
This process will move back up to the heart center. Once separation has begun to dissolve the coagulation reorganizes fundamental ideas and patterns for balance and harmony. This section will make extensive use of imagery but this imagery must be made within the state of vibrant stillness to have effect. Also when visualizing try to go into what is happening rather than just viewing as if watching a screen.
In the monad we want to shift primary drives. In the causal the goal is to create the underlying patterns for energy to follow. In the astral we are shifting the view of movement. In the etheric we are opening the channels of energy and creating a sustained flow. In the physical we are realizing small gaps in the process to ensure awareness of the illusory nature is maintained. In the monad again we are merging awareness and being to create a seamless experience. Each section has a direct practice in the meditation and practices/reasons behind the goals.
During the actual meditation I simply experience the vibrant stillness and move deeply into this state exploring what I sense. Do a short mental exercise (based off of the addition below) to see when your knowledge becomes a series of explanations that remain ultimately unsatisfactory.

Here the goal is to shift the primary drive from an ultimate end point be it physical (the mansion), mental (absolute knowledge) or anything else to the primary drive of exploration and experience. Let me begin this by saying that as you delve into the the essence of things you realize the truth of its incomprehensible nature. The point at which there is complete equilibrium cannot be expressed because there is no time to formulate a concept of it. There isn’t even space or any basic idea. As I will attempt to show even stillness and other such ideas are only the inwards perception as opposed to the outwards expression. Yet you can in a sense experience this point in a constantly refreshing way.
As Socrates said “True knowledge comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us.” Yet when you really read the works of Plato on Socrates you see a man of great ability. Each time you delve into the “still point” you have an opportunity to gain entire new knowledge and perspectives yet try to describe the entire basis for what you know at its very core and you are left speechless. The real benefit comes however from making the exploration. It yields realization that, when put into consistent practice (and this is an absolute key) creates very obvious evidence of greater harmony and a more effective method.
Try to find out what modern science knows about what matter IS. You will find many large terms, explanations saying it is easiest to view, imagine it is like, it is the process of. Yet not a single one can come out and make a simple or direct answer. Obviously however with planes, electricity, super computers, rockets and all the other inventions of this era there is a real knowledge of how to manipulate. This is simply a reminder, to myself and to you that this and any other system is no better whatsoever than dogma if it is not allowed to dissolve in due time. Never delude yourself to attaining absolute knowledge but always seek to learn. This may or may not seem obvious yet I have found it necessary to reaffirm it to myself from time to time.

It is also dangerous to have no “religion” because without repeated results you cannot be sure of what action/intention is creating what effect. Therefore it is necessary to make a complete system and to follow it “religiously” for sometime. However the moment you truly begin to feel it has been “completed” and you KNOW delve directly into the essence. Using every tool you have developed try to explain it. Not just look at it and say well see you can’t but with focus and intensity attempt to solve the underlying core of the universe as something to be understood. By tearing apart your own knowledge in this way you dissolve the ideas of a complete or supreme truth. See if your knowledge is truly complete or if it has become an endless spiral or empirical data with no real solid framework, degenerating into dogma and romanticism.
It is important to hold both the views of the purist and the mapmaker. Figures like Tolle and Maharaj who continuously focused on the lived experience of presence. Also figures like Chia and Crowely who developed massive understandings about how to manipulate the expressions of this fundamental essence. At this stage the attempt is to formulate a core understanding that you can learn but you will not gain supreme knowledge which is another illusion. All that supreme knowledge is, is a place where you can stand, where you no longer need to find because you just have everything. Science and spirituality need one another. Without science spirituality becomes blind faith with no understanding of processes. Without spirituality science becomes utterly dogmatic hiding its root ignorance behind a glorious wall of terms that give the illusion a supreme knowledge. The flow can be manipulated but there is no where to stand.
Now do this and delving into stillness use every single one of the tools you have to explain your core concept and solve it. I have called it pressure and my experiments have been largely internal. Science now calls it the higgs-boson. You likely have your own name for it if you have taken this practice seriously. Call every understanding you have into question and follow these pointers down until they change from a direct arrow to an endless spiral (almost there) then dissolve the dogma that changed the effective pointer into a spiral of repetition and re-cognize what you have learned in the depths to create new realizations. The knowledge may have dissolved into infinity and countless band-aid attempts to rework what no longer does however they are still observed data. Just your clinging to an old system has distorted them however the moment you allow a release from the old dogma the chance for a satori (instant profound realization) is there. The information is not false but you are looking at it through years of build-up and lost perspective. The second you see a pointer with fresh eyes the pattern is re-cognized.

