Space Weather News for July 1, 2016

Space Weather News for July 1, 2016

CRAZY-BRIGHT AURORAS OVER ANTARCTICA: The sun has been without spots for more than a week, and solar activity is very low.  Nevertheless, in Antarctica the auroras have been so bright they are casting shadows and turning the snow reflected-green. What's going on? Visit for pictures and an explanation.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS--A SIGN OF CLIMATE CHANGE?  July is often the best month for spotting noctilucent clouds and, indeed, July 1st began with a magnificent display over Europe. A new study by researchers working with NASA's AIM spacecraft suggest that these electric-blue clouds are a sign of climate change at the edge of space. Full story:
Today's space weather alert is sponsored by astrophotographer Alan Dyer, whose video tutorial series Nightscapes and Time-Lapses, from Field to Photoshop can teach you how to capture great images of the night sky.


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