Secrets of Telepathy


Is telepathy a natural phenomenon? Is everyone telepathic? What can a person do to increase telepathic ability? How can telepathy help you in your everyday life? This booklet will attempt to answer these questions in simple terms for everyone to understand.

You will learn how to become conscious of telepathic experiences and how you can develop your telepathic ability for practical use in everyday life. Although some may consider telepathy a form of "psychic phenomenon," this is not the truth. You do not have to be psychic to be telepathic. Telepathy is as common as speech, whether we realize it or not. It is our lack of understanding and awareness of telepathy that makes it seem like an uncommon experience.

Telepathy may be defined as the transfer of physical, emotional or mental energy, or a combination of these, from one living being to another without physical contact.

Telepathy may be differentiated into three types: physical, emotional and mental telepathy. True mental telepathy is the rarest form and physical telepathy is the most common. Although for the sake of discussion, I have differentiated telepathy into these three distinct types, there is really an overlap or blending of these. Usually, among the higher animals, one or more of these types will occur simultaneously during any transference of "telepathic" energy.

All of us are telepathic. Each of us have this ability developed to a greater or lesser degree. Some are more conscious of this ability than others. All of us have telepathic experiences nearly every day, usually without even realizing it.

Have you ever had the occasion to say "I was just thinking that" when someone was speaking? Or, has anyone ever said to you "You must be psychic. I was just thinking that"? Have you ever had the foreboding feeling that something was wrong, to discover later that someone in your family or a dear friend was in need of help? Have you ever been close to someone who was very nervous and found that you also become nervous? These types of experiences are usually telepathic in nature. For most of us, these experiences occur with someone who is close to us like a good friend, mate, lover, brother or sister, and especially one's child. Let's analyze what this marvel is.

The most common form of telepathy, physical telepathy, can be observed in nature where flocks of birds or schools of fish all act in unison. Although these animals respond to an external stimuli in like fashion, they also act under a common "will." Each individual in the group act in harmony with the others. A guard dog who senses that an intruder is up to no good also exhibits a form of telepathy. We account for this by saying that the dog "smells" fear. This may or may not have a basis in truth. Consider the possibility that the sense of smell is in some way related to this form of telepathy. After all, smell is the most sensitive of our physical senses, and as we shall see, breathing is strongly linked to conscious telepathic ability.

These examples are a manifestation of "physical telepathy." All forms of telepathy can be explained by analogy. Each living creature is like a living radio broadcast and receiving station. In cases of physical telepathy, when these living creatures are "tuned to the same channel," they behave in like fashion. This also holds true for emotional telepathy, but in this instance, groups adhere and react to a common feeling. With mental telepathy, individuals within groups attach and react to thoughts which are common.

Just as we live in a sea of physical substance, simultaneously we also live in a sea of emotional and mental substance. When we pick up vibrations or �disturbances� in the physical medium through our five normal senses, we respond or react physically to these disturbances. Similarly, when a disturbance of an emotional or mental nature occurs, we react emotionally or mentally.

An experiment conducted by a group of Russian scientists on the transfer of telepathic energy proved that the nature of this energy is not within the boundaries of common science. In this experiment, a mother rabbit was separated from her babies and connected to an electronic instrument (EEG) to monitor her brain wave activity. The babies were taken aboard a submarine in the North Atlantic thousands of miles away from their mother and executed one at a time in deep water. Precisely at the time each baby was executed, the mother's brainwave activity registered extreme agitation. Because normal radio waves are unable to travel through water from the deep ocean, the conclusion from this experiment was that this telepathic transfer of energy was not by means of electromagnetic radiation or "typical" radio waves. What is more important, this experiment also proved that telepathy is very real, even among species that are less evolved than humans.

