

Now you might think that is a weird name for fandom and what are goopers well it's probably one of the biggest occult scams ever made by a celebrity

This is Gwyneth Paltrow Which most people know from Iron Man, Se7en, Austin Powers, and Shallow Hal(A film we will all never forget) and Goop is her alternate medicine Company which produces most of your favorite alternate medicines “Hear ye Hear ye are you sick with the flu, HIV, Covid, Life-Threatening Cancer, Depression, Forget that scientifically proven medication that is relentlessly tested to see if it actually works don't trust them after all Pharma companies are all part of the Illuminati created by Jay Z and Beyonce to cover up that their satan worshipping lizard people(FORESHADOWING?!). try our product Goop which is definitely much Gooder than big Pharma. Hi, I'm Gwyneth Paltrow best known for me involvement in the Star Wa- I mean Iron Man’s wife Pepper Pots which conveniently is my newest brand I am working to help any person with an eating disorder and just sprinkling some of our pepper with a second seasoning she will devour that meal and just start laughing about something random she thought up of Beleive it or not we came up with Goop over the fact that most important virtual companies have two o’s in the title (Real Fact) not only that but we also have an assortment of products including (Real Products) Cordyceps chocolate, Almond Nut Milk Maker, Stickers that Vibrate cancer away, and Psychic Vampire repellant, after all,” I would rather die than eating cheese from a tin”- Real Gwyneth Paltrow quote “ I Remember when my life was terrible before this product came out and after that, it did wonders for me” Warning this product may not cure you of the diseases you have and could cause even worse conditions. Do not use if you have scoliosis, heart problems, weakened immune system, and sensitive spinal cord or if you are sane keep reach away from children, dogs, cats, and people who are smart. Funded by Butch Hartman, Foreshadowing AGAIN?!


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