The Dragons of Ufology.


"He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
If there are no humans to observe them, do UFOs exist? Consequently then do they require us rather than we requiring them? If so, why?
For the Experiencers of this common era whose abductions ring as true as ripples in the waves from those in the era which recorded the descent of the Incubus and Sucubus, perhaps Nietzche's warning has been circumvented by the natural forces of a world we fail to comprehend.
It was an epoch of Dragons, that from our distant vantage point in their future, as a basis of comparison, this epoch was not technologically determined inasmuch as we ourselves are, where the human species was largely found be focused upon agrarian pursuits, and where the first manifestation of this global species of our study appeared much in the same terms as it's technological, aerial descendant of the anomalies that were once called dragons are now manifested as UFOs.
From the relatively simple application of technology whose focus was on the organic sustenances of the population whereas our own is inorganic, again, in comparison to the ranking of sustainment of that era to our own, the metamorphism of the species has a parallel track upon our own.
For a species who has been undoubtedly disproven as one which conforms to empirical evidence, the similarity of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence as well as the similarity of description across cultures, geographies and countries largely separated from one another in terms of interaction, the Dragon is the most well established species that never existed. Again, much like it's later manifestation, the UFO.
Where once there were the living appendages termed wings of a natural world, there are now inorganic architectures that mimic this in our aircraft made of composites, where there was the combustion of fire now there is the enormous heat created from synthetic manipulations of energy fields. Long before the advent of quantum mechanics the Chinese ritualized by the embedding of the similar properties of the Dragon by way of The lung, or Dragon King, who issued orders for the Emperor by moving in four directions simultaneously. The fifth direction (in connection with the fifth claw) is the center where he remains.
In the phenomenology of this unknown species that exhibits a parasitism to the human condition,as the human condition does to the natural world, is there a coherent symbology that can be read from both the organic and inorganic manifestations which track human endeavors? This symbology reads that this species regardless of it's phenomenology represents one rung, one step, one marker beyond our own evolutionary state and station whereas, it could easily be manifest in an inverse ordering but it has not. It has manifested and metamorphosed over a long chain of historical causations to remain ahead in easily understood terms in relation to ourselves as a species with evolving qualities of our own, rather than behind and shadowing us. Or, then again does it. We will return to this later.
Secondly, it reads as a position of much greater potential power if you will beyond any we can ascribe to ourselves.
Thirdly, it exists as a transcription of our information field that returns as an energetic phenomenology that takes our transmutations of matter and stages an ever changing series of demonstrations that while following a similar, if parallel path it does so by a means which is communicated in very specific terms, by coherently the rearranging reality of our own situation that denotes clearly... an organic methodology far in advance of our own capabilities. It listens and then speaks by re-symbolizing our own terms to print out a visualized and virtual morphology of its own nature in relation to ours. As we know Angels were not always considered to be simply beneficent if one truly studies their history and it was one PD Ouspensky who mused that they were fed by the unique sensitivities of non human animal consciousness. In other words, perhaps we are a food source in a parasitism of energy as having a utility manifested in the energy that propels us until the strings are cut, the puppet shell falls to the ground wherever it happens to be standing and this energy is the tune of roughly an average of 155,000 for every twenty four hour cycle. I have a very difficult time imagining all of the enormous process required to produce this relatively minuscule albeit uniquely rarefied field only to have it not utilized in some other other words, we would be the exception to the rule...of course there are theories that, in essence, describe our existence as required by other processes which have a state and station above us and that war among other things is a natural phenomenon that is not only cyclic but is an effect of being in the aforementioned state of semi-hypnosis as described in both Ezekiel's and Gurdjieff's account of this evolutionary byproduct of a dream state which is placed as a system within systems. In Part Two of A Devils Advocate, we examined this odd state of affairs.