Many experiments have been conducted at universities and private institutions throughout the world on human telepathic abilities. Many of these experiments were marginally successful, except among those few individuals who showed some exceptional natural ability for receiving another person's thoughts. These experiments were typically conducted by placing the "receiver" in one room and the "transmitter" in another room. The transmitter looked at a picture of one of five geometric symbols (circle, square, triangle, rectangle and star) while the receiver wrote down their impressions of what was being transmitted. When five geometric figures are used, there is a one out of five chance that the receiver will get the answer correct, even by guessing. If the receiver gets a significantly higher percentage correct, this is an indication that the receiver has an above normal telepathic ability, or possibly that the sender is an extremely strong transmitter. Later, you will learn how this type of experiment can be enhanced to produce above normal results for most people.

Our use of telepathy begins soon after we are born, and it is our parents who begin teaching us how to use this natural ability. If we could remember our infancy, we would likely recall mommy or daddy looking over us in our crib, talking to us and smiling, trying to get a smile or some similar response. Parents of young children unconsciously achieve the initial telepathic contact with the child by mimicking the child's noises (ga-ga, goo-goo, etc.) to elicit a physical response from the child. This interaction gets the child's attention, and the child's attention is on observing the thoughts and feelings being projected by the parents. It is during this early telepathic interaction that we first utilize our telepathic ability to receive thoughts and feelings.

Most of the words that mommy or daddy said were meaningless at first. As we became more adjusted to observing the sights and sounds around us, we also became more aware of the pictures and feelings that flowed through our inner vision when mommy or daddy spoke. As our awareness of the world about us improved, we then began to relate the words our parents were saying to the pictures and feelings we perceived in our minds eye. Many of these pictures and feelings were telepathic projections from our parents. We as children learned very quickly from our parents because the understanding was received telepathically.

The reciprocal flow of thoughts and feelings occurred when we wanted something, like to be fed, changed, or simply held. During infancy, we could not speak what we wanted, but rather expressed our desires without restraint in the form of vocal sounds, sometimes leading to uncontrollable physical reactions that our parents were compelled to respond to (crying, for example). Without being conscious of any telepathic communications, our parents felt our distress and usually reacted quite readily to our expressions of emotion or desire. Our parents could feel our feelings by way of telepathic communication. "Mother's intuition" is a term commonly applied to this type of emotional telepathy.

As we began to relate the flow of pictures and feelings to the words mommy and daddy spoke, we began to develop a working knowledge of language. Words were learned easily because the understanding came before the pronunciation. We found that we could get what we wanted by simply saying a word or two, and it was quickly learned that the words would get a more favorable response from mommy and daddy than crying. When we became more dependent upon words to get what we wanted, our proficiency in using only emotion (or telepathy) began to wane. The important point here is that each of us as children understood the thought or emotion being projected by our parents before relating this to the word. The understanding was achieved by telepathy.

As we grew older and became "weaned" emotionally and mentally from mom and dad, and as painful experiences influenced us, we built defenses against mental and emotional projections from others. By the time we entered our teens, our defensive mechanisms often led to ignoring, arguing with or rejecting what others had to say. We also became more assertive as transmitters of telepathic energy and less receptive to the thoughts and feelings being projected "at" us by our parents. Simultaneously however, we also tended to open ourselves to the thoughts and emotions being "offered" to us by our peers and social environment.

Our conscious ability to communicate telepathically diminished as our ability to "listen" to thoughts and feelings was blocked or filtered by our natural defenses. In some respects, it is good to block or filter thoughts or feelings being projected at us. This is a natural protective mechanism. If, for some reason, we were unable to defend ourselves from the thoughts and feelings of others, we would be inundated and overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings from all directions. Needless to say, this would produce a very confusing and incapacitating state of mind.

If you will reflect on a recent argument you had with someone, you will realize that when you were speaking to them, you were most likely projecting thoughts and feelings at them. People will react defensively to this type of projection and put up a wall of mental and emotional defense. This reaction is a telepathic response to what is being projected. Understand, that to effectively communicate, one should realize that it is the telepathic transfer of energy that gets the idea across. This means that to effectively communicate, you must tune in to the listener's wavelength (this will get their focussed attention), project the thought or feeling to them (not at them), then detach yourself from the action of projecting. Following this, turn on the receptive mode for a response.

