Energy building

The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that all matter is made ​​of pure energy, which is in a constant state of vibration and rotation.  

The Law of Attraction implies that thoughts and emotions are also energy, each having a unique signal energy.  Each frequency energy is in a constant state of attraction or repulsion with all the others.

With the recent advent of quantum mechanics, this notion has been supported largely on a micro level. 
The Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like ," and we are in a constant state of creating our reality through the we emit energy in the form of thoughts and emotions. 

Continuously we interact with the fabric of reality (or quantum field ), through thought and emotional energy, and anything on which we focus is likely to manifest itself.  

We are each creators of our own reality, and what we are we going to attract.

3 Things You Need To Know First

  1. A key factor missing from the Law of Attraction is that we are constantly creating a conscious and subconscious level both

    This explains the apparent contradiction between "opposites attract" and the main principle of the Law of Attraction, "like attracts like." 

    We are still attracting the part of all that has been splintered and repressed in the subconscious.  Basically, the features actively repressed within ourselves are still loaded, and this pent -up energy is also an attraction.

    Until we recognize and integrate, still it plays a role in creating our external reality.

  2. Our belief systems alter our demonstration process

    If you want to manifest $ 10,000 in a week, but their underlying beliefs are identified largely with a state of grace,

    This is because the Law of Attraction works both with thought and emotion, and if you try to think your way to something that you do not believe, your emotional reaction will support your unconscious beliefs rather than their conscious thoughts. 

    If you try to say. "I'll be prosperous," but does not believe, those beliefs will surface through an emotional response that suggests the opposite feeling  in that moment, you are literally on the gas pedal and brakes same time, making it very difficult rally. 

    A great tip to overcome this, as stated by Abraham Hicks , be it of "start with the general and then get specific" with its manifestation process. Start with what you may believe, and continue to expand as discover evidence its manifestations taking place. This allows your thoughts and emotions are in resonance instead of dissonant. 

  3. Whenever we are manifesting according to our highest values

    The renowned specialist in behavioral development Dr. DeMartini (which also appeared in The Secret ) found that all have an inherent set of values ​​that govern our behavior greatly.  

    DeMartini is quoted as saying,
"All our actions are strategies to align with our values ​​as efficiently as possible," along with "all our emotions are positive and negative feedback as to whether or not we live in our highest values."
In essence, the things we value most filter our perception on a subconscious level.  Regulate how they manifest, and why we do it . 

This is why, for example, why someone might establish a new year's resolution to lose weight and never achieve their goal.

If one of your highest values ​​is the social connection, your unconscious perceive that taking the time to exercise and eat properly really conflicts with the time that they would rather use social events with others. 

The trick, then, is change your perception linking on how exercise and diet really support its high value to social connection.   

For example, you may feel safer meeting new people when you are healthy and strong.  Or, you can approach it from the other end by linking its value to your goal.

In this case, you could try to involve social connection value going to the gym or taking nutrition classes with close friends.

What you need to know During the active manifestation

Here are some useful tips if you are meditating on display or in practice visualization.

  • Clear your mind

    To speed up the process of manifestation, presence and focus are key.  If your attention is scattered, its manifestation also disperses.  Write down what is bothering you, and promise him out of viewing.

    This will help you stay present.

  • Open your heart to the process

    Connect with the feeling of gratitude as you start.  This can be done by leaving a short list of gratitude, or thinking about people / events for which you are truly grateful.

    According to the HeartMath Institute,
"The  heart generates an electromagnetic field  about 60 times greater in amplitude than brain waves."
This field is measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG), and brain waves are measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG) for these findings.  The heart is an important point of attraction.

  • It was clarified

    The Law of Attraction is described as a law.  This means that responds to all, without exception.  If you are mixed up in your emotions or your vision, this will slow the process.  While clearer and more detailed it is, the faster you will reach your life your view.

  • Engage your senses

    Did you know that the brain can not really tell the difference between experience and visualization?  This is the reason why visualization is so useful for athletes. 

    This principle applies directly to the Law of Attraction.  What you see, what you hear, smell, touch and feel when you have reached your vision? 

    Feel every sense clearly, and do not be afraid to sit with each individually.

  • Involve Emotion

    This is the way to charge your vision.  Emotions are the driving force behind the rally.

  • You must align your intent with your values

    Link what you want to manifest in your highest values.  More simply, make sure that you can see how their goals support the things that matter most in life. 

    This will help you express so consistently both the conscious mind and from the subconscious.

  • Do not despair

    Try to imagine that you are gently applying.  If you are being needy or desperate in your application, you come directly from a lack emotional space. 

    The emotional feeling of lack counteract energy of thought, and are more likely to stagnate.

What you need to know after

  • take action

    Taking action will create momentum while building the evidence to create the belief that its manifestation is developing.

  •  Act as if it had already happened

    "I AM" it is a powerful and creative phrase. If you drive your behavior like that person that you have already converted, you are more strongly aligned with its target.

  • Be aware of your internal dialogue

    Remember, you are in a constant state of attracting or repelling what you want to achieve.  His internal dialogue is always creating an attraction, along with the emotional reactions it produces.  Be consistent!

  • Allow!

    Must fully release its vision to manifest it.  If you stay too close to her, her need for control may actually impede the process.  The faith and belief in the process are key.

    It may be helpful to think in terms of being in a restaurant.  Once you have placed your order, must be given time to be cooked and served to you!
We are all creators, and we all deserve to live a life inspired

The Law of Attraction is a beautiful tool that allows us to consciously use our creative faculties !! 

In the words of George Bernard Shaw , 
"Life is not about finding yourself, it's created yourself."


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