The 3 domains of the Noble 8-Fold Way:
A former husband Visākha of the Nun (Bhikkhuni) Dhammadinnā once asked her: Venerable Dhammadinnā , are these 3 domains of morality ( sīla ), concentration ( samādhi ) , and understanding ( pañña ) included in the Noble 8-fold Way , or is it rather instead the Noble 8-fold Way that is included & divided into these 3 core domains of the training? These 3 domains, Visākha , are not included in the Noble 8-fold Way , but rather the Noble 8-fold Way is included in those 3 domains like this: Right speech , right action , and right livelihood : These 3 things are included in the domain of morality. Right effort , right awareness , & right concentration : These 2 things are included in the domain of concentration.. Right view and right motivation : These 2 things are included in the domain of understanding... Further study on the Noble ...