Thoughts are like baseballs. Throwing a ball to someone will likely get them to throw the ball back, but throwing a ball at someone will probably lead to a fight and someone getting hurt! The key then, is to project thoughts and feelings to someone, not at them.

If you will reflect on your past learning experiences, you will find that the most significant things you learned was from a person, not a book. When a person is teaching, the understanding is conveyed by telepathy. An effective teacher, or speaker, is actually an efficient transmitter of clear thought and feeling. He or she understands, consciously or unconsciously, that they must capture your attention, project the thought or feeling, and then be receptive to your reactions. This three-step process is essential in all types of personal communication.

Many of us are unwitting victims of emotional or mental telepathy much of the time, being swayed by the news media, television, friends, or other transmitters of emotional or mental "waves." How we are affected by these "waves" is dependent upon which emotional or mental "channel" we are attuned to. When a group of people get together for some purpose and begin transmitting the same emotions or thoughts, the effects are amplified. This results in a more powerful broadcast transmitter. Group prayer, when properly directed, is a wonderful example of the positive use of telepathic energy. On the other extreme, a group of people influenced by projections of negative thought or emotion can result in mass hysteria.

Projections of news through the printed and electronic media affects millions of people simultaneously. Depending upon the affinities of the individuals hearing this news, people become polarized, taking one side or the other on a particular issue. Each individual then gives strength to the thought or emotion that they have an affinity with, and in turn, this thought is more likely to strongly influence other people. This tendency of the media to polarize people leads to much conflict and wrong thinking in the world.

Unlike physical telepathy, emotional and mental telepathy is less subject to distance from the transmitter. Emotional and mental transmitters can affect receivers at great distances, even across the globe. This fact is of great value when one attempts to use telepathy in everyday life.

Everyone can improve their telepathic abilities. It just takes some practice and some awareness of how to effectively transmit and receive thoughts. There are several things one can do to make themselves better receptors and transmitters for thought. Maintaining good physical health is of great benefit, but sometimes telepathy also works well in times of stress when our emotions are being amplified. When practicing telepathy on a controlled basis, some degree of mental, emotional and physical discipline is absolutely necessary.

It is very important to control breathing when attempting to transmit or receive. Controlled breathing is a tool that gives power to thought by enabling one to control and direct thought and emotion. In the practice of practical telepathy, rhythmic breathing can be used to develop a "resonance" between body, mind and emotion. When the body, mind and emotions are all working in unison, the power of thought is amplified. Further, when a "resonance" is built between two people, the ability to transfer thought and emotion by telepathy is also amplified.

Presented below are a few exercises to perform that will improve telepathic ability. The first exercise is for protecting yourself from negative thoughts and emotions. This is extremely important. Once you become more sensitive to thoughts and feelings, you want to be selective. I call this exercise, Building the Shield of Light."

The second exercise I call the "Disassociative Process." This exercise is for modifying the mental and emotional defenses that you have built up through the years that obscure your natural telepathic ability. This exercise also works well to reduce stress, and may be used in meditation for those who are so inclined. The disassociative process will enable you to become more receptive to the thoughts being projected to you from another.

The third and final exercise is called "Synchronized Breathing." As stated, controlled breathing gives power to thought. This exercise will enable you to "tune into" the person you wish to receive thoughts from and will make you a more powerful transmitter of thought.

First, a few words about why you want to do this before attempting the other exercises: The Shield of Light is a mental and emotional shield, or forcefield, that you can build around yourself with mental and emotional energy. The process of building this shield may be thought of as "light pumping." The shield is qualified and given strength by the amount of thought and emotion or "feeling" you put into it. Its, purpose is to protect you from undesirable influences that might otherwise affect you when performing the following exercises. It will also serve to protect you during your daily business.

To become more telepathic, it is necessary for you to become more sensitive to the thoughts of others. You do not want to do this indiscriminately. Instead, you want to be selective to whose thoughts you will be receiving, and more generally, what kind of thoughts you will be receiving. You do not want to be subjected to negative thoughts or emotions that will cause you to build more defenses. The exception, of course, is if you are intending to gain an accurate insight into someone's negative intentions. Then, you can then act appropriately to avert an undesirable situation. Your personal Shield of Light is designed by you to allow only truthful thoughts and emotions to enter. You will gain confidence in its effectiveness through practice and in observing how it works.

