New Normal 8 pm Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 8-9 p.m. edt

Please join Tchipakkan on the New Normal 8 pm Wednesday, July 5, 20178-9 p.m. edt.
Some years ago some friends and I decided we needed a conference for occult stuff in New England, and if no one else was going to do it, we’d do it ourselves. We wanted it to be more than just the “Spooky foo” collection of “isn’t that weird” experiences. Some of us had been doing psychic stuff and magick for 40 years or more, and wanted good instructive classes beyond the “introduction to” level. We also wanted to create / facilitate communication between different groups who do this stuff- who do energy healing, who talk to the dead, who dowse, who do divination, who know this stuff is natural and “Normal” (within certain parameters of normal).  We called the conference Changing Times-Changing Worlds, because, as with the New Normal, we are hoping that in another generation we’ll have gotten to the point where the fact that people are psychic, that we can do magick, that “this stuff is real” will be accepted, and we’ll be able to mention it in public without worrying whether we’re going to be considered mad or stupid to believe in this stuff. 
This year the conference is going to be held in the Hudson Valley, November 3-5th this year, and if you want to learn more, listen on your computer at, 8-9 edtWednesday. (Or check out the website , or both.)
If you’d like to join the conversation, ask questions, please call in 619-639-4606 (live only).

If you can’t tune in 8-9, Live archives its shows by date, and I archive them by date, guest, and topic on my website:

Hope you can join me Wednesday night from 8-9 at the New Normal on


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