So has a larger system that we are enfolded into, we naturally ask if it has evolved whereas we have been substituted or, are no longer required as it were... or is our pending die off a foreseen eventuality with a predictable lifespan that parallels the need of a requirement we are unconscious of? Then again, just as our own sources of sustainment dwindle, will theirs as well? As all indigenous species will attest, whether known or unknown.... all living creatures are intertwined, interconnected and reciprocally maintained, so are the once and future Dragons, whose metamorphosis's into inorganic embodiment, are they such a species? At the same time, in alchemy, the dragon corresponds closely with what Carl Gustav Jung termed the Shadow. This term is a name for a collection of the effects of causation that are characteristics and impulses which incorporate as a self organizing form of energy, which could be conscious, but which are denied by our self comforting self images that do not correspond with a cognitive accounting of reality. However, do recognize and see them in the the phenomenology of behavior where they animate the egotism of intrigues fueled by fantasies that are the possessions of an inorganic and synthetic reality.
So perhaps these are the demented collective desires of an upside down hierarchy re envisioned to demonstrate a higher functioning unchained by the elimination of desire, as an intent, a motivation in the potentialities of humanity.
We return to our original question and that of parasitism, if there are no humans to observe them, do UFOs exist? Consequently then do they require us rather than we requiring them? If so, why? Then again, are we the objectification of desire ourselves? Is this wish inherent in desire best utilized for another's well being as they wish so for us? In the slaying of our own dragons perhaps exemplifies the meaning of dying before ones death, to sacrifice this compulsive and obsessive desire in of itself... for the benefit of others. So one must ask.... are these the objects of our own desires? Should we sacrifice the energy we provide for them instead for the welfare of our fellow man, woman and child?

The last two sentences contain the most important of all questions.
Wisdom teaching, ancient and modern, suggests we're to consider taking things as they are and sublimating desire.
Current western science teaching suggests we're to concentrate on observable phenomena and sublimate our desire for the non-material.
Thanks to your explanatory notes, I'm slowly understanding that it's not so much about progressing towards an ideal state, having achieved wisdom and a higher vantage point from where we'll understand and see everything. (An ideal state of being having manifested itself.)
Heeding connections, including digressions and diversions, is that state.



I agree that we are more than a decorative motif or an alabaster jar the ideal state we desire is what we do not recognize, and fail to heed.I suppose St George would tell us a sword is not a sword until it is used as makes a very poor book.



This reminds me of a story in which a man who was searching for direction concluded that the best way to reach his destination was to follow his own shadow, keeping it directly in front of him.
Unfortunately by the end of the day that man discovered that he had only gone in a circle.
The man was later heard to exclaim "the shadows that I was following were indeed just shadows."
On his next journey the man took with him a compass as he had heard this would take him in a straight line and he ignored the shadows.
He was later found out in the desert burned by the sun - half-dead - with the compass in his hand.
Onlookers were heard to say "he would have been better off following his own shadow"
"if only he hadn't ignored the shadows and taken refuge from the sun."
Perhaps if the man knew where he was going he would have been better prepared - he may even have just stayed home.
I have tried following the shadows and while in the desert was burned badly by the sun. I was very lucky to find my way back home.
My experience since I have returned home - sharpening and testing my sword in preparation for my next journey - is that the desert will eventually come to you even if you try to avoid it - as succession is the natural progression of this place.
So I would encourage those of you who are at home - sword sharpening and book writing - to use only the finest tools available and avoid the use of cotton candy and invisible ink. And stay out of the sun while you can.
Excellent Blog Bruce



Want some help understanding the symbology of the ancients? Dragons and shadows had and still have very specific meanings in this context.
Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes blindness...
There is comprehensive proof that the symbolism of many ancient texts, canons, and concepts is an advanced and extremely ancient spiritual & philosophical technology that predates all extant religions and mystery schools. Consequently, here is proof, beyond disproof, that all three so-called "Faiths of Abraham" are purposeful deceptions.