Controlled breathing properly gives power to thought energy. Through controlled breathing you will amplify the force of your Shield of Light to a level sufficient to protect you from negative thoughts and influences. It is a good idea to strengthen this field periodically throughout the day. Frequently thinking about the Shield of Light around you will increase it's effectiveness. You will find that the Shield of Light will also help you make decisions more clearly and calmly because you will be protected from the influences of others.

1. When building the Shield of Light, find a quiet spot to sit and relax for about 20 minutes. Keep your feet flat on the ground and your hands in your lap, palms facing upward. Keep your spine straight and your head erect.

2. Exhale fully and completely through the nose. During the following steps, breathe regularly, deeply and slowly. Always inhale and exhale through the nose.

3. Next, inhale deeply through the nose and relax each portion of your body with successive breaths. Think about your feet while inhaling through your nose and visualize all tension flowing out from your feet into the earth as you exhale. Then, with the next breath, move your attention to the calves and imagine all tension flowing down and into the earth as you exhale again. With each breath, successively move your focus up to the thighs, hips, buttocks, back, stomach, chest, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, head, and finally your face, relaxing each part with a complete breath.

4. Now that you are relaxed, inhale deeply and visualize the air you are breathing as consisting of white light, like sunlight. Breathe the light into your solar plexus area for temporary storage. Then, as you exhale, imagine the white light flowing from the solar plexus upward throught your spine and out from the top of your head. Visualize the light flowing like a fountain, flowing downward around you, through you, and surrounding you in a cylindrical shape around your whole body. "Pump" the light with your breathing. Visualize the energy in the air around you supporting your effort to create the shield. Visualize and "feel" the energy flowing into your shield with each exhalation. Visualize that with each breath, the effect is being amplified. Repeat this visualization and breath about 20 times or more.

As you perform this breathing and visualization exercise, mentally affirm to yourself that this shield will protect you from all negative thought and emotion. Only that which is truth or which will be good for you can exist within this shield. All other thoughts and emotions will be reflected back to their source as if the shield were a mirror to all unwanted thoughts and emotions. You should form this thought into an affirming statement. During each exhalation, repeat the phrase: I am surrounded and protected by the white Shield of Light. Only truth, and that which is good for me can exist within this shield. All other thoughts and emotions will be reflected back to their source.

A few final words on the creation of the Shield of Light: Qualifying the shield with the above affirmation will tend to prevent you from projecting ill feelings toward others. Instead, when you begin to project negative thoughts and feelings, they will be reflected back to you (the source), making you self conscious of this act. You can then take immediate corrective action and find a better way to deal with the situation. With practice, the shield will "take shape" and positively influence your actions in everyday life.

From a psychological perspective, performing the above exercise is a method of programming the subconscious mind. In programming your subconscious mind in this fashion, you are producing a mental and emotional filter which works when projecting thoughts and feelings as well as when receiving them. In a way, it works similar to self hypnosis, and in this respect, the wording of the affirmation is very important. The subconscious mind does not reason or interpret what we say. It merely carries out the actions it is programmed to do. If you program the subconscious with improper wording, the results may not be what you expect.

This process is used to get rid of, or modify, the defensive mechanisms which have been built up through the years. This exercise will also have the effect of reducing stress. Simply stated, this exercise involves sitting and watching the thoughts and feelings that flow through your minds, eye and detaching yourself from each of these thoughts or feelings.

All too often we attach ourselves to thoughts and emotions, identifying with them, and take "ownership" of them. We tend to do this even if the thoughts or emotions are not conducive to our personal health or growth. The key to succeeding in this exercise is to claim no ownership to any thoughts or feelings. Take the position of the observer. If you are in pain, for example, look at the pain, feel the pain, and mentally say that you are the observer of the pain. Do not say "I am in pain," but rather say "there is the pain and I am the observer of this pain". This mental perspective will dissociate you from the pain. The pain thus becomes separated from the "I," and the "I" is free to pursue other more productive endeavors.