Returning you must realize that the previously straight arrows are now slightly cracked and fragmented. New realizations can shift the entire perspective slightly showing gaps in the understanding that was once thought complete. Expose the new shadows that have been revealed and realign the arrows. Now delve into the depths again using viewing the experiences from a fresh perspective rather than the endless spiral. Recording this let go and simply explore and experience rather than absolutely understand this vibrant stillness.
Move the yang hand back to the testicles/ovaries.
In the causal realm we must create the underlying archetypes and ideas that will uphold the patterns of the other levels.
Focus on the heart center.
Imagine 4 cones emerging from the heart and moving outwards to the left, right, in front, and behind you. If you have trouble with visualization then imagine just one cone of 2 spiraling points.

The waves spiral outward overlapping 6 times. Then they spiral back in toward the heart.

See the spiral points reach the edge of what will become a torsion field. One point moves in each direction continuing to move up/down slightly before spiraling back in towards the center. The points reenter at the heart and throne chakras spiraling 6 times before merging back into the core. Then spiraling out again, repeat this several times. Especially if you only imagine one cone I would recommend viewing it emerging atleast once in each direction. Repeat this at the each level (throat, solar), (third eye, naval), (crown, root). Do it one last time imagining the points spinning off out of sight and reappearing above and below entering back into the energy field 2-3 feet above the head and at the feet. Each torsion field will spiral through the body to the heart center 6 times yet they enter at different chakras so they will overlap strengthening one another.

Now recognize that these spiral patterns map out the pattern which ultimately creates the fruit of life.
Imagine the image of the fruit of life within the torsion fields. Then each of the platonic solids representing the elemental archetypes. Finally three star tetrahedrons one counter rotating, one rotating completely to the left, one right, all overlapping. Remember that this pattern is repeated at each plane. The reasoning behind this is to continuously redirect the energy at each level. Like a plane that is constantly adjusting its course so that it stays on target. Imagine being wreathed in a luminous gold sphere.


This forms the merkaba which allows for interdimensional travel (Physical - Causal), again the entire point at this stage is to completely integrate and balance energies. Doing this at the basic level of idea. Remember that in dissolution I described being here as more of a kind of pressure than any actual objects. Each torus is created by a series of pressures which results in outward flow and in order to maintain equilibrium because there is no-thing here there is also an inward flow. These 2 energies are created as an aspect of every pressure. By nesting the torsion fields you create overlapping pressures. The alternating patterns of pressure create what is perceived as wavelengths, this is the name of god which cannot be spoken. From this “word” which is simply the overlapping pressures energy expands or radiates out (light) and collapses or gravitates inwards (dark or light moving away). This vibrating energy then creates form when several of these energies converge at a point. Depending on how you view the torsion field there are different perceptions. Directly from the top it would appear a point of nothing because the energy is gravitating inwards therefore nothing is moving towards your point of viewing. It would appear as if this point was absorbing all energy around it. From a slight angle there would be intensely fast switching between the gravitation or absence of light and radiation of light. From a sideways view it would appear as if the pressure was creating a strong radiation of energy. The degree of pressure determines the amount of radiation and gravitation. Depending on the perspective either energy can be seen as the stronger however ultimately they are equal. Since there was no thing at this still center point any outward expression of pressure must seek a return to equilibrium with an equal and opposite reaction. There is neither infinite expansion or infinite collapse but a cyclical movement of growth and decay.
Converging energies create focal points. So as you create additional nested fields expanding from the heart center you create a higher chance of convergence. Therefore the causal is a fleeting idea. The astral becomes an energy that can temporarily be expressed as form energy but is constantly shifting without a direct awareness to focus on instantaneous points of convergence. The etheric has fairly regular convergence so it maintains a constant form but it is still random enough to be viewed as a constant flux. The physical has so many continuously converging points that it appears solid and the interplay of convergence and dispersion creates a gradual shifting perceived as movement. For this I shifted the physical from the root to the heart center as I mentioned in my description of the chakra system.
There is one final aspect of this and that is creating the idea of certain fundamental qualities. At each level I have tried thinking of a key word and viewing it as a pressure residing in its given chakra. The words I have used are crown: nobility (as in the heroic or aspect of divinity residing in man), Third eye: Wisdom, Throat: Harmony, Throne: Grace (from integrity), Heart: love, Solar: Willingness (from will), Sacral: Joy, Root: Peace (from strength). Now this isn’t pure fancy but due to the work of Masaru Emoto’s water crystals.