I find biblical literature (especially prophecy) to be only metaphors or symbolism that will 'always' fit the times and all cultures. And I don't mean a time that predates biblical text but rather all dates that came after 90AD. One will always be able to match 'this with that' because that was the intention of the writer. That was its design and such symbolism has always, in some fashion, worked for man's history as time goes by. If John existed and did receive his vision, it would have been built upon previous memories of his own. This would be the various things that he had learned by word of mouth or read beforehand.
My major point is this however. The existence of the dragon is older than all religious text. Most think that the dragon dates back to the Shang Dynasty (1600- 1100 BC), however, archaeologists have now found the dragon to be considerably older than that.
I once researched jade since it is my hobby to make fine jewelry, and I am a big history buff. Upon reading, I discovered that in 2003, archaeologists found a carved jade dragon in the Hongshan ruins at Niuheliang, Liaoning Province. The Hongshan tribes lived in the Liaohe River Valley 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. Thus far, that is the oldest known dragon in existence and it's in China. The Hongshan ruins themselves are 6,000 and 8,000 years old and the archaeologist believe that the dragon culture of the Liaohe River Valley dates back at least 5,000 years. (3000 BC)
Consequently, in 90AD one cannot have a dragon in their vision or dream unless they already knew that they existed so that they could give it a name in order to put it to paper, stone or rather papyrus be it the case.
The dragon stands as a symbol of auspiciousness and wisdom. In mythology, it was a messenger between humans and gods and a bearer of blessings from heaven to earth. If it existed in mythology it certainly predates biblical text and it was probably how John knew of dragons. I've always felt anyway that mythology was a precursor to religious text.
Laws were not fully accepted yet by all people on all lands but fear certainly was, which is why I feel that mythology was a precursor to what would eventually come (religious text) 'after' laws were common place, which is what early biblical text is all about. Of course in regard to law makers, that would be Hammurabi in 1792BC, pre Abraham.
I'm going to go off the beaten path somewhat in order to put a little more (but different) emphasis on this.
The Hongshan tribe (first dragon) had a flood story similar to that of Noah but many, many years before biblical accounts. And, there are new accounts as to the dates of Gilgamesh. Even so, from older accounts, Gilgamesh was written (2750 and 2500 BC), which would be 1,160 to 1,410 years before Moses spoke about the flood and between 500 to 750 years before Abraham was born. So as you see, there really are no answers to anything of a symbolic biblical nature, only guesses. Moses already knew of the flood due to the writings of Gilgamesh. I believe he was hand fed certainly during his walk through the desert but who ever was speaking was working with what Moses already knew.
I don't even know why I mentioned Abraham because just as we were raised on Superman, in Ur, Abraham was raised on the Enuma Elish. That was Abraham's creation story while growing up and not the one Moses tells. Of course Abraham is asked to put those things away but he must in order to change the story since mythology is soon to be put to sleep - as planned.
It is more than suspected that the great flood was the result of the Bosphorus breaking, creating what we now know to be the Black Sea. Any people living on those plains at the time would have witnessed what must have seemed like the wrath of an angry god.
Based on the still northern flowing undercurrents of what we call the Bosporus Straits, it is estimated that the water rushed northward through this channel with force many times greater than the Niagara Falls. Hence, out comes Gilgamesh's writing instrument. Large numbers survived that flood, which can be seen in the following excerpt from an abstract.
“At this time (7,550 calendar years BP), farming, which had already been established in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and along the coast of the Marmara Sea (Özdagan, 1983; van Andel and Runnels, 1995), spread rapidly inland along the major river valleys of southeastern Europe (Greg, 1988; Hodder, 1990). The light plow and simple irrigation appear abruptly in the Transcaucasus (Glumac and Anthony, 1991).
Such "wave-of-advance" population movements (Sokal, Oden et al., 1991) could have been induced by the permanent expulsion of inhabitants which had adapted to the natural resources of the formerly-emerged Black Sea peripherynamely, its arable loss, alluvial soil, and the moist loam of the freshly exposed bed of its shrinking shoreline. Such things were discovered after flood models were made.”
The emphasis of course is put on the comment, “The light plow and simple irrigation appear abruptly”. In other words, those writing the abstract feel that these were the people from the area of what is now the Black Sea that had survived. More importantly, if Noah existed, how did Noah know to get out of Dodge? Who knew beforehand (had the technology or knowledge to recognize) that the Bosporus was about to break and kill multitudes. Or was it just a story? Or, was it a story purposely and actually created in order to carry something else forward - like a belief.