In this instance of attempting to develop telepathic ability, it is important to separate your own thoughts and emotions from those of others. How do you distinguish if the thought being perceived is truly a thought being projected from someone else, or from your own imagining? The only way to do this is to have a clear perception of the thoughts and feelings attached to you. If your thoughts and feelings are likely to cloud a clear vision, you must release them and no longer give them energy. Hence, the objective here is to release all thoughts and feelings that are not good for us. Also, since you don't always know what is good for you and what is not, in this exercise you will release ALL thoughts and feelings. Because you have qualified the Shield of Light with a specific purpose, only the thoughts and emotions that are good for you will actually return and remain attached.

Bear in mind the changes that will occur from this exercise will take time. The thoughts and feeling which are prevalent in your conscious mind will change daily. Eventually, you want to reach into the subconscious mind and remove or recondition the obstacles and defenses there. Repetition is the key to success. But as you practice this exercise, you will find yourself calmer and more in control of situations that confront you. Separating yourself from negative feelings and thoughts will eventually become a habit. Controlled breathing will be used in this exercise also. Let's get on with the exercise . . .

1. Perform the Shield of Light exercise above.

2. While you are still relaxed and have given the Shield of Light a fresh charge, relax and observe the feelings around you. Also, observe the thoughts prevalent in your consciousness. Continue breathing rhythmically.

3. As each feeling and thought presents itself to your conscious mind, affirm that this thought or feeling is not yours. You are the one observing the thought or emotion. Even do this with good thoughts and feelings. Affirm that you are the one watching and observing the thought or feeling. Inhale slowly and deliberately. As you exhale, blow out slowly through the mouth and "blow" the thought or feeling away from you. Imagine the thought or feeling drifting away from you. Let it go and pay attention to the next thought or feeling.

Pictures or memories may form in your minds, eye. Observe these also, recognize them as present, and then "blow" them away. Words are also likely to present themselves. Acknowledge the words as present and then "blow" them away as you exhale. Affirm that these words are not yours. Instead, you are the observer or listener of the words.

4. Perform this exercise for about 10 to 20 minutes a day. Finish the exercise by recharging the Shield of Light for three breaths.

You should also do this exercise during times of stress. Always recharge the Shield of Light before doing this exercise, and recharge it for three breaths afterwards. Affirm that only positive and truthful thoughts and emotions can exist within the shield.

Do not fear if you feel a kind of identity loss when performing this exercise. This is not uncommon and the effect is temporary. If fear does occur, simply open your eyes, focus on a nearby object, and mentally visualize the shield of light, asserting that no negative thoughts and feelings can exist within it's boundaries. If the feeling of identity loss occurs without fear, simply go with the flow and continue the exercise, affirming that you are simply the observer of this feeling. In this manner you will have complete control of the situation.

This is the secret to successful telepathy. When two or more people are breathing to the same rhythm, their bodies, emotions and thoughts become attuned to the same vibration or frequency. This synchronization helps accurate telepathic communication. In the university experiments discussed earlier, had the subjects been instructed to breath to the same rhythm in a synchronized fashion, the rate of successful telepathic communications would have increased dramatically.

Before starting with the telepathy experiment detailed below, practice the above exercises for at least a week or two on a regular basis. The success rate will be much greater if you do this. For this experiment you will need a partner. The distance between yourself and your partner is not relavent. It will also help if you have your partner do the above exercises for a week or two as well. First, you will need to determine a comfortable breathing rate. Select a rate which is close to your natural breathing rate, but modified and controlled so that you will need to concentrate on the exact timing. In order to synchronize as perfectly as possible, you and your partner will each need a clock with a second hand that is set to the exact time. In this way, each of you can synchronize your breathing to the clock and be assured that you are in synchronization with each other.

