disclosure of imagery

NASA's Earth Observatory Group is proud to announce the release of

EONET: The Earth Observatory Natural Event Tracker

More and more NASA imagery is being made available via web services (WMS, WMTS, etc.) and a significant percentage of it is being produced and published in near real time (within a few hours after acquisition). This ability means that NASA imagery can be used more routinely to examine current natural events as they happen.

The public can currently browse the entire globe using specialized client applications (e.g., NASA WorldView, Google Earth) to look for natural events as they occur. Storms are regularly spotted in the tropics, dust storms over deserts, forest fires in the summers. These events are occurring constantly and NASA imagery can represent them all using a variety of different data parameters. However, the user’s experience is guided, and therefore restricted, by the client application. What if there was an API that provided a curated collection of natural events and provided a way to link those events to event-related image layers? What if this API enabled developers to build their own client applications? Enter EONET.

EONET is a repository of metadata about natural events. EONET is accessible via web services. EONET will drive your natural event application.


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