I wanted to create the highest possibility of forming and maintaining constructive interference (converge) or harmony. So I have put together a blueprint of what I feel would be the most effective methods to coagulate in a way that will shift perspective fundamentally.
Repeat the AUM mantra 3 times.
Move your yang hand up to the naval.

  Here we are building a layered cyclic view of time rather than a linear continuum stretching to infinity with a seemingly concrete past and future. I am not trying to get rid of looking at movement to tell time, movement is the core of time. I am trying to absolutely dissolve the idea of a solid past that is utterly separate from this moment. Replacing it with the idea of a cycle, not as an understanding but as a fundamental reality.

We understand time is cyclical movement yet we have a very clear mental construction of time as an orderly past moving into the future. Obviously it is simpler to make sense of things this way yet any analogy can be harmful if taken as truth and this is the case with “linear” time. So deep set that people must point out recurring patterns like ice ages to the surprise of many. Add core ideas that often go unnoticed with strong emotion overlaid and you enter habitual patterns that you lock in by believing they are stuck in the past rather than this exact moment.
Think about this present moment. By this present moment I do not mean the perception since this is a memory the moment you realize it. This is obvious because regardless of how short the interval is there is a lapse from the moment of sensation to the moment the brain has processed the patterns into perception. Also even if the perception itself were the present moment how can you determine when that ends and becomes memory? Is it after 1 second? 10? Perhaps a few milliseconds. No matter how close in you go there is always a question if this is really the now in any perception. Yet if you move further out it quickly becomes clear that the perception is not now. Move out even a minute and the distinction becomes clearer, move out an hour or a day and it becomes difficult for anyone to say that they are living in the present by viewing that perception. The true present is not a perception at all but the stillness that we have been exploring all along. Memory and imagination are always overlaid on this present moment and they form past and future.

Imagine a dot. This then expands to the figure of the lorenz spiral. Now simplify the image making this spiral a simple figure 8.

Nest several of these spirals within one another.

Now imagine that rather than spinning around the loop, the loop is like a fan belt it is moving through the still point of the present. This again implies that there is no past or future you are moving too but rather this present moment as an expression of the pattern. As the belt runs through this present moment it creates a vortex. In these vortexes are the akashic records.

In this perspective of time there is clearly a form of past and future as the elements of the cycle not in awareness. You still understand the patterns, you still tell by the sun that it is noon. However these are all part of the same one cycle and we are perceiving one section. Think of the flatlander when describing a 2d surface and how they would only see a small cross section of a 3d surface. In this way we are only seeing a section of the cycle. Yet it is a single whole cycle nonetheless. You are still aware of the other aspects of the whole (work week, daily routine, seasons etc.) however the main focus remains this still point of pre-sence. The past and future take on a peripheral role in a far greater sense.
Each of these cycles refers to a period of movement. Second, minute, hour, day, month, year, century, millennia etc. Replacing the straight line that was dissolved earlier with this view implies that there is no straight progression from future to past in the way it is thought of but rather each moment is a whole that exists in its entirety as an energy field.