Select a breathing rate such as follows: Inhale for 6 seconds, hold the breath for 2 seconds and then exhale for 6 seconds and hold for 1 second. Each complete breath cycle would then take 15 seconds, or four cycles per minute. If this is too slow for you, select a breathing pattern which is shorter yet still follows a similar pattern. Holding the breath is not imperative, but by doing this you are assured that the rhythm is unique, and it will tend to hold your concentration. This way you are not likely to tune into thoughts being broadcast by someone else. A slower rhythm will also tend to calm you, and this can be of benefit when receiving. It is suggested that you select a rhythm which begins and ends with the second hand of the clock on the twelve. That way if you get slightly out of synchronization, it will not take long to get back into the rhythm.

The next required item is a pad of paper and a writing tool to record the impressions of what you have received and what you will transmit. Decide what you want to transmit ahead of time and write it down. Select something that will be easy for you to concentrate on in the beginning. A favorite song, a phrase that you can repeat, or favorite scene are good choices to begin with, as these types of transmissions will be easy to concentrate on. You may select a variety of subjects for transmission to see what works best for you and your partner. For some, a picture will be easiest to send or receive. For others, a sound might produce better results. A feeling might work better for some people. You want to eventually determine what types of transmissions and receptions work best for you and your partner.

Before beginning this experiment, it is a good idea to reinforce your Shield of Light for a few breaths, perhaps 5 minutes or so. Preferably, your partner will also have performed the Shield of Light and Disassociative Process exercises before beginning this experiment. If not, he or she will not be fully protected and may not receive as accurately as possible.

Select a convenient and regular time to do this experiment. Perhaps you go to bed in the evening or prior to eating dinner. It is best not to try this experiment on a full stomach. Select a quiet spot to sit where you will not be disturbed when performing this experiment.

Each partner will take turns transmitting and receiving for two intervals. Each interval will be 5 minutes in duration. Decide ahead of time who will do the transmitting first. The other person will then be the designated receiver for that first 5 minute interval. At the end of the first 5 minutes, the person who was transmitting will switch to receptive mode for 5 minutes and the person who was receiving will transmit. This process will be repeated once for a total exercise time of 20 minutes..

When receiving, be sure to write down all impressions. Later on you will sort out what impressions were nonsense and what impressions were real. When transmitting, visualize sending the thought, sound, sight, etc. along a tube of light (like a white laser light) to your partner. Visualize your partner sitting down, breathing to the designated rhythm, and receiving your transmission.

1. Transmitter: Sit in a chair in a quiet location in front of the clock with your pen and paper in hand. Date the paper upon which you have written what you will send. Use the same paper to record what you will later receive. At the pre-designated time, begin the controlled breathing rhythm synchronous with the clock and begin transmitting the first thought. Visualize your partner sitting and breathing, ready to receive your transmission. Watch the clock to make sure your rhythm stays consistent and on time.

"Pump" energy into the thought with your breathing for the first two minutes. During the third minute, observe the thought flowing away from you towards it's destination. Feed the thought energy with your breath and then let it go. Visualize your breath giving the thought energy for propulsion, speeding it upon it's way through a tube of light to your partner. For the fourth and fifth minutes, pump energy into the tube of light that you have visualized. Visualize the tube of light as the communication channel to your partner. If your breathing falls out of the designated rhythm, write that fact down. Also write down any distractions.

Receiver: The receiver will first date the paper upon which he or she will record the impressions. Use the same page for writing what you have decided to transmit. The receiver will also breathe while watching the clock and write down his or her impressions during this first 5 minute period. If you fall out of the breathing rhythm, write that fact down. Also write down any distracting thoughts.

The receiver should visualize an incoming tube of white light. Visualize connecting with this tube of light, knowing that it is the channel for communication with your partner. Don�t feed the tube of white light energy. As the receiver, you do not want to project, you simply want to receive.

2. After the first 5 minute interval, the receiver will switch to transmitter. The person who was initially transmitting will switch to being the receiver and record his or her impressions for the next 5 minutes. Be sure to write all impressions down for later assessment.

