What is the Noble Life leading to Nibbâna?


A certain Bhikkhu once asked the Blessed Buddha:
Venerable Sir, the Noble Life, the Noble Life, is it often said…
What, Sir, is this Noble Life? And what is the final goal of this Noble Life?
This Noble 8-fold Way, Bhikkhu, is the Noble Life; namely:

Right View  (sammā-ditthi)
Right Motivation  (sammā-sankappa)
Right Speech  (sammā-vācā)
Right Action  (sammā-kammanta)
Right Livelihood  (sammā-ājīva)
Right Effort  (sammā-vāyāma)
Right Awareness  (sammā-sati)
Right Concentration  (sammā-samādhi)
The destruction of Greed, the destruction of Hate, and the destruction
of Ignorance: This is the final goal of the Noble Life…

Source (edited extract):

The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. 
Book V [7-8] section 45:6 A certain Bhikkhu ...

The Noble Life..
Have a nice and Noble day.
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]


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