EBE Hybridization program


Peaceful integration into a rescued species

Instruction Manual For guidance of a species.

Section I

A Clinical analysis of EBE Human Contact

Original report entered by

Admiral Enoch Beniker 1960 USN 1959-2003 USSDC/R&D

©1982 Phantatsypublishing



The unsuspecting subject is in its room preparing to go to bed. The subject gets into bed, reads a while, turns off the light, and drifts off into a peaceful night’s sleep. A light that seems to be glowing in the room awakens the subject. The light moves toward the bed, takes shape of a small “man” with a baldhead and huge black eyes. The subject is terrified wanting to run but cannot move, wanting to scream but cannot speak, and is fully aware of everything going on. The “man” moves closer to the subject and looks deeply into the subject’s eyes. Suddenly the subject is calmer and “knows” that the “man” is not going to harm them.

This is a typical beginning of an abduction/experience’s contact with the tree main Extraterrestrial Biological Entities or EBE races. Virtually all of the subjects, which are EBE contacts, have experienced this and know that from the first few seconds of EBE contact/abduction nothing is within the realm of normal human experience. It is an instant decent into the fantastic and the bizarre. Technology and biology that seem like magic are immediately apparent and present. Once the event begins, Humans are powerless to stop it regardless of belief or spiritual conviction and most do not/cannot recall or remember the event unless a specific set of predetermined triggers trigger memories of the event.

Often the subject of EBE contact/abduction form “screen memories” that mask the beginning of a contact incident. For example, one subject said she saw a wolf in her bedroom one nigh standing squarely on her bed looking at her in the eyes. She clearly remembered its fur fangs and eyes. Other subjects have claimed to see monkeys, owls, and other animals. Some subjects say they have seen an “angel “or a “devil” and used the name of Jesus to drive it away.

Through the use of hypnosis and learning the family history of the subject, examining the physical, and the psychological design of the subject, the details of over 1500 cases involving EBE contact and abduction cases revealed a high incidence of screen memory/false memory syndrome. Further investigation into these cases reveled that, the start of the screen memory was in fact the beginning of a EBE contact incident/abduction which was heavily repressed by the individual due to fear of the unknown or religious delusion. This is similar to what is referred to “post-traumatic stress syndrome” with psychological repression of the incident.

Regardless of what the religious shaman say there is absolutely no way to avoid, stop, alter EBE contact or abduction. The establishing of multiple screen memories leads only to the development of a delusional mental architecture based on religious hysteria and falsity perpetrated by the unqualified cultic shaman to brainwash the subject.

It is well noted by the scientific community that most of the religious shaman that preach the idea that EBEs are devils or demons have little or no background in neurology or psychology and very little factual information on the interaction of EBEs and humans. At best they have hoaxed or factious information that they have no reliable verifiable witnesses or they provide you with false information from another cult group to back up their own religious delusion.

A religious phd/doctoral degree does not give you the right to practice in a field where you have no expertise or knowledge and are too arrogant even to understand the truth that you are hurting people, not helping them while you teach them how to repress and hide the whole incident under the guise of religious delusion and cultic fiction.

EBEs are physical beings with no mystical qualities or exospiritual connections they are created/designed differently than Humans on a molecular basis. Meaning they developed on a separate planetary environment than Earth and should not be viewed with projected Human ideas or limitation. In dealing with EBEs it is very good advice is not to give human emotion to a being or species separate of the human species.

It is common for the subject of an EBE contact/abduction to refer to out -of-body experiences that they have had or, more commonly, that they succeeded in ”preventing” which in fact was the beginning of a EBE contact/abduction. They sometimes remember that they felt themselves floating out of bed but then “fought it” and were able to lower themselves back onto their bed and abort the experiment/experience.

When these memories have been examined they have turned out to be the first few seconds and the last few seconds of EBE contact/ abduction. The idea of preventing is a screen or protective memory created to hide a traumatic incident or one the conscious cannot handle.



Appears to be critically important to EBEs in determining the opportunities for contact/abductions they commonly take place where the subject is alone in an automobile, alone in the daytime or nighttime, or with a small group. Subjects have reported EBEs doing procedures on them in their own home without being abducted. The majority of contact/abductions begin at night when the individual is alone either awake or asleep. No EBE contact/abductions have surfaced that took place in the middle of a very large crowd or in full view at a public event.

