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How Narcissists Use Money To Manipulate and Exploit People

With experience comes wisdom and from this sharing comes teaching this article is dedicated to a  friend of mine.  How Narcissists Use Money To Manipulate and Exploit People In today’s article, we are going to talk about the narcissist and money. How do they use money? How do they view money? How do they use the money to manipulate other people? And are the ways overt and covert narcissists use money different. Remember, the name of the game for narcissists is to gain control and power over their victims, and money is one of the most powerful tools narcissists have at their disposal to manipulate abuse and control other people. so today, we are talking about money and the narcissist. First, let me just say that narcissists, all narcissists love money, they want money; they love spending money; they love the power that they have because they have money, and if they don’t have money, then they will want to take your money, all narcissists love money. One reason they love money so much is