Try to change a cycle within it and you will have great difficulty as if trying to swim upstream. You are caught not by a past moment but by a cycle as a whole. However each cycle mirrors those below, as each dissolves it begins again. Shift the tone mid song and you shift the feeling of a song but not necessarily the underlying current. Begin a song with a certain tone maintaining it atleast fairly regularly and that will form the base of what it is expressing. Haunting and slow, upbeat and cheerful or anything in between. Also the lorenz attractor implies that each cycle will shift slightly regardless. So shift the minute cycle, you shift the hour cycle, shift the hour and you shift the day etc.
However there is no past as a place you can go to, simply whole patterns of movement and energy. This for example allows you to read an author long dead and channel their presence by creating the conditions for a specific cycle. Every reality is here and now. Remember this is simply an effort to build a different perspective of time.
I am trying to abolish the mental hold on the idea of past and future. As in something happened in the past that I must repeat, change, forget, etc. Take a look at your record again and see if you can point out the recurring patterns. They are not locked into the past but rather this moment. Instead every past expression is dead as soon as it is an expression of energy that has dissolved into the akashic record. Even if you could build that event again it would never be from the same perspective.
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it
-- Omar Khayyam
We are playing out of the cycle that is enacted by our manipulation of the energy flow. Yet this means that by focusing on and honouring this pre-sent moment completely you shift the lower cycle. We will use the second because when one second ticks you can count it, perceive it, and act. If anyone tells me they can count the milliseconds ticking it is unlikely because counting requires movement. So for our perception the second can be a base point. Shifting this moments cycle and maintaining the new cycle automatically reorganizes the pattern. Completely destroy the ability to relinquish responsibility by saying well this happened and that is reality. In this way of looking at things if you do not honour completely the present moment you automatically create discord through the entire pattern. This is not an instant fix because as I said the cycle must be maintained as you shift each higher cycle by focusing on honouring this moment. This means that you must have an absolute responsibility to this pre-sent moment of vibrant stillness.
If you have failed to honour a friend and broken a promise to him through irresponsible action then by moving into the guilt, apathy etc. now merely upholds the same cycle. In this cycle you cannot help but create further expressions of guilt and apathy. You have put a veil over the still point removing your exit from the cycle. By lifting the veil over stillness you find the shift point. Then focus on shifting to honouring just this second by allowing vibrant stillness in each second. Now you view all events over each minute, scrubbing a dish, raking leaves, smiling at a stranger with a complete allowing, honouring the current expression. More and more bring this honouring into each minute and as you make it consistent it expands to the cycles of hours.
The higher cycles don’t shift immediately. However it is like by shifting you move towards a door in a room. You are still in the room but you are one step closer. By moving back to the old pattern you step backwards and meet with more expressions of that energy field (room). Or for another image you could say that you are changing the room itself shifting the colour of the walls, the carpet to wood, the furnishing until eventually it is a completely different room. However this means there is an intermediate stage where you have expressions of both cycles. It is of utmost importance to release the habitual reactions and emotional attachments that lock you into repeating a cycle as we have done in dissolution. Every time you will destroy the progress you have made. Realizing that there is no solid past you begin to see that every moment is going to be gone forever with no room for regret or despair you move absolutely into honouring this moment. The experience of vibrant stillness makes those moments something to be cherished as deep vibrant stillness is a very gratifying experience. Then your honouring, caring, and respect naturally stem from a heartfelt gratitude for the experience.
If this moment of perception is the past already then we can also reduce down imagination. Rather than imagining the future since we realize that this is one cycle we imagine this present moment.
‘The faculty of imagination is both the rudder and the bridle of the senses.’ Leonardo Da Vinci
You are basically removing the seeming break between memory and imagination and seeing them as aspects of one faculty. Perceiving this moment you imagine what you will right now and you also imagine this memory as vividly as you can make it. It is important to realize that imagination is not just a tv screen in the mind, it is an active influence.
Now remember that this is the astral. Robert Monroe said “where awareness goes energy flows.” By believing that the perception is the present moment your awareness is focused on a memory. You are leeching your energy into the past.
