911truth.org scam

The 91101 terrorist attack was nothing more than a proxy attack on the united states using religious Crusaders as the actors of the Kamikaze attacks via hijacked airliners and religion to do the deed. This meant the primary proxies had ground support and established a network that would alert other United states Allies and nations whom would attempt to disrupt such attacks also they would and did go to the United States Government. Albright was the primary problem that prevented action or taking the warnings seriously in the 1990s in 1993 the first attempt was made via van bomb on the target. It failed so the second unstoppable Kamikaze attack route was taken. Infiltrate targeted airports place persons in key logistical areas then activate each component and strike. that is what happened on 9110 50 QUESTIONS FOR THE 911 TRUTH MOVEMENT: Since the govt. committed 9/11, why aren’t truthers demanding the release of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who is on trial for his life for a crime truthers claim he did not commit? If there was no flight 93, please explain how 95% of the plane debris was recovered? If there was no flight 77, please explain how 130+ witnesses reported seeing a plane?"   Since Larry Silverstein said pull it, demolished WTC 7 and collected billions in insurance, why would the insurance company pay the claim if there's evidence of fraud? If WTC 1 & 2 were destroyed by demolition & not fire, how do you explain video of the exterior columns buckling under heat and stress loads 18 minutes after impact? How can Marvin Bush be in charge of WTC security when he stopped working for Securecom in June of 2000?   Why did Dr. Steven Jones circumvent the peer review process by not showing his nanothermite paper to the chief editor and printing it without her approval?   Why won't Kevin Ryan allow ANY of his precious dust samples to be tested by an independent laboratory?   Why won't Niels Harrit, Steven Jones, or Kevin Ryan refute the recent truth seeking professional scientific study of the WTC dust performed by Dr. James Millette?   What did Hani Hanjour’s flight instructors have to say about his flying ability?   Who was Ali Mohamed and what is his relationship with Osama Bin Laden and the CIA?   How many of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth's 2300+ architectural and engineering "professionals" have experience in structural engineering, high rise construction, or controlled demolition? How can Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth be considered a professional organization when over 80% of its members are students? How much of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth's budget constitutes Richard Gage's salary?   Why won’t Dr. Steven Jones release the “rigorous non-critical” peer review comments offered by David L. Griscom regarding his nanothermite paper?   What did the USA give the government of Pakistan concerning Bin Laden and 911 in early October of 2001?   How can Operation Northwoods be an example of "false flag terrorism" if it never happened?   Since WTC 7 was constructed over a Con Ed station, how did the structural framing compensate for the station and how did that influence the collapse?   How much nanothermite did Niels Harrit estimate was used in the supposed controlled demolition of WTC 1, 2, & 7?   If a postcard could survive the Hindenburg inferno isn't it possible for a passport to survive the WTC collapse? If it’s impossible for a jet to travel over 600 mph at sea level please explain EgyptAir flight 990? Since demolition experts estimated it would take over 100 men 4-6 months to place explosives in WTC 1, 2, & 7, how come no one witnessed any strange construction activity, wires, or boxes? How many times has Loose Change been edited for errors and re-released? If the US invaded Afghanistan to build an oil pipeline, please explain why there has been absolutely no construction on it in almost 15 years? How could Barry Jennings be murdered if he died of leukemia in a hospital?   If explosions were heard in the basement of WTC 1, why did the building fail at the point of impact?   If the WTC was destroyed in a controlled demolition, how did the nanothermite charges survive the plane impacts and how did the perpetrators know exactly where the planes would hit the building?   How do you explain Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s confession to planning 911 in an Al Jazeera interview back in 2002?   If the ever so powerful govt. could commit and cover up 911, why did they have to destroy a building (WTC 7) just to destroy some documents?   Couldn't the govt. just haul the documents away and dump them into the ocean?   And do you really believe that those were the only copies?   If the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not a plane, what happened to the passengers and crew?   How many times did William Rodriguez change his 911 testimony?   If flight 77 was a missile and not a plane, what knocked down the pole lights outside the Pentagon?   Please explain how the words “stand down” were never even mentioned by Norman Mineta.   If Prescott Bush was a Nazi, how do you explain his fellow "Nazi" business partner Fritz Thyssen opposing the war in 1939, being expelled from the Nazi Party, and imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp?   If Prescott Bush was a Nazi, how do you explain him being cleared of all charges and allegations of Trading With the Enemy in 1942?   Since FEMA Appendix C references a temperature of 1800 degrees F how could it prove molten steel when it takes 2500 degrees F to melt steel? 911 TWOOFER: "A steel building has never collapsed due to fire." What happened to the Windsor Tower, Kadar Toy Factory, and the Delft Tower? Why doesn’t Steven Jones explain WHERE his WTC dust samples were stored between 2001 and 2007?   If FEMA Appendix C supposedly proves molten steel then why do the words “molten steel” NEVER even appear in the report?   How could the cell phone calls be fake on flight 93 when most of the calls were actually made from air phones on the seat backs and paid for with the passengers’ credit cards?   If NORAD was told to “stand down” how do you explain F-15 fighters ordered to intercept the high-jacked planes 6 minutes after WTC 1 was hit?   How can Dick Cheney order NORAD to “stand down” if he was never in charge of NORAD?   If WTC 7 was destroyed via controlled demolition, how do you explain firefighters predicting the building's collapse 3 hours before the actual collapse?   How could Larry Silverstein make “billions” off his insurance policy when he actually lost money after 911?   How long did it take to intercept Payne Stewart’s plane?   If Flight 77 didn’t hit the Pentagon, please explain the Dulles Int’l Airport security camera footage of Hani Hanjour on the morning of 911?   What was the Bojinka plot and what is it’s connection with the 911 attacks?   What did Dutch demolition expert Danny Jowenko say about WTC 1 and 2 before viewing a brief clip and asserting that WTC7 was a controlled demolition?