Also with most “Pseudo”, research group’s false government paranoia is manufactured and perpetuated by the group’s founders. These groups are increasingly secretive about their own cultic ties and their research findings.


Anatomy of The Grey

By far the most common types of EBE reported are from two to four and one half feet tall, thin, slight, and even ‘delicate’ in appearance. They stand and walk like humans and the small beings are light in weight. Taller beings stand from two to six inches above the small beings and have the same physical characteristics.

Subjects of EBE Contact/abduction are vague about what the EBE wear and in many cases it is difficult to determine whether or not they actually are wearing clothes. Sometimes the color of their clothes match the color of their skin and that makes it hard to see where the clothes ends and the skin begins. In these instances the subject feels quite certain the EBEs are wearing something, but it is difficult to describe the “fabric” that the clothes are made out of or the garments are so tight in fit that they look sprayed on.

In the rare cases where the Subject can recall seeing the end of the fabric and being able to discern between skin and the fabric of the EBE (Gray) they recall that the small beings on occasion are wearing robes or garments that are loose fitting robes or garments that are loose fitting but this is very unusual.

The EBE’s (Grey’s) clothing has no personal touches, no expression of individuality, and some beings may have an insignia on their clothes that look like serpents intertwined, eagle, some sort of elongated body, or a jagged line like a thunderbolt. There is very little or no diversity in the clothing the EBE (Greys) wear.

The EBE skin color vary from dark gray to gray, to white (not Caucasian), to a tall 7 f t red and the short bluish beings all of which are variants of the EBE Grey. If a subject reports another color it is almost always in conjunction with the color grey. The skin is uniform, without dark or light spots or areas and often the lighting in the room changes the way EBE Grey’s skin color appears. The small EBE Grey or small being has gray colored skin thus it species name the Subject has assigned it. There is on visual evidence of a vascular system that might add streaks or colors to the EBE Grey‘s skin.

When Subjects are touched by the EBE Grey they report it as being leathery or rough for the taller EBE Grey or plastic like quality for small EBE Grey. Their skin is extremely smooth, without pores, hair, freckles, bumps, ridges, discoloration, warts, moles, scratches, wrinkles, and other common elements found on human skin. They have an organic smell to them that is a cross between ozone and wet cardboard it has been reported to leave a coppery taste in the back of your mouth.

It is difficult to tell whether EBE Grey aliens age or grow older and this may be attributed to their mode of travel. Subjects whom have experienced EBE Gray contact for thirty years with presumably the same group of EBE Grey. They report the EBE Gray always looking the same as the first time the saw them and picking up right where they left off as if no time had passed.

The small EBE Gray type/version one all look alike and their faces do not betray a readily detectable uniqueness. The do not have any sort of emotional characteristics that can be seen on their faces and do not have any capability to display emotion physically on their own without external patterning. The do not have a larynx or any ability to converse auditory. Their communication is primarily data transfer through higher brain functions and networking of integrated crystalline network similar to telepathic or wireless data transfer.

The subjects of EBE Grey contact/abduction admit they cannot tell the physical differences between one type/version one Grey EBE and another. However, they report that they know they are dealing with the same taller EBE Grey type/version two because of the familiarity felt via subconscious connections to the being.

This may be the fact that both subject and the EBE Grey type two are developing subconscious link where the conscious may not be aware of this link or a data exchange going on. This may lead to a specific feeling of familiarity and lead to a deeper exchange of data between subject and EBE. This also marks the difference of a subject being an abducted subject and a willing contact. A willing contact will pursue a deeper subconscious contact with the type two EBE Grey and this should be done with extreme caution as it is easy to delude yourself . If the neurological basis for the transfer is not there then it is a form of lucid daydreaming because you miss the EBE.

The physical frames of both the taller EBE Grey and ands the smaller EBE Gray do not reveal any boniness and most of the contours on their bodies are rounded with no hard angles. Subjects of EBE Grey Contact do not report bones, such as the clavicle or sternum, apparent under their skin, they do not see any evidence of wrist bones or the like, nor do they see any apparent musculature.