An example of this became clear for me one day after smoking some marijuanna. I know nothing was in it because it was out of an ounce I had ground and been smoking for some time. This was the only occasion I experienced this so vividly, I was walking down a corridor and suddenly each moment began flipping by like images of a movie screen. Then my shoulder bumped into the wall, as I sensed this I was still walking forward. I began to have the feeling of falling through the wall as my awareness remained on one sensation and I had to shift memories back up to what was occurring. During this time I also began to feel more tired. I realized that if I was seeing slowed down sections as something happened in my mind then this was quite possibly what is happening every day but at such a speed that you never notice it. Your awareness continually caught ever so slightly in each perception as your energy leeches into the environment.
Consider for a moment that advanced meditators can fairly easily go with 2-4 maybe even fewer hours of sleep in a night without a loss of energy in the day. As my own meditations have gained a greater quality of this felt vibrant stillness I have also been able to wake up after very few hours sleep feeling refreshed. We continuously use terms like needing to recharge our batteries. You are living in the past and in an illusion if you believe that this perceived world is the reality of the present moment.
There is something else to be taken from this statement and it applies to the Buddhist idea of no action. In the astral realm (astral projection) you move by intention not effort. Rather than pushing forward or swimming through space you simply view a location and intend that you move towards it. Here is a practice to try. As you ground yourself in vibrant stillness practice with simply creating the intention to be across the room and see if you can allow the energy to feel like it is flowing forward. Allow the expression of movement to occur.without any focused concentration on the action itself unless learning something new. The effort is not so much the effort of lifting a weight but more so a mental effort and tension. This practice will be enhanced by the next section.
One final note is the monkey mind. Remember that by going inside I do not mean inside the body. This too is a perception. If it is true that the focus of awareness on illusory perceptions drains our energy then we are also draining energy into the brain and gut. The statement is not control the monkey mind but rather free it. You are pumping your energy into the energy fields of the mind aspects endlessly. In response they have become restless and constantly moving stirring up repetitive emotions and thoughts.
Remain vividly in a state of presence. Whenever you fall stand again because you are always going to create expressions of the cycle you are in whether you take responsibility or not. Stand again and again focused on honouring the needs of this moment.
Repeat the AUM mantra 3 times.
Now move the yang hand up to the diaphragm.
Remember that in the causal we generated the patterns of pressure only. That is still an idea. At the astral we generated motion as a vortex appearing as vibration. In the etheric this vibration is going to be perceived as light and energy. This will take the form of kundalini energy, the connection of the antahkarana and the flow of chi.
You have practiced parts of this over the course of dissolution now it is time to build upon that preparation by developing the body to be able to hold high concentrations of energy flow. Keep in mind that in the practical section I will begin going over aspects like mental/physical exercise, chi kung, tai Ji, etc. These will provide further help but for now we will stick to the meditation aspect.
For this practice consider myelin which forms to link neurons every time they fire in the brain. They act as energy highways providing a direct link for quicker signals. You don’t just get used to doing something but literally you brain becomes more adept at firing signals to create certain actions. The myelin acts as a high-bandwidth cable for electrical pulses. In the same way you are creating the ability to hold and maintain stronger charges throughout the body. You can experience kundalini without much practice. However the body will not be able to maintain the stronger energies and you will become exhausted. You can then end up with a severe imbalance of energy, with another possibility being strong mental shock. By gradually building up energy in the body you also prepare your mind for the experience. So we will take it step by step.
Begin by practicing energizing breathing.
Hold the maha bandha, described in part 1. Lower the chin, pulling up on the back of the head, and lengthening the spine. Keep the tongue to the roof of the mouth which connects energy flows described as ida and pingala running up the back and chest. The movement of the head also activates the cranial pump assisting the flow cerebrospinal fluids. Clench the glutes by imagining pinching a penny between the butt cheeks (place a hand above the penis/vagina and feel what movement occurs) pulling the tail bone down and forward. Then tighten the abs slightly pulling up and in. These movements activate the bottom 2 diaphragms and the sacral pump, this generates strength that radiates in the body. It also closes the gateways in the sexual organs and anus preventing energy loss.
First energizing practice, breathe into the stomach as you have been but now imagine that the chi generated by the breath is pooling in the body. Every in breath imagine the lungs then the lower organs being coated in chi. The lungs, heart and organs are covered with connective tissue called fasciae. You are imagining (but remember that the felt sensation is necessary) these fasciae are storing the chi energy. The chi coating the organs massages them with your deep rhythmic breath, providing a layer of protection, regenerative energy and nourishment. Imagine that the abdominal cavity, inner walls of fasciae, and outer layers are pulsing with chi energy.