911truthers answer with strawman questions that all are anecdotal evidence that have been answered

-Why has NIST classified the data that they used to make their computer animation of the WTC7 collapse? Would knowledge of how NIST believes the building collapsed really “jeopardize public safety“? -Why did the DIA destroy more than 2.5 terabytes of data on their Able Danger investigation that reportedly identified four of the alleged hijackers years in advance of the attack? Why did the Pentagon buy up and burn the entire first print run of Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer’s book on the program? -Why did the SEC destroy their records on the 9/11 insider trading question, presumably the most important investigation in the agency’s history? -Why did the alleged “mastermind” of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, confess not only to plotting 9/11 “from A to Z” but also confess to masterminding numerous crimes that he could not have committed? -Why did Osama bin Laden repeatedly deny any involvement in the attacks until a series of mistranslated and otherwise manipulated videos came along appearing to portray him as taking credit for those attacks? -Why was the report of US State Department official Frank Taylor supposedly proving the case for Al Qaeda’s role in 9/11, which NATO used to justify its invasion of Afghanistan, presented in a classified briefing? Why is that report still classified to this day? -Why did the 9/11 commission rely so heavily on the confessions extracted through torture which even the Senate’s Armed Services committee points out is specifically used to extract false confessions? -Why did the CIA destroy 92 videotapes of their illegal torture sessions after being specifically ordered by a court not to do so? Why did the courts eventually absolve the CIA of any culpability for this crime? -Why did Donald Rumsfeld announce a new “war” on September 10, 2001? What was the reason for the 2.3 trillion missing dollars which the Pentagon claimed "could not be accounted" until that point, what did Rumsfeld’s “war on bureaucracy” hope to achieve, how was that “war” hindered when the budget analyst office in the Pentagon was destroyed the following morning, and where are the public records into this accounting scandal? -Why did Rumsfeld go into a regularly scheduled meeting with a CIA officer in his office on the morning of 9/11, after both of the Twin Towers had been struck by airplanes and it had been determined that “America was under attack.” Why did the highest ranking official in the US military remain in that meeting and unavailable for contact even by his highest staff members as the worst attack on US soil in history continued to unfold? Why did he suddenly come out for a photo op on the Pentalawn after the explosion instead of helping to coordinate the defense of the nation? -Why is there such a massive discrepancy between the 9/11 commission’s official finding of the time of entry of Dick Cheney into the Presidential Emergency Operation Center on the morning of 9/11 and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta’s testimony of the timing of that arrival? -Why did the US government contract with Ptech, an enterprise architecture software firm, to install its backdoor access software on some of the most sensitive databases in the US government? -Why did they continue to use Ptech even after it was discovered that its sweetheart investor was a specially designated global terrorist on the Treasury’s own terror list? -Why did they declare that there was nothing untoward in the software mere hours after raiding Ptech’s offices in 2002? -What was Ptech doing in the basement of the Pentagon on 9/11? What interoperability tests was it running on the link between FAA and NORAD systems on 9/11, and how did that interfere with the FAA and NORAD’s response? -And, perhaps most tellingly of all, how did four highjacked aircraft fly so wildly off course for such lengthy periods of time without being confronted by a single fighter interceptor, and why did the Pentagon admittedly and on the record lie to the American public about the timilines of its response that day? Comprimi And while we are at it, give answer to the questions of 9/11 victims family members that have been poorly responded or totally ignored by the US govt and the US intelligence and investigation agencies, as you can see here:


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