Blue UFO Watches Astronauts on the Moon

Blue UFO Watches Astronauts on the Moon

There are multiple strange photos from the Apollo moon missions, but a recurring anomaly is the strange blue light. This blue light appears in multiple photos clearly visible against the black background of space. Nobody knows for sure exactly what it is but most believe it is an alien spacecraft. The astronauts did witness this anomaly and snapped multiple photos of it. It is a well believed by the paranormal and UFO community that the astronauts on the moon missions experienced alien activity while they were up there. Some even believe it’s the reason we stopped going to the moon.
The photo on the right is very strange, the big blue light is very noticeable. However a second blue light can be seen closer to the astronaut when the image is zoomed in. The most common belief of those lights are aliens, but what do you think? Alien spacecraft or an issue with image processing? Let me know what you think!


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