Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal
- Vanishing Bigfoot
- Daily 2 Cents: Alien in a Jar? -- SETI Seeks Ideas For Hunting Aliens -- Minor Earthquake Strikes Off Daytona Beach
- Looking Back: The Butler Gargoyle
Posted: 18 Jul 2016 12:50 PM PDT
Gene in Albuquerque, New Mexico called in to tell of his bizarre Bigfoot story: “Gallup is a border-town on the Arizona / Mexico border on I-40, you cross into Arizona. It's an Indian reservation, north. It's all Native American Navajo. I lived out there. I was married to a Navajo girl... I lived out in south of Gallup. When you go south you go up in altitude. You go up about 8 thousand feet, 85 thousand feet. It's all pine trees in these mountains. Her family had land way out in the middle of nowhere. I mean it was beautiful. I can't even begin to describe where I was at. Very few belladonnas - white people. Source: Coast To Coast AM - July 15, 2016 Transcribed by Jamie Brian NOTE: Quite an interesting encounter...but I have heard similar accounts, especially in the area around Gallup and other parts of the Navajo Nation. Disappearing Bigfoot ('furry ones') is a common description. Lon Wood Knocks Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters Roswell USA: Towns That Celebrate UFOs, Lake Monsters, Bigfoot, and Other Weirdness Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals | ||
Posted: 18 Jul 2016 12:21 PM PDT
Alien in a Jar? With its tiny winged frame and reptilian face, the "dead alien" has all the hallmarks of an elaborate hoax, but some alien investigators believe it could be the real deal. Author Brian Foerster claims to have found the unusual winged small humanoid corpse in a speciman jar in an office in Mexico earlier this year. Claims are now being made in a video clip online that X-rays carried out on the "dead body" have shown a skeletal structure inside, leading to calls for further analysis, including DNA tests. But there have been claims the clip entitled "What is this weird creature with wings in this jar?" could be an online money spinner, because the clip promotes a website where viewers have to pay to see the full documentary. In a promotional blurb for the video clip, Mr Foerster wrote: "I saw this very odd animal in an office in Mexico City in January of 2016. “What do you think?" In the clip, which appear to be highlights from a longer documentary, LA Marzulli, an author and filmmaker, is seen investigating the discovery. He meets with Mexican paranormal journalist Jamie Maussan, who says: "It is a hybrid, and that is something very important, because i believe these are confidential experiments, and why I don't know. "But we have a physical body. We can analyse that physical body and prove that something, an intelligence, is behind these experiments." Mr Marzulli is then seen with an unnamed man in a white lab coat with glasses, who viewers would assume was a scientist. He says: "It has wings. We have an X-ray of this creature and we can see the structure of the bones. Mr Marzulli asks him: "So this is not a hoax, because an X-ray would show if it was a puppet or a mould?" The man replies: "No, it is not a hoax. It is not a mould." - Could this strange corpse be the world's first proof aliens have visited Earth? ********** Bigfoot? New video...Bigfoot sighting Wildhorse Lake Steens Mountains Oregon July 16th 2016 ********** SETI Seeks Ideas For Hunting Aliens In one of Carl Sagan's last books, he noted that astronomy has brought humanity to a series of "great demotions." Simply put: When we first observed the night sky, we thought the Earth was in the center of the universe. Over time, as he described in Pale Blue Dot, we tried out other theories as the criteria fit: Maybe the sun is at the center of the universe? Perhaps we're in an important part of the galaxy? We now know the Earth is in the suburbs of the Milky Way, and our solar system is only special because we live in it, but this series of demotions shows us one thing: it's easy to project our image on to the universe. This is especially true when searching for life. Because there is only one case of life as we know it -- life on Earth -- it's easiest to look for life like ours. But in reality our kind of life may not be the most common type to look for after all. A new paper in Astrobiology is asking the astronomy community to help the SETI Institute. (SETI stands for "Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.") With more data on exoplanets coming in from the Kepler space telescope, and 50 years of space and SETI observations behind us, the hope is new tools can emerge to improve the search for life. Read more at SETI Seeks Ideas to Hunt Strange Alien Lifeforms ********** Minor Earthquake Strikes Off Daytona Beach DAYTONA BEACH (CBSMiami/AP) — A small earthquake struck about 100 miles off Daytona Beach in the Atlantic Ocean. The U.S. Geological Survey says the magnitude 3.7 earthquake struck at about 4 p.m. Saturday. There are no reports of damage or that it was felt on land. Earthquakes in Florida are rare and those that cause damage are almost nonexistent. According to the USGS, two earthquakes that struck 10 minutes apart in January 1879 knocked plaster from walls in St. Augustine and were felt as far away as Tampa on the Gulf coast. Earthquakes of less than magnitude 5.4 rarely cause damage. The USGS says there are about 930,000 such quakes recorded worldwide each year or about 2,500 per day. ********** TODAY'S TOP LINKS Strange Sounds From the Sky: 1572 Fairies in Old Oaks? This Guy Trains Computers to Find Future Criminals Why do so many Brits believe in ghosts? Possible Traces of Lost Colony Found Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters Phantoms & Monsters: Bizarre Encounters Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters | ||
Posted: 18 Jul 2016 11:16 AM PDT
In early 2014, I was contacted by the witness of a winged humanoid that was originally reported to researcher Stan Gordon. The witness states that he had subsequent sightings after his first report. Below is Stan Gordon's first sighting report...then followed by the new information given to me by the witness. On March 21, 2011, I was contacted by a witness who reported having an encounter with a very strange creature during the early morning hours of March 18, 2011. The incident occurred on a rural road in Butler County between Chicora and East Brady. The witness, a businessman passing through the area, stated that “this was the freakiest thing I ever saw, and it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.” Stan notes later sightings reported to other investigators: Since that initial report that I received concerning this strange encounter, it has been learned that other local residents from that same area also reported seeing a similar unknown creature. Dan Hageman, Director of BORU (Butler Organization of Research on the Unexplained), also received several reports from that same time period and general location. The following are some of the BORU summary reports on these incidents:
Here is the report I received from the original witness and his subsequent sightings: Lon Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts Monsters of Pennsylvania: Mysterious Creatures in the Keystone State Strange Pennsylvania Monsters Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook Click the 'Listen Live' link...then click the chat balloon icon Follow 'Arcane Radio' on Facebook Call 570-478-0902 if you have any information on these cases. Just leave a message with contact number, or you can write direct to report any strange sighting or encounter at lonstrickler@ |
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