Second energizing practice, breathe into the skin imagining every pore opening and absorbing energy. Now send this energy inwards breathing into the spine focusing on the core of the spine and moving down to the tailbone on the inhale then up to the third eye on the exhale. Simply focus on opening a channel of energy that freely flows in the core of the spine. Then breathe into the bones imagining that the chi energy is coursing in from the yin hand and foot moving into the torso, spine, head and then out through the yang hand/foot. Repeat the AUM mantra imagining the bones vibrating finely.
Third energizing practice, breathe into the muscles, ligaments and tendons. At first tense each arm, each leg, back, chest, belly, groin, and neck separately imagining energy flowing into every muscle, tendon and ligament. Once comfortable with this practice you can simply do whole body tension. Inhale tense, exhale relax; breathe deeply into the whole muscular system.
Now for standing energy movement practices.
For standard position, stand and put one knee to the ground. Touch the heel of your foot to this knee. Rise and this is how far apart your legs should be. Imagine the feet growing roots into the ground. The arms are held forward at the middle tan tien with hands pointing down, fingers drooping towards the ground. Arms are relaxed with elbows dropped slightly. Feet are straight ahead, knees bent. Whole body is square and symmetrical, shoulders dropped slightly. Neck is relaxed, keep the spine straight (practice against a wall at first if posture is poor). Hold the maha-bandha
First standing practice, inhale the vortex breath and the hand rise to the upper tan tien. Exhale the hands drop to the lower tan tien. Practice 4-5 minutes.
Second standing practice,with the hands at the middle tan tien hands slightly turned to one another. Inhale the vortex breath and the hands expand outwards. Exhale and the hands move back inwards. Practice 4-5 minutes.
Third standing practice, rub hands vigorously together until you feel strong heat. Separate hands about 10 cm finger slightly bent towards one another. Practice wave breath and move with inhalation/exhalation. Expand and contract hands by about 30cm feeling a ball of energy that gradually expands to encompass the arms up to the elbows. Move hands in a figure 8 pattern high point throne chakra, low point heart chakra holding about 10cm apart expand energy ball to the chest. Begin rotating torso back and forth expand figure 8 pattern to the upper and lower tan tien grow the energy ball to encompass the body.
Fourth standing practice, bring one arm in towards the body so elbow is directly up and down with palm pointed upwards. Same side foot shifts inwards 30-45 degrees Tense and contract the palm bending the fingers slightly as if gripping a basketball, allow the toes of the same foot to grip the ground as if they were connected. Corkscrew the arm forwards so that it ends in a half loop with palm at the level of the middle tan tien, pointing to the lower tan tien. Elbow down and outwards, knee bent outwards slightly. Now place both feet at 30-45 degrees inwards pivoting on the inside balls behind the large toes and both arms at bottom position. Corkscrew both arms forward and both feet back to square position. Arms should be about 10-20cm apart and bent wide as if grasping a just too large tree trunk. Once in this position hold it and imagine that with each in breath you are rooting into the earth and absorbing some of its energies. Releasing through the third eye.
Finally the practice of building sexual energy and transforming it into vital energy. To do this you must be able separate orgasm from ejaculation. To do this you bring yourself 95% of the way to an orgasm then hold the maha-bandha. In this position pull the testicles down and forward as they must contract for ejaculation. Besides this or in addition to it there is a spot just in front of the anus that is indented feel for this area and gently push inwards up to the first knuckle. Doing this at the point of orgasm will also assist in stopping ejaculation. With practice it will be possible to move to a full orgasm without ejaculation. Then imagine that this energy is forming a sheathe over your body and gradually sink it inwards to the bones. Or you can spiral the energy up to the crown and then back down to the feet, repeat several times. For women avoid any pressure on the upper wall of the vagina however more focus is on the energy lost in the menstruation cycle. I won’t talk too much about this as I don’t have enough real knowledge. However if you place the thumbs at the navel and connect the index fingers in a downwards triangle then where they meet is roughly the center of the ovaries. Focus attention here and breathe deeply, massaging the area with your finger. Try to build up energy here feeling a build up of heat. Now spiral the energy down to the perineum and then back while in the maha-bandha. Then spiral the energy from the perineum to the ovaries to the diaphragm. Then raise the spiral to the throat. Finally raise the energies up to the top of the head doing this spiral just 3-4 times before storing the energy in the lower tan tien.
Whenever you finish imagine you are spiraling excess energy into the lower tan tien in a counter clockwise motion (chia does reverse many aspects like spirals for women). Do this by reversing the spiral of the vortex breath.
Now for the actual practice of awakening kundalini as well as connecting the antahkarana

