How Narcissists Use Money To Manipulate and Exploit People

With experience comes wisdom and from this sharing comes teaching this article is dedicated to a  friend of mine. 

How Narcissists Use Money To Manipulate and Exploit People

In today’s article, we are going to talk about the narcissist and money. How do they use money? How do they view money? How do they use the money to manipulate other people? And are the ways overt and covert narcissists use money different. Remember, the name of the game for narcissists is to gain control and power over their victims, and money is one of the most powerful tools narcissists have at their disposal to manipulate abuse and control other people.

so today, we are talking about money and the narcissist.

First, let me just say that narcissists, all narcissists love money, they want money; they love spending money; they love the power that they have because they have money, and if they don’t have money, then they will want to take your money, all narcissists love money.

One reason they love money so much is that narcissists are primarily focused on their image and portraying themselves as special and superior. To narcissists, money and material wealth are much more important than personal growth and organic happiness. Narcissists are incredibly shallow individuals and they are consumed by their image; they are consumed with how they look to the outside world. Put it this way, narcissists are consumed with what is on the outside and care very little about what is on the inside of them.

They don’t focus on being a good person or concern themselves with striving to be a person of character and kindness. Their focus is usually solely on their image. Besides obtaining a narcissistic supply, nothing is more important to a narcissist than to gain money or be associated with people who have money.

Narcissists love to control and power and nothing gives them more power in control than money.

So, let’s talk about some ways narcissists use money to gain control and power over their victims.

1 In the beginning, they are known for being very generous with their money, specifically the overt narcissist. So, maybe you just met this person and he or she is taking you out to really nice dinners, buying you expensive gifts that are inappropriate for the time that you have known them, and they will flaunt their money so that you know well that they have money. They might do things like pick up the tab for the entire table, and if you don’t know what the narcissist is, usually, a victim will think how sweet and generous he or she is, how kind of him to buy everyone’s dinner.

Being generous with money is also usually part of the love-bombing phase. Also, this narcissist knows that by being generous with his money that he will keep the people around him and get high levels of narcissistic supply, by people praising and thanking him for his generosity. However, the generous nature of the narcissist will not remain like this for long.

2 narcissists who have money love to use it to shame and degrade other people, again money is a powerful tool that wealthy narcissists have to support the false phony self. It’s validation to them they are as perfect and special as they think they are. So, they will use their money in audacious ways, flaunting and bragging about their money. Treating other people as less than for not having the money that they have.

In the narcissist mind, having a lot of money more money than most people is proof that they are better than special and superior.

another horrible way that narcissists use the money to make themselves feel special and superior is they will make you grovel for it? Usually, they will be the ones who control the money. So, if you need some money, you are going to have to go to this person and ask, and depending on the type of mood that they’re in, will determine if you get any money and how much. It’s a degrading process for an adult to go to usually a fellow family member and ask for money, and of course, no one knows this more than the narcissist. They love the fact that you must come to them to grovel for money. They may make you explain why you need this amount of money, questioning your every move.

Another tactic that wealthy narcissists are known for is spending fortunes on themselves on things that they want, but when you want to need something well, you better find whatever it is you’re looking for at a huge discount or second hand. Narcissist loves the power they have to withhold money or make you rationalize every single cent you spend.

Next, one of the incredibly manipulative ways that wealthy narcissists use the money to their advantage is, they will buy you something nice or take you on a beautiful vacation after they have raged at you and abused you for hours and hours and hours. Narcissists are known for buying their victims something nice after a very long session of assault and abuse.

Usually, things like this don’t start taking place until the narcissist knows you are theirs, that you are hooked, or it may not even start happening until after you are married, but they will use money in gifts to ensure that victims are less likely to leave the narcissist after a massive narcissistic rage and emotional and verbal assault.

Many times, narcissists believe if they are financially supporting you they may abuse you, whenever they feel like it for as long as they feel like it, and it’s simply part of a victim’s duty to allow them to do those things because they financially support them. I can tell you my father supported all of us growing up and into adulthood and I knew beyond any doubt if I stood up for myself, I would have been on the street.

Now, let’s switch over to the covert narcissists and how they look at money.

In my experience, covert narcissists aren’t as super-wealthy as many overt narcissists are. However, they love money every bit as much as any other narcissist. Coverts are brilliant at taking advantage of and manipulating other people for their money. Remember, covert narcissists portray themselves as the poor pitiful victim, they are brilliant at manipulating people with guilt, pity, and obligation. And if they have their eyes on you because they have your dollar signs in their eyes, you can expect to be subjected to some of the most sophisticated manipulation tactics imaginable.

Pretty soon, you’ll be paying their mortgage, paying for their schooling, sending them on vacations, taking them on spending sprees and they will try and make you believe that they have done you a favor, female covert narcissists are famous for this.

 if you are dealing with a malignant narcissist, then nothing is off-limits. They may steal from you cheat on taxes, steal your investments forge, your signature, wreck your credit whatever…

If money is what they’re after, then nothing. And I do mean nothing is off-limits to the malignant narcissist. They have no shame; no conscience and they genuinely believe they are entitled to use and take advantage of whoever they please, whenever they please.

Malignant narcissists are ruthless and dangerous, and when money is involved their ruthlessness is intensified. Malignant narcissists will do anything to acquire money, the money that they want, it makes no difference to them how they acquire it. The only thing that matters to them is that they get it.

These are just a few things that narcissists do with money, but let me just mention one thing to you guys, you do not ever want to be financially dependent on a narcissist that is the absolute last thing that you want to do. If you have found yourself in this position then please start taking steps immediately to become financially independent. So, many victims of narcissistic abuse can’t leave the abusive relationship because the narcissist has and controls all the money. In my opinion, money is the number one factor as to why victims stay in abusive relationships, and of course, no one knows that more than the narcissist you do not ever want to have a financial dependency, loans, joint taxes, no financial ties, whatsoever to a narcissist.


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