliens have profound, inexplicable feelings of helplessness, guilt and fear," says feminist UFO author and psychologist Naomi Wulfberg, who leads a support group for victims of alien sexual abuse.

Dr. Wulfberg says it's important for women who believe they may have been violated by aliens to seek professional help.

"The first step towards recovery is to recognize that there is a problem," said the New York City-based expert. "A qualified hypnotherapist can help restore your memories of the attack, so you can deal with the trauma on a conscious level."

Another important element in the healing process is to fight back, added the psychologist. "Taking a self-defense class to protect yourself from further alien attacks can help overcome your sense of helplessness," she said. "It can give you a real sense of empowerment."

Dr. Wulfberg listed eight common signs of alien sex abuse, explaining that if you experience five or more symptoms, the chances are that you are a victim. Here they are:

1. MEMORY GAP -- If an hour or more of your life is a total blank -- you can't remember anything about the period and you can't account for where you were -- you may have been abducted by aliens during the missing time. Your memories of the encounter have been blotted out.

2. UNEXPLAINED BRUISES -- Strange bruises may have been caused when aliens stripped you of your clothing or used restraining devices to pin you in position.

3. LOSS OF SEXUAL DESIRE -- A brutal attack by an inhuman being can turn you off to lovemaking forever. The thought of sex may even fill you with feelings of disgust.

4. FEELINGS OF HELPLESSNESS -- During alien sex assaults, victims are typically rendered unable to fight back, through drugs or high-tech rays. They feel helpless during the attack and this feeling of helplessness can linger for years afterward.

5. FEAR OF FLYING -- Usually these humiliating rapes -- which often include four or more attackers -- take place aboard alien spacecraft orbiting Earth. The victim is often left with a dread of going airborne, even in a conventional aircraft.

6. SNAKE PHOBIA -- Many abductees whose memories have been recovered have described their alien attackers as reptilian. An unusually strong terror of snakes is a natural result.

7. GUILT -- Some victims become sexually aroused during space rapes -- for which they feel deep shame. Afterward, they carry a vague sense of shame with them, unaware of the cause.

8. UNEXPLAINED PREGNANCY -- If you have become pregnant while using usually effective birth control methods such as the pill or condoms, it is possible that the "unplanned" birth is actually the result of alien impregnation -- and your baby is a human/extraterrestrial hybrid. Shadowlands/6583/abduct052.html - 5k


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