What Socialism Really Means

These are strange days we are living today. Many of you have watched the news or listened to your favorite right wing radio talk show host and thought, man those socialists are a bunch of jerks and nit wits. Well, I can understand that. But what you need to know is that a lot of these nut jobs that call themselves socialists are nothing more than idiots who clung to a label and nothing more. Before you click away to some other post, let me present my case to you.

Socialists think that preventing someone from speaking at a campus or gathering just because of their political beliefs is wrong. In a democracy everyone should have a right to speak. Socialists believe in democracy.

Socialists believe that banning gun ownership is wrong. The people should be armed and should be ready to defend their rights. If a revolution should ever come it will be the armed people who protect it. No standing army but the armed people.

Socialists believe that the Black Lives Matter group hurts more than it helps. There is no doubt that there is Police violence and there is no doubt that a fair measure of it is directed against the African american people. But, there were other minorities who suffered through this violence also. There were white people who were unjustly treated also. The name of the organization should be changed to Working People's Lives Matter, and should include all who have suffered injustice at the hands of the police. Calling it Black Lives Matter only separates the working people into segments based on skin color. Dividing us up only makes us weaker.

Socialists believe that disrespecting the pledge of allegiance or kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem at sporting events does not help us build a bridge to the working people. You can disagree with something without disrespecting it.

Socialism does not mean control from the top down, it means control from the bottom up. The people have the say, what we say goes.

Study the Paris Commune of 1871, there you will find true democracy. The Commune was voted in, it didn't take power.


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