22nd July 2014: Uranus Retrograde and the Full Super Moon in August

Just a heads up: Uranus stationed retrograde in the past few hours. It’s gotten a bit lost in the jubilation over Saturn stationing direct the day before, but it’s extremely important and we need to take note!! Not least because next month (10th August GMT) we have a Full Super Moon in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus), and between now and then there is work to be done and awareness to be raised. This Moon, to my mind, is the one and only Full Super Moon this year. I know July’s and September’s Full Moons are officially designated Super Moons, but the orb for that designation is huge and way beyond anything that I would apply. So (in my humble opinion) the Full Moon in August is endlessly more powerful than any other this year and to have its ruler station retrograde a few weeks prior is of great significance.

I’ll be posting about the Super Moon when it occurs, but between now and then (10th August) we all need to step up and sharpen our integrity and discernment a million-fold! This is Uranus’s final retrograde passage during its on-going square to Pluto. This is our chance to make such a huge difference to the direction this planet is moving in, that I feel it’s not too over-the-top to say we are entering a moment of water-shed the likes of which we rarely ever receive. Energies are very polarised at the moment. It feels like everything is ratcheting up, for good and ill. Potentials are being fulfilled in all directions and we each need to take note of our own circumstances, our own lives, and decide what potentials we want to see fulfilled in the coming months. And we’re talking Aquarius and Uranus here, so this can’t be about us as individuals getting our needs met and satisfying our own desires. This has to be about the best outcomes for the planet, for the collective. We, each and every one of us, are the guardians of the future, right here right now in this present moment. We have to ‘get’ that fact, and get it fully, at all levels of our being, in order to make the right choices at this time.

This coming Super Moon is going to blow a lot of things out of the water: long cherished beliefs, comforting habits of thought and behaviour, assumed ‘truths’ which merely serve to maintain the status quo (and that may not be the status quo you at first thought). Everything is up for review in the coming weeks and what we haven’t penetrated deeply in order to know inside out by the time the Moon arrives, we will have to do so then. So the sooner we get started the better! And it’ll take courage, because if we do this work as deeply as is needed right now it may entail speaking truths unwelcomed by those with whom we have forged alliances. It may necessitate changing our stance entirely on matters that have meant so much to us before. It may mean the ending of alliances to make way for the forging of new ones, or a period of aloneness while we get to know the new ‘self’ emerging.

Ultimately we may be challenged by this enquiry to leave behind everything familiar in order to walk into the unknown naked of all that has previously clothed us in terms of identity, ego and even purpose. I know this message may not be palatable and I know some may reject it. Ultimately we each have to decide for ourselves, but whatever the apparent cost appears to be from where we stand now, if we can walk this path of courage and rebirth in the coming few weeks, the rewards in the longer term – both personal and global – will be beyond our current imaginings and we will know freedom like never, ever before.

Wishing many blessings for each and every one of us. May we all know the powerful courage and the endless love necessary to begin again, spiritually naked and deeply transformed.

Sarah Varcas


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