Fukushima radiation hysteria and Coast to Coast

One thing I have learned during my years of being on this earth is that
> everyone is a mixed bag. There is no researcher, no journalist, no
> scientist, no anybody that has ALL the facts correct, including you, Ken.
> There are people who research certain things and they have those facts down
> very well, but there are always holes in their understanding. I used to
> dismiss someone as soon as I found that something they said was wrong, but
> then I found out later that some of the things they said were actually true.
> I have since learned to listen to what people say, take it with a grain of
> salt, do some investigation of my own, and try to come to a reasonable
> conclusion about what is being said. I respect the serious research and good
> intent of those investigating things, even when I disagree. I realize that
> my understanding could be wrong. I also realize that I will never be able
> to understand everything, nor will I ever be able to fully understand
> everything I am interested in knowing. The best I can do is develop a
> reasonable, and reasonably accurate, assessment of what is going on in this
> world with reference to my reason for existence. It is hard enough to do
> that.
> I deeply appreciate your efforts to inform us about what is going on in this
> world and I think your website is one of the best sources of information
> available. However, to take your website and your opinion as gospel is to
> immediately assume big brother will find a way to corrupt your information,
> and with his expertise at deceiving people, I'm certain he could succeed in
> feeding you some false information that you take to be true. He probably
> already has. With that in mind, I think it behooves all of us to weigh
> every piece of information we get, knowing that big brother (the illuminati,
> the elite, or whatever you want to call the slime-sucking pieces of
> excrement that do this stuff to us), will find a way to feed us false
> information in the heart of all the good information we get. Which means we
> have to constantly weigh, compare, observe, and test the information we get
> to verify what the truth actually is. At least, to the best of our ability.
> The key to deeply understanding things is the genuine ability, and desire,
> to admit fault when proved wrong. When someone gets on a kick that they've
> got the absolute truth about something, they have a tendency to ignore
> contrary information. Ignoring contrary information is dangerous to genuine
> understanding, and leads to ego problems ("I know the truth and you don't").
> I respect your opinion about Fukushima and because of your experience and
> connections, I give it considerable weight. However, there are other people
> who also research Fukushima, and they have some compelling arguments for
> what they believe. I'm certain there is misinformation in somebody's camp,
> if not everyone's camp, but I just can't buy anyone's opinion uncritically,
> including yours. I've got to see evidence.
> The best way to win an argument about the truth is to present evidence, as
> best you can, with your logic, again, as thoroughly and accurately as
> possible, and freely allow people to come to their own conclusions. I
> respect anyone who does that, including you. I find it difficult to respect
> anyone who forces their opinion on others, especially when they ban someone
> from their e-mail list for honestly presenting an opinion contrary to the
> list's manager. A simple presentation of the contrary evidence with reasons
> for believing it would be sufficient to spur some independent thinking.
> Banning someone for disagreeing is nothing less than low-level tyranny.

Fukushima radiation hysteria is a well orchestrated and well funded
> Illuminated promotion scheme, as much as global warming is a well funded and
> approved Illuminated psyops. I've written at least 20 articles since March
> 11, 2011 exposing the outrageous confabulations and exaggerations of the
> army of liars and "experts" the Illuminati has assembled to convince the
> public of this fable while they've been dropping radioactive isotopes from
> chemtrails for a number of years now, and using the Fukushima fable as a
> cover story. Fukushima radiation promotion serves multiple hidden propaganda
> goals which you can read about in the articles I've posted, but promoting it
> here, on the E-Y forum, is not a good idea.
> Coast to Coast is a CIA influenced disinformation operation, despite the
> many legitimate guests who do interesting and honest shows on paranormal
> experiences, etc. George Noory, like Art Bell, is ultimately a sellout who,
> while pretending to be anti NWO, proves his true colors by routinely
> bringing on guests who are in the business of selling well known
> Illunminated themes: British Israel, End Times, aliens who are going to save
> us, or aliens who are going to destroy us, or the Coming Alien Brotherhood
> (Project Blue Beam), asteroid hits, Nibiru, The Sky is Falling promoters
> like Steve Quayle or Lou Marzulli. Noory or the weekend guy NEVER seriously
> challenge the fakery of staged news like Sandy Hook, Aurora, the Boston
> Marathon, or Santa Monica college fake shooting etc., etc. IT'S A
> DISINFORMATION OPERATION and it's not going to be promoted on this forum.
> Ken Adachi

