Law. Animals identified as "sentient"


France - April 15 - 2

  • The legal definition of animals will go from "personal property" to "living sentient."The legal definition of animals will go from "personal property" to "living sentient." | Photo: Thierry Hollow / West France
  • The legal definition of animals will go from "personal property" to "living sentient."


The Legal Committee of the National Assembly acknowledged Tuesday animal quality to be "gifted living sensitivity", while until now the Civil Code considers as "personal property",according to a parliamentary source.

This amendment is subject to a petition there nearly two years by the foundation of animal welfare 30 million friends.

The committee adopted a socialist amendment to that effect, under a bill to modernize and simplify the law, which will be voted on in the Chamber on Tuesday night and Wednesday.

Civil Code

Currently, the Rural Code and the Penal Code "recognize, explicitly or implicitly, the animals as" living, sentient beings "" but not the Civil Code says the authors of the amendment, primarily the PS deputy of Hautes- Jean Glavany Pyrenees.

The amendment is intended, according to them, to "reconcile the legal characterization and emotional value" of the animal. "To achieve a legal regime of the animal consistent, in order to harmonize our various codes and modernization of the law, the amendment provides a legal definition of animal, living and sentient, and expressly subjecting animals to the legal regime of tangible assets with an emphasis on special laws to protect them. "

Michel Onfray, Erik Orsenna, Matthieu Ricard

89% of French people support such an amendment to the Civil Code, according to a poll Ifop late October to 30 million friends. At the same time, twenty intellectuals, philosophers, writers, historians and French scientists have also made ​​in this direction .

These include philosophers Michel Onfray and Luc Ferry, writer Erik Orsenna, the French Academy, the astrophysicist Hubert Reeves, president of Humanity and Biodiversity, and Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk and a PhD in genetics cell.


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