The 11/11/8 Star Gate and Sacred Union Creative

So it has been a powerful time and the power energies just keep coming. Usually this can be explained in relation to the activities of the Sun and Solar Flares. But, in this case, there has been very little actual correlation, and so it seems indeed that there must be another explanation. There is! The powerful waves that we are feeling now are Galactic and Cosmic in origin, and although they include Solar activity, there is so much more going on. I wanted to share with you my understanding of some of these powerful forces that are driving our Transformation and Ascension right now.
I have called this piece "Two Suns and the Taurus/Orion Super Moon" because these are the Primary Galactic forces at work right now. Firstly, you may remember in August I wrote a piece explaining how the heliacal rising of Sirius at dawn in the sign of Leo created a time when the Earth in fact had two suns, Solaris, as I call our Sun, and Sirius, the powerful Blue Star. This alignment of the two Star systems, Solaris and Sirius, continues in the Heavens as they journey through the Golden Rose Galaxy (Milky Way) and interact with Planet Earth, the newly emerging Blue Star Planet.
This alignment becomes more and more intense until it culminates around the 11th of November on the 11/11, which this year will be an 11/11/8.
In holographic terms, this means that Sirius and the Sun/Solaris create a Vesica Pisces, or a Star Gate, which allows powerful Cosmic and Galactic Energies to be transmitted to the Earth which is in a birthing/rebirthing process. In terms of Sacred Geometry and the Sacred Union energies, the two Star Systems merge their energy fields creating a Portal for the exchange of energies and the creation of something new.
The Ancients who were taught the wisdom of the Sirian Star Nations knew this, and they encoded this wisdom in a set of "Keys" which are, ironically,  freely available today yet very little understood by those who have access to them. Yet, as we emerge into Higher Consciousness, we are reconnecting with the Ancient wisdom and beginning to understand the power of these keys in our Ascension process.


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