Well, that's too bad Ken, but this isn't a post-whatever-you-want type of forum. I embrace certain ideas and positions expressed on my web site that I assume the people who join this forum are in sympathy with.
If you wanted to post articles to this forum telling its readers what a wonderful, sincere, honest and legitimate President we had in Barack Hussein Obama, especially before the election, or how loyal and trustworth is the US congress in serving the highest constitutional interests of its citizens, or what a swell bunch of guys run the Pentagon are and how they are "protecting" us and helping to keep the Middle East "safe" for democracy and you feel it's a good idea to join right up so "you can do your part," or wanted forum readers to know that Global Warming is melting the polar ice caps and that without the carbon tax and Al Gore we're all going to burn up in next 50 years, or how the satanic hand sign flashed by Bush family and their satanic Illuminated friends are REALLY just an innocent representation of the Texas Long horns, or that vaccines ar actually safe and necessary and perhaps SHOULD be mandatory in order to "protect" our children because parents aren't really as smart as the CDC in making these important decision, or how 911 couldn't possibly have been an Inside Job since the government, you were certain, couldn't EVER do such a treasonous and despicable thing to its own citizens, or that it's preposterous to believe that the police, fire, emergency, FEMA, DHS officials involved in the Boston Marathon were actually COLLUDING in a criminal conspiracy, along with the media, to deceive and defraud the public on April 15, etc., etc., etc. etc. , then you wouldn't remain on the E-Y forum for very long because the promotion of those positions would be in direct opposition to what I'm trying to achieve and to allow an opponent (or a troll) a free hand in ones own back yard is not very intelligent thing to do.
It's easy to spout the ideals of a perfect democracy environment in which all opinions are welcomed and cherished, but this is no longer 450 BC and we aren't living in Periclean Athens. This country is being devoured by pathological criminals and if enough people don't wake up to that fact in the very near future, then there won't BE an American future and then you'll find out the REAL meaning of the word "tyranny."
There is almost nobody on the internet who is decrying Fukushima radiation as a HUGE con job that exceeds the hyperbole and fraud of Global Warming by a large factor. Besides myself and Jim Stone, I am not aware of any other popular web site that takes that position. They may exists, but I am not aware of them. So you will have no trouble in finding plenty of other web sites. like rense.com, or that totally phony, made-to-fit-the-bill con job called energynews.com, and Leftist blogs and forums where you can gleefully jump on the Fukushima, The Sky is Falling surfboard and ride that wave into the sunset.
I've ALREADY taken lots of precious time to examine the statements of 5 or 6 of the well known Fukushima radiation "experts" that came out of the box right after 3/11 and have disassembled their specious and phony claims with facts and documentation available to anyone on the internet. ANYONE with a brain can CAREFULLY examine the details of ANY Fukushima alarmist radiation piece and find the appropriate data using a search engine and logic to refute the predictably exaggerated assertions. You talk to me like it's my job to lay out all the facts for you and see if I can convince you. It doesn't work that way. It's a do-it-yourself life. Go back on my Current News page, starting with March 12, 2011, and find the articles for yourself.
I recently had a woman named "Tracy" who sent me an email and link to an article filled with Fukushima radiation hysteria that was ENTIRELY based on a COMPUTER-CREATED SIMULATION and not real data, nor real measurements. She had these dramatically colorful swirling "radiation" clouds coming out of Daiichi that spanned the ENTIRE Pacific Ocean and then spread to the whole western half of North America with their COMPUTER-SIMULATED DEADLY radioactive COLORS --that meant absolutely NOTHING.
And the heart wrenching RHETORIC that went along with the graphs and videos! Oscar-winning material from top to bottom; really impressive, but totally meaningless.

So that's the way it is and that's the way it's going to be... on this forum at least: a "low level tyranny" according to you. By the way, you are free to unsubscribe yourself from this low level tyranny whenever you wish.
Ken Adachi


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