Pussy Now Cat that got your attention.

Pussy Stamp by SusieBeeca

Also, when someone is tough, he is called to have big balls, while balls are very sensitive, seriously, having balls sucks sometimes, you get pain from the littlest contact.

.... had never thought of that............
oh my god that is AWESOME!!!

This is what made me like Dan Savage: "You're not a pussy. Pussies are powerful, they can take a pounding and spit out a new human being. You are too sensitive for your own good. What you are is a ballsack."

Childbirth is apparently so manageable that it's been done over 7 billion times the last 100 years.
And i think being a pussy generally means you're a coward, not weak.
And it is commonly known... All women are pussies.

I once saw this button that said "That Takes Ovaries!" ....shoulda bought it at the time. (Fun fact: The ovarian wall actually bursts open every month and all women feel---if anything---is a little poke. They can also be riddled with cysts and not cause undue pain.)

well most men assume that women
aren't strong that we are weak and cant take a hit
so when men call another man a pussy that man thinks he is being called a woman of weakness
i hope you understand that cause i can make confusing sentences that only i can under stand

Stupid society changing words. It's the exact same thing with the word dick, it means jerk, which implies that all men are jerks. And the word gay as well.

I wondered if anyone would bring that up. The insults "dick" and "prick" are sort of like "pussy" in that a) they're gendered and b) are used on both sexes. However, given the context of use, "dick" usually refers to an aggressive act of unpleasantness, whereas "pussy" refers to reticence, both of which pander to sexist beliefs that men are inherently aggressive and mean and women are shrinking violets.

Yeah those kinds off insults are generally contradictory. Like how calling someone a "Cunt" (didn't now if you'd take offence so I did the little censor star to be on the safe side)implies being unpleasant, but in fact the sheer amount of pleasure related nerve receptors including the 8000 found in just the clitoris in female genitalia would make it the most happy and cheerful of any anthropomorphic individual anatomic feature due to the high levels of serotonin and dopamine being produced.
though all genitalia related insults most likely come from the old genital and nudity taboo, hence why modern specific scientific terms 'labia' or 'meatus' are never used. just trying to add some light hearted commentary on the situation. though in all seriousness I think cunt is more taboo to use because the kind of sad unpleasant wanker who uses it as way of causing emotional grief is very unlikely to come into contact with a real life vagina so he'll consider it more taboo and dramatic. just my thoughts on the matter.

. For the record, I don't consider "cunt" to be offensive in this context so you don't need to censor it. Thanks for the consideration, though

But yeah I still maintain insults like cunt are utterly inaccurate, which is why I think that people should just use insults from sci-fi shows, such as "smeg", "Frak", "nerf herder" instead of using crude references to human genitalia, since space swears can be universally applied to anyone or anything and no one can claim to be offended by them.

You're right in that it's not a new insult, but you've got to look at the origin of the term: pussy implies woman implies weak, thanks to our sexist culture.

i am, what i'm saying is, most people when insulted by this term, wherever they be female or male, aren't goanna think about this aspect. besides does it really matter where the word came from? no one really cares, it's an insult it's there, end of story, it just happens to have another meaning; people are always goanna be sexist (men AND women)at least to an extent, so personally i prefer the society where we joke about women being weak, as opposed to the one were we actually think they're weak. (speaking as a woman myself here)

Yes, people do think about what insults mean, and yes, it does matter where they came from. If you doubt this, try calling a black person the N-word and then say "Hey, don't think about what it means or where it came from.

people think it means weak, and since this term is used to insult males (for the most part) that alone is all that matters; as i said we're all a little bit sexist, but i think if the insult was something like puppy it'd still have the effect; dogs can be quite fierce, but the point isn't to insult dogs, it's to insult the person, it'd just be an easy comparison to get the point across, if we really thought out all of our insults there wouldn't be much to work with since alot of things do have, some form of strength.
fair enough, on that point; but that's not really the insult we're debating, conversing over? i don't know. my point was with this insult it doesn't really matter since, well like i said puppy could replace it and get the point across, and the insult doesn't really offend women, hell i've heard girls use this insult, we know what it means; this doesn't apply to everyone, but hey my stupid opinions

also, the clitoris has more nerves than anything else in the female and male bodies

I think when someone calls someone a 'pussy' they're talking about the cat, which makes little sense too cause cats are very resistant animals, and can take care of them self better than dogs (love dogs btw just making a point) can if there aren't any humans around.

Vaginas doesn't make anybody weak. And dick doesn't make anybody stronger. The same can be aid about insults. You call me pusy? Okay, I have one. What's your problem XD?


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