In regard to 'messenger between humans and gods', I'm going to share with you one of my 'very' awake state visions that I had about a dragon.
Over the years I've seen many things in respect to visions while awake. Also, over these years, I have asked of certain things of ‘those’ that give me the visions and I receive answers. In the process of doing so, I am given mental pictures in the form of a movie on Super 8 film as answers. And I mean just like Super 8 film. The vision rolls just like a small film on a small theater screen.
Anyway, a few years ago, I asked the question "Has what is going to happen here ever happened before and if so, how it was performed?”
A few days later in a vision while awake I saw a screen, like a theater screen but it was enormous. It sat high in the sky about fifty feet off the ground. The height of the screen was probably around 300 feet high and the width was many, many blocks long, maybe even longer because I couldn’t really tell. I immediately ‘felt’ someone 'tell' me that it was a hologram.
Upon the screen I could see many people going about their daily lives, however their actions in the pictures on the screen changed suddenly to that of people (men predominantly) committing murder, rape, raping children, cheating, stealing, plundering innocent peoples homes and other heinous acts. There were no happy moments on this theater screen.
Below the screen on the ground were thousands of Chinese in ancient dress. I did not know the time but by the clothing they were wearing it was at least a few thousand years ago.
These people on the ground were running, crying, screaming and literally tearing their hair out as if experiencing madness, literal madness. Men were on the ground on their stomachs screaming and pounding the ground with their hands. Others were looking in awe at all the wrong doings performed by their people in those times. It was more than heinous. I don't even think there is a word in the dictionary that can describe the acts and how numerous they were.
I had another thought thrown into my mind that told me that this was a time of Goddesses and not Gods, which is how I came up with an approximate timeframe.
This vision was cut short at that point because my question was answered and it was tremendously bothersome anyway. I could tell (feel, sense) that there were further things that they did not want me to see, such as suicide. The vision was very interesting to say the least but I’ve had greater ones since.
Okay, so now the vision is over and I dwell on it for a very, very long time and look for all of the things in my mind that I hadn't yet thought about in regard to who, what, when, where and why. When "I" think, I get help and subliminal thought rolls in like a faucet just turned on. I get a lot of that through the day as well.
The when and the where I already mentioned in the vision. The thought of Goddesses already within their culture of beliefs would have been the tool used since those being punished by their own madness would have been the scoffers of such previously, where as those who looked on in awe would have been the believers and most likely living a life expected of the Goddesses.
The 'who' would have been the ones who had the technology to perform a hologram? For me that's a gimme. The 'what' would have been the exorbitant amount of heinous acts that had to cease. The 'why' would have been the change that takes place after the hologram is turned off.
My last subliminal thought was this. The problems were too great and too numerous and the people who needed to rid themselves of such problems were too small. Sounds like earth today, doesn't it? Our problems are too big, too numerous and we're all too small and one on one we have little to no power.
Before I forget I must mention something of great importance that is also very comical.
Just prior to mythology falling off the map for a time, did you know that upon Abraham's arrival to the promise land, that they had two weather gods?
Isn't that just like humans to create a new god. Can you imagine one tribe asking for rain for their crops and another tribe next door 60 miles away asking for no rain because their crops are flooding?
The answer to what they got is simple, they got whatever was going to happen anyway.

This is one of the most fascinating comments I have received and I must tell you that I read it after posting a much delayed piece that is based on a overnight decline into a serious illness after posting the piece you referred to, whose onset was marked by the arrival of two "goddesses" in a dream...who were attempting to create a "king" whose entire physiology was created from the efforts of others to discern the nature of reality. In my own mind, this is directly related to your comment as a synchronism of a mutual although somewhat differing symbology which in of itself is fascinating... This latest piece puts some difficult cards on the table...does all this reflect a Faustian transaction we have made with an invisible world? How do we valuate what we have paid for?

By seeing if the service given to us and others equates to fulfilling the needs of all parties involved in such a transfer.


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