3. After the second 5 minute interval, the partners will once again trade positions for the next 5 minutes.

4. For the last 5 minute interval, again trade positions as transmitter and receiver.

5. At the end of one week, make a copy of your notes which contain a record of what you have transmitted each day and what your impressions were while receiving. Send or give a copy of this record to your partner and have your partner send or give you a copy of what he or she has written down. In the beginning, do not do this before one week has expired. Later on, after achieving some measure of success, you may provide feedback to your partner on a more frequent basis.

6. You should continue this experiment for two or three weeks minimum, documenting all results.

7. Assess the results and modify the transmission types to transmit the single type of thought which seems to produce the best results. Also discuss the results with your partner and decide together how to modify the experiment for a higher success rate.

Assessing the Results

Given that the thoughts being transmitted in this exercise are purely random, the probability for any correct reception is practically zero. In the case of the university studies where one of five geometric symbols were used, there is a one in five chance for a correct answer, even by simple guessing. In this case however, where the possibilities thoughts are endless, the probability of guessing a correct answer is zero, for all practical purposes. Therefore, if you got even one answer correct, or possibly correct, you have done extremely well. Hopefully, you will have also proved to yourself that you do have a telepathic ability worth cultivating further.

In reviewing and assessing the results, try to analyze what conditions may have affected the processes of transmission and reception. Some questions you might ask yourself when reviewing the results are:

1. What types of transmissions worked best? Was it sounds, pictures, shapes, words, feelings, smells, sensations, etc. If you can determine what worked most effectively, use these types of transmissions during the second or third week.

2. Were the results exactly correct, or just possibly correct? Sometimes the receiver may get a vague or distorted impression of what was transmitted. This is encouraging and simply means that you both need more practice to get more precise results.

3. Were both you and your partner comfortable with the breathing rhythm selected? If one or both of you were not comfortable with the breathing rhythm, this could adversely affect the results. If this is the case, adjust the rhythm to be more comfortable between both of you.

4. Did either you or your partner have a prevailing thought which may have interfered with the transmission or reception? If this is the case, try using this prevailing thought as the subject of transmission. Also, use the disassociative process before beginning.

5. Can you determine who is better at receiving by reviewing the results? If so, the person weaker in this area should practice the disassociative process more regularly to improve.

6. Do either you or your partner have a problem concentrating while sending? If so, the persons weak in this area should practice strengthening the Shield of Light with "light pumping." This exercise strengthens the ability to concentrate.

7. Were there any distractions while attempting to transmit or receive? How did these distractions affect the results?

8. Did any conditions exist which seemed to help? What were these conditions?

Some Other Experiments

As a more controlled experiment, you might consider using the set of 5 geometric symbols as subjects for transmission. Agree with your partner on doing this before proceeding. In this manner you can guage your success rate in quantitative terms. If two of five transmissions and receptions are correct, you have doubled the success rate over mere chance. If four or five symbols are correctly transmitted, you are doing extremely well and should really move on to more interesting subjects for transmission.

Some people are more receptive to "automatic writing." You might try having the receiver open up to writing their impressions, while receiving, without conscious intervention. You may also experiment with having the receiver "reach out" mentally to try and ascertain your thoughts. For some, this approach may work better.

You may even try group telepathy experiments. Although this runs along the lines of a parlor trick, the effect is very much real. With the designated receiver not in the room, select an object, such as a specific book on a bookshelf. When the receiver enters the room, have the group think about directing the receiver to that selected object. Instruct the members of the group to "force" the receiver in the correct direction toward the object until the object is found. This type of demonstration requires that all members of the group be serious about the matter and avoid levity. The group must cooperate in the process in order for it to work properly.

If the results of your experiments are not positive, there may be a number of causes. It may be that the partner you have selected did not created a shield to protect against other thoughts. Or perhaps they did not disassociate from their own thoughts and feelings. You may want to have your partner practice the previous exercises for protection and disassociation before trying again. To assist the process, try projecting a shield of white light around your partner, protecting them against distractions, as part of the experiment.