Begin by visualizing 2 points of bright blue flame at the base of each foot. These points enter in through the feet and spiral up each leg. Meeting at the root chakra they spiral up the spine crossing at each chakra. They move all the way up to the crown chakra and spiral outwards, then down in an oval. They spin downwards and reenter the body through the feet. Feel this energy opening each chakra and at each tan tien pay particular attention to any sense of solidity. Do not try to abolish this but rather recognize that it is still a perception and therefore already has energy underlying it. Allow the sense of solidity to begin vibrating from within.

After repeating this for some time imagine 2 more spiraling points descending from several feet above the head and intertwining with the kundalini. This energy repeats the same process but moving down the spine rather than up.  This is designed to create a complete whole body realization of the subtle that is sustainable and balanced.

Now move the yang hand up to the heart.
Imagine a yin/yang symbol.

Now imagine it spinning faster and faster. As it spins faster it suddenly appears to slow down and then stop. Now Imagine being able to switch between the spin and the still image. You are trying to become aware that in the perception of movement there is still that original still image it is just moving now. You are trying to see individual moments within constant movement.

To gain some practice with this watch the rims of cars as they drive along. Or continually shift your eyesight on objects that you pass in a car or that are passing you quickly while you are still. Better yet is to get a strobe light and a spinning wheel (ideal would be where you can control the speed of light and wheel. Then adjust the the speeds until the spinning wheel begins to look still in a dark room. Possibly the easiest and least expensive is to get just a simple small flashing light or computer program and just view the flashing for a time mentally focusing on the light so that you become more aware of the stops.
Having done this as you move around in the world bring this awareness in repeatedly attempting to slow down or speed up your perception. What happens in situations like the rims on the car is that the eyes can only process at a certain speed. If the timing is right it will appear as if there is no movement because the image is in almost the same place.
For the next part you must change the way you likely see. In the bates method of healthy sight the primary focus is on creating fundamental shifts in your habitual ways of looking that create stress. In nature you would have to be constantly shifting your gaze, this is because you must be on the lookout. For water, food, predators, obstacles on the ground etc. However in the present day with a sedentary lifestyle, schooling techniques to focus repetitively on one area and technology like television we become used to staring.
By adopting a continuously shifting gaze you are building upon the ideas above. Some practices include standing and shifting the torso from left to right and back. As your field of vision moves keep your gaze forward. Do not hold on to any image but allow what you see to shift on its own. You may find your gaze is continually caught so you have to shift your eyes, this allowing will become easier and more natural after some time. You can also keep your head still and shift the eyes left, to right and back. Try to go fast enough so that it is almost a continuous flow but slow enough so that you notice the shifting. You are trying to shift faster, realize the perception, allow, release, realize, allow, release. When reading or watching anything keep your eyes constantly shifting rather than holding a stare.

What you are practicing is a technique to stop the world. Combining the practice of seeing still moments with shifting can allow you to see rather than become absorbed in the perceptions. In this way of shifting you constantly can bring spaces in what would otherwise be a non-stop flow absorbing your attention and narrowing your perspective.

Move your hand into the anahata chakra mudra. At this point if you have dissolved sufficiently and your coagulation has been accurate you will be feeling a strong and consistent flow with a deep sense of stillness maintained underneath. In this state there is still a separation however and you must make one final leap.
Say to yourself that this your awareness and being become married in the soul. Then view the flux of being as a stream. Allow your awareness to enter that stream. Don’t fade into the stream losing consciousness, remain intensely aware. However release the last place to stand which is awareness of being implying a separation. As the flow carries awareness something similar to a fear of death is felt. There is actually something that dies and this is the belief that you (awareness) are standing somewhere.  Everything becomes vibrant yet there is a strange calm that must be experienced. However if there is any crack the stone will shatter. By this I mean if there is any lingering reactions, any identifications, any intense emotions like anger for something this cannot be sustained. It seems as if you are almost experiencing everything in quick succession and so you suddenly feel an intense anger, or a fear or any hold. It happens several times in quick succession. Then like a crack in a windshield it spreads and the state comes crashing down. You must absolutely dissolve all the holds or you will fail and what you coagulate must be sustainable and harmonious at each level. Beyond this I do not know for sure, however I do know that it was a state as complete as any kind of awakening I have ever experienced.
This is the practice of coagulation as I have attempted to recreate basic ideas, I hope that you gain something to help on your own path from this work.  This is just an honest effort to create a lasting change, I hope anyone who actually looks through this is willing to view it with an open mind. It is designed to create patterns that are harmonious and to shift the fundamental views to prevent a backpedal into old patterns. Please use anything here with caution and discernment. In the next section I will go into perspectives. Thank you for your time I wish you the best on your own path.


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