

***UFOS & ALIENS*** Travis Walton To Celebrate 40th Anniversary Since His Infamous Alien Abduction At The SKYFIRE SUMMIT UFO Conference. Hear From Travis In Person, And Others Who Were There In 1979, As They Share Their Experience With The Close Encounter of the 4th Kind, that led to the book, and then the movie, "Fire In The Sky". Open the link to get details on the SKYFIRE SUMMIT, November 5-8 at the Bison Ranch, in Overgaard, AZ. Watch the trailer for the new documentary about the most well-documented UFO Abduction Event in History. Mark your calendar & make plans to attend! ••••• First police officer on scene 40 years ago to speak at Travis Walton anniversary event ••••• Travis Walton Tells The Story Of His Abduction by Aliens in 1975 at 2011 UFO Conference. (Full Length Free Video) Hear Travis Describe the events that l...

The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place where stability can be found in these changing times.

The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place where stability can be found in these changing times. Dear One, You have found that your world is speeding up, even a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough. The truth is that there is an increase in the energy of the Earth's vibrational field. Because of this, people are experiencing a shift in consciousness that encourages their search for meaning in all that they do. And Universal Consciousness is now more easily available to all who seek than ever before. This increase in energy is also creating great and rapid change in the world around you. Information is more available, tremendous earth changes, such as earthquakes, fires and hurricanes, seem to be occurring with more frequency, and the very fabric of social, political and family life seems to have shifted into unknown areas. All th...


My Family Although we dance in the dark, our song is bright lighting the path as it mysteriously unfolds and reveals our new found experiences. Sometimes exhilarating, sometimes frustrating and even heartbreaking, as each moment feeds another portion of wisdom into our Souls. You came into my life and we exchanged virtues, only to find our egos wanting to be Kings and Queens. Little did we truly know and understand this through all those years of trials and tribulations, but the tide is now turning. As our egos melt in sojourn with the Poles a new found awareness resonates within, opening up new possibilities of harmonious interludes with kindred souls. A family beckons, in a time and place whose structure has never existed before anywhere in all of creation. A family of true Love, that never squabbles, that will never judge, persecute or condemn. This I know, for I know my heart, and my heart tells me that this family is in the process of becoming, for our Divine Earth Mother is ascen...

The Air Force and the National Security Space Program 1946 - 1988 ...

Within the next few years United States political and military leaders will be setting the course of military space operations for the future. They will determine national space policy objectives, the attendant strategy, the mix of space forces required, and the military doctrine for employing these forces. A thorough understanding of astronautical history is thus crucial if these decisions are to be reasoned and informed, the more likely to increase national security and reduce the prospects of armed conflict than they are to imperil command and country. With the thought of contributing to that understanding, at the request of the Office of Air Force History, through the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, I undertook this brief history of the United States Air Force and the national security space program, 1946-1986. Officials in the Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office decided on classifying this work at the TK level so that it could be made available to a larger n...


Adamski's hieroglyJitics. Flying sauc~r review, v. 8, Jan, -Feb. 1962: 7-8. Report of discovery by Prcl. Marcel F. Homet in north~rn Brazil of boulder with engraved symbols bearirag a striking resemblance to those allegedly given Adanaski on a Jiiotograi;ilic plate by a Venusian. Allen, W. Gordon. Spacecraft over Mexico. Flying saucer review, v. 5, Mar. - Apr. 1959: 16-19. Author postulates that one of the reasons Cortez had such an easy victory over Montllzuma in the conquest of Mexico was the ruler's preoccupation with the predicted return of extraterrestrial. He also quotes writings from the archives of the Aztec priesthood on early cataclysms and on phenomena that may have beE:n UF'O appearances. Ancient records of UFO ir. Japan. Australian saucer record, v. 2, June 1962: 15-17. Material in ancient Japanese history books that may be interpreted as meaning that earth has had extraterrestrial ~sitors from the very earliest times is listed in chronologi...


AIR FORCE Adler, B., comp. Letters to the Air Force on UFO's. New York, Dell Pub, Co. , 1967. 157 p. Binder, Otto 0, Exposed: why the Air Force sits on UFOs. Bluebook, v. 106, Dec, 1967: 16-19, 74-76, 78-79, Speculation on reason that USAF cloes not declare that UFOs are rflal: "the USAF cannot admit that they are unable to protect America from UFO surveillance or they would be 'out of business' in short order for having failed in their main mis.don." Booth, Leon. Flying saucers. Ordnance, v. 51, July-Aug. 1966: 30-31, USAF role in investigating UFO sighting reports is discussed. 40 Bryant, Larry w. The UFO cover-up at Langley Air Force Base. Flying saucers, June 1968: 11-14. Author gives details of UFO sighting at Langley Air Force Base on Jan. 28, 1965, by responsible witnesses and of Air Force failure to investigate the incident and subsequent misrepresentation of the facts. Cahn, J.P. Flying saucers and the mysterious little men. True, v. ~2, Sept. 1952: 17-1...


The Brazilian abduction. Flying saucer review, v. 8, Nov.-Dec. 19o2: 10-12. Dec. 1962: 10-12. Descriptiqn by Raimundo Mafra of the disappearance of his father, Rivalino Mafra da Silva, from Duas Pontes, Diamantina, Brazil, and concomitant events that might indicate aoductiou lrJ UFO. Comella, Tom. Have UFOs "swallowed" our aircraft? Fate, v. 14, May 1961: 32-37. Mister/Sergeant O. D. Hill of Project Rlue Rook allegedly related instances where aircraft being tracked on rada:r :;ny..;terioasly disap;>eared after "merging" with UF03 a.lso being tracked, Creighton, Gordon. Attempted abduction by UFO entity? Flying saucer review, v. 13, Mar. -Apr. 1967: 23-24. Translation of newspaper accoJnt (Ettala'at Teheran, Iran , Oct. 15, 1954) of an apparent attemptP.n abduction by UFO. ~-·--- Even m,.)re amazing, Flying saucer review, v. 12, July-Aug. 1966: 23-27; Sept. -Oct. 1966: 22-25; Nov. -Dec. 1966: 14-16; v. 13, Jan. -Feb. 1967: 25-27; v. 14, Jan. -Feb. 1968: 18-20...