You may want to work with another partner for two or three weeks. Some people will have better communication with certain types of people until the ability is well practiced. A more unlikely possibility is that your ability to transmit is not effective enough to penetrate through to the receiver. If you think this is possibly the case, practice the shield of light exercise regularly for two more weeks before trying again. You might also instruct the receiver to "reach out" mentally to read your thoughts while you are transmitting.

Distractions from the environment are often a cause for interrupting the flow of thought when attempting to concentrate for transmitting or receiving. This can lead to possible frustration. Instead of being distracted by the environment, use the distraction as a subject for transmission. For example, if you happen to be hungry and smell your dinner cooking, don�t be distracted by the smell. Instead, transmit the smell and hunger to your partner. If you hear a radio playing music nearby, rather than be distracted, focus on the sound and transmit it to your partner.

It may be of benefit here to present a summary of the results obtained when I performed this experiment with a friend of mine while I was in college. At the time this experiment was performed, neither my partner or myself had practiced the disassociative process before proceeding. My partner had not protected himself with a shield of light, but I had been doing this regularly for several years. My partner was located in Los Angeles, approximately 220 miles away. We transferred our documented results by mail. We practiced the experiment for two weeks only and found, to our amazement, that we had achieved a 75% success rate.

On one occasion, I transmitted a new song which had just been released by a famous rock and roll group. My partner had written down that this just wasn�t working because he couldn't get this new song out of his head! On another occasion, while transmitting I felt that I was sending the thought into blackness. I later discovered that my partner had an unexpected dinner engagement and did not perform the experiment that evening. When my partner sent me a picture of fishing, I envisioned us on the stream by the beach near my home. As it turned out, this was exactly what he was contemplating. We had discussed a fishing trip previously, but had not set a date. He wanted very much to do this, and so he sent this desire to me in the form a picture of us fishing on the stream near the ocean. I sent him a picture of a scene in the high sierras, and he perceived being in the mountains.

Of the total 40 transmissions and receptions by both of us, 30 of these were definite positive indicators of telepathic communication. Another 2 transmissions appeared to be very close, but somewhat different than exactly what was transmitted. The remainder were complete misses, including the evening that he had the dinner engagement.

The eventual goal of these exercises and experiment is to become efficient in the use of telepathy in everyday life. As each of us improve in our telepathic ability, we will learn to apply this skill to everyday situations in a practical way. You might find yourself sending a message like "Don't forget the milk" when your spouse has gone to the market. Or you might become more dependent on telepathy when making decisions at work. You may find yourself breathing to the same rhythm as your mate when attempting to resolve a problem in order to gain some insight into the way they feel or think. You might even learn the breathing patterns of your friends and family members so that you can "tune in" to them at any time. You might even help your children with their history assignments or mathematics problems using telepathy. The possibilities are endless. Eventually, you want to be able to convey useful information to your family, friends and associates, much the same in which you speak with them today. When this is achieved, the barriers that exist in using speech will no longer exist. The communication will convey understanding, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

As a race which has evolved much over the past few centuries, humans have lost the ability as a whole to use their innate ability to communicate using telepathy. Over the past few decades, however, individuals have had a renewed interest in telepathy. There are no textbooks on how to become telepathic, nor is it taught in schools. Scientists have studied it with limited measures of success. It is my hope that this little booklet will encourage individuals to experiment with telepathy and learn for themselves how to apply it to improve communication in their everyday life.

In practicing telepathic exercises we, as a race, are really taking charge of your own evolutionary process by conscious effort. It is certain that as we continue to evolve as a race, our ability to create and manipulate thoughts and feelings will continually improve. Telepathy is a natural outcome of this process.

The tools you will develop in practicing these exercises will also find value in other areas of your life. Telepathy is also the basis for healing and true prayer. As you learn to manipulate thought and emotional energy toward others, you will find that this energy, when properly qualified, can have positive effects on the receivers, mental, emotional and physical well being. You don't have to be religious, spiritual, or believe in God for this to work. Simply practice manipulating the energy for constructive purposes and natural forces will do the rest. Good luck in your practice


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