The head of the EBE Grey are, in human terms, disproportionately large for their bodies. Their craniums are bulbous especially above the eyes. There is no indications of cranial or facial hair, on neck, or hair anywhere on the body. The neck and face are smooth, with no indications of external markings or pores.

The EBE Grey Version 1.5 have a slight hair patch atop the head and some may have a silver skullcap placed onto their comlink to allow for direct interface with a helmet used to remotely pilot ships or directly interface with flight controls. The Comlink is a feature present in all EBE Grey versions it comprises of a crystalline network that is incorporated into their brain’s neurostructure.

The EBE Grey is similar to a cyborg in in reasoning and each has task specific knowledge which is shared collectively with the rest of the hive. They refer them return to it on a rare occasion as a Guardian, Keeper, or collective to a central core hive.

The EBE Gray’s face somewhat resembles humans, they have eyes approximately halfway down the face, an area where the nose might be two holes or vertical slits exists, a small slit like mouth, an area where one might envision cheeks (although none can be seen), and a chin. Using humans or higher primates as a model, all of their features are in the correct position.

However, the resemblance between the EBE Grey and Human is merely general in the effect as each organ and feature differs markedly from that of humans. The huge eyes are the single most striking feature of the EBE Grey. They span the entire width of the broad forehead and are longest in the center ad taper off to a tip on the side of the head. They contain no pupils, iris ,or comas.

When subjects look into EBE Gray’s eyes during mindscan or other staring procedures, they see black, usually opaque organs. The eyes have no graduation in color, and they do not move side to side as a human’s do. At times subjects of EBE Grey contact see some hint of liquidly ( movement inside the eye) and some even have reported seeing a sparkle or light inside of the eye. EBE Grey version two can move their eyes they can squint, and turn on their axis so that the outside can be raised or lowered.

Other EBE Grey versions/types have eyes that are more rounded and almond shaped. A few EBE Grey contact subjects have thought that the eternal eye might be a covering for an eye inside. Eyelids are not reported by most subjects of EBE Grey Contact and blinking is usually not reported or noticed.

However, some contact subjects have seen the Grey EBE blink in unison. The EBE Grey has no eyebrows and have a ridge that may be caused by bone around their eyes. The smaller EBE Grey 2.5 foot version 1 has a slight raised bump but no nostrils or openings that might be interpreted as nasal passages.

Contact subjects of EBE Grey are ambivalent about an opening for a mouth and the slit like mouth has no lips. Some have mentioned seeing an “membrane” over an opening and an small number of contacts report that the mouth is round forming an o, the mouths are devoid of teeth, tongue or saliva. The mouths are not used for communication and in some instances are not present at all.

A small and pointed chin lies before their mouths in some the mouth is so low that there is the appearance of no chin at all. The EBE Grey do not appear to have a jaw or jaw hinge below where the ear would be. They seem to have no muscles attached from anywhere on the face to the top of the head for mastication. The overall look of the face, then is of a large forehead leading down to a tiny pointed chin and when looking at the EBE Grey‘ s face a person can‘t help, but be reminded of a light bulb or a parking meter.

EBE Grey sometimes have a small raised feature where human ears would be no opening and no evidence of a device or organ for collecting sound waves on a EBE Grey head. This means the EBE Grey interpret sound differently than humans. It is known that they can interpret sound through the molecular vibrations picked up in the air this means they can sense a great range of sounds through molecular vibrations picked up through their skin.

EBE Grey do not have a thick neck with the head fitting onto it in a Human fashion. Instead, the head is attached to an extremely narrow tube like neck that seems too thin to support the head‘s weight and sticks into the bottom of the head , resembling a pumpkin on a stick.. They exhibit no throat movements donating a tongue or swallowing mechanism, nor, do they have an epiglottis. The neck seems solid to the touch, as if it contains material inside but does not have the feel of moving muscles. No adams apple is evident in their throats, and there is no indication of vocal cords. The EBE Grey makes no auditory noise that would indicate communication and most communication is telepathic or inferred through empathy.

The EBE Grey’s chest is small and narrow, with no noticeable bony in it, no sternum or clavicle is discernible. To the touch and sight there are no ribs protruding from under the skin, nor is the chest bifurcated like a human’s chest. No breast or nipples can be seen visually and exists under the female Grey EBE’s exoskeleton.

The normal human triangular configuration of the shoulders leading down to the waist is not present. The overall outline of the upper and lower body is one of rectangular straightness down to the legs with no waist, pelvis or predominate hipbones, and the area where the stomach would be is flat.

The EBE Grey have no rounded paunch or line of demarcation for a food processing mechanism like upper and lower intestines. It is understood that EBE Grey feed though molecular absorption and really do not feed using their mouths but their entire body is used to feed. No naval is present as the EBE Grey are not produced in a womb or invetro and have no visually apparent gentilia or apparent reproductive tract.

The female EBE Grey has no hint of a pubic arch, which is consistent with the lack of pelvis and they have no apparent method for the elimination of waste liquid or solid..

The EBE Grey backs are not configured in a triangular fashion like humans and are flat with no discernible “bumps” of vertebrae. They have no shoulder blades and the buttocks is not fleshy or padded as humans. A EBE Grey buttocks are a horizontal oblong ridge at the base of its back that does not protrude.

Their arms are long and very thin with no apparent musculature. They bend at the elbows and can be used the way humans use their arms, with a free range of motion. Their arms and elbows do not display any bone structure being the same uniform diameter from shoulder they join to where the hands join to it. They have no wrist or wrist type of joint or any joints apparent and their hands and fingers resemble human fingers. Except the EBE Grey fingers are long , thin and either have rounded pads at the end or taper to a point. They have three digits, two being a knuckle shorter than the center digit and they have an opposable thumb or an appendage that acts as one. In some instances the thumb is at a lower position on the hand than a human’s thumb would be . The skin on the hand, fingers, toes are smooth, devoid of any prints , finger nails, or toenails.

Their two legs are short and thin bending at the knees. There is no evident muscle development in the legs and they go straight down, with no indication of a thigh or calf, or ankle. The legs are the same diameter from the top of the thigh to the bottom of the calf, and flow smoothly into the feet.

The EBE Grey feet are either rounded or elongated and their toes are webbed and thin. There is no musculature or bones present in the foot, the toes are four digits and splayed. The elongated configuration has an appendage in the back heal of the foot and the rounded configuration does not have the appendage.

The Female EBE gray or the hive mother is outwardly exactly the same as the male outwardly, both being five feet five inches tall. The female is thinner and has a different mental candor being more, graceful, kinder, sensitive, and may even exhibit a degree of emotional capability.

The EBE Grey small motor dexterity is excellent if not superior to a human’s. They are able to conduct physical examinations with great speed, touching, poking, prodding, libeling, and feeling. They can maneuver instruments with precision, for example in performing the tissue sampling procedure

Despite the EBE Grey looking frail or weak they can exhibit superhuman strength and agility, Some couple this with telekinetic ability much more enhanced than any human’s and may employ tuned EMF/EMP to neurologically jam he voluntary neurostucture of humans . This means they have the ability to render you a lump of immobile flesh unable to fight or resist them.

Two of the most frequently asked questions regarding the idea that there is an alien-human hybrid breeding program underway are: "Why are the aliens doing this?" and "What is being done with our hybrid offspring?" By research and documenting literally millions of collective experiences over 1939-1960 as well as the additional studies ongoing at DNR present, as well as studying the research carried out by others, has enabled us to draw several personal conclusions regarding these two specific questions.

Where Are They?

We have suspected that many of our hybrid offspring are being sent to live elsewhere, either on other planets or on some of these Beings’ enormous craft or colony world. Abductees and integrated units have been shown that some of their offspring will be kept in a type of hibernation-state or suspended animation while they are transported to other planets, because the time to reach these other worlds can take decades. We have also been told by the aliens that some of these Beings themselves were born aboard their craft and have never seen their own worlds. There is also a biological/mechanical Psionic link between these entities and some Greys as they use the Greys a s biological suits Avatars to operations.

Over the past several decades, we have learned that abductees’ fetuses have been removed from their wombs and certain aliens and alien-human hybrids have raised these children themselves. In addition to what is sometimes referred to as "disappearing pregnancies," abductees report seeing completely human children in addition to the presentations of their alien-human hybrid children. Sometimes the aliens tell abductees these are their children; other times they tell us they are ours. From personal experience, I know that these offspring are "precious" to the tall Greys and Tan-Greys and they have told me they will not give them up.

Points of Interest

There are a few areas where we suspect these Beings might be living, at least temporarily, besides on other planets, and one of them is here on Earth. To be more precise, in Earth’s oceans and in regions such as The Great Lakes, the Hudson River Valley, the Arctic, and Australia. This idea is based on my encounters involving these areas and other sighting cases where alien appearing craft have been seen entering and exiting large bodies of water.

We have also had encounter experiences during which the craft I was aboard landed on a large object in the ocean and one time, on what appeared to be a Naval Ship. In addition, We have also seen bases that are next to large bodies of water. If we can believe what some of the aliens tell us, a more recent encounter confirmed what I already learned from one of these previous experiences.

In communicating with a Hybrids female we shall call Joshana this happened just in one meeting as she is under Enoshira’s guardianship. She stood on the opposite side of the island in his kitchen prepping dinner meal a small frail looking girl. She was not much older than the twins were her hair was white, her head larger than normal human child, her high brow, her eyes were dark blue almost black, her lower body, was covered by suit that seemed to pulsate rhythmically, and she wore a gray cloak over a loosely fit garment. For Enochshira the encounter seemed quite intense as he kept close to her and compared to him she was tallish and stood approximately 5’7’’. She had longish, white to dark blond hair it changed with the light, and although her eyes appeared similar to our eyes, they were large like the Greys’.

At first glance I saw her eyes quite clearly, that she was wearing eye implants, which make their eyes appear more human. I saw two eyes with irises and pupils, but they looked artificial because her pupils did not dilate or constrict and her irises had no imperfections and looked exactly alike. I felt certain she was wearing eye implants or some type of contact lens over her eyes and that her real eyes were probably dark like the Greys. She did not seem very friendly and her demeanor was as if she was generally superior to humans.

I raised my voice and nearly shouted at her because I was extremely agitated by her presence. I asked her where she was from and she looked at Enochshira he nodded and she replied, "We are from under the ocean."

The thoughts about the many sightings of their craft entering and exiting our oceans and other large bodies of water we can immediately surmise that some of these Beings might live in undersea bases or on large craft that are able to remain submerged for long periods of time. After all, if their craft are capable of space travel, then they should be able to withstand the pressures at or near the bottom of our oceans.

In an instant, this female Being’s eyes locked with mine and I had a vision of telling my wife what she had revealed. She showed her mocking me and ridiculing me for my beliefs. However, this is the way my wife Nicole responds to what I experience. She paused again and pulled Enochshira close in a protective way and I realized it was her way of telling me that if I were to tell others about this, they would not believe me and would ridicule me and they would not as she was protecting Enochshira. Large bodies of water are a logical choice for these Beings to inhabit, at least on a temporary basis. The Earth’s five oceans cover 129,432,254 square miles of our planet, which is an enormous amount of area in which they could be concealing themselves and keep their environment close to their homeworld’s.

Underground Living Facilities

Humans speak sometimes about underground cities and artificial
sunlight. Do you mean something like a "hollow Earth" with this. Is
there a second sun inside our planet?

No, Earth is not really completely hollow and there is no
second sun inside. This story is ridiculous and physically not
possible (even your species should be intelligent enough not to
believe this.) Do you know how much mass a sun must have to produce
energy and light for a longer time by fusion? Do you really think that
there could be a small active sun inside the planet? When I talk about
our subterranean home, I talk about large cave systems. The caves you
have discovered near to the surface are tiny in comparison to real
caves and huge caverns deeper in the earth (in a depth of 2,000 to
8,000 of your meters, but connected with many hidden tunnels to the
surface or to surface-near caves) and we live in large and advanced
cities and colonies inside such caves. Major sites of us are beyond
the Arctic, the Antarctic, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. If
I talk about artificial sunlight in our cities I don't mean a real sun
but various technological sources of light (including gravitational
sources) which illuminates the caverns and tunnels. There are special
cave areas and tunnels with a strong UV light in every city and we use
that places to heat our blood. Furthermore, we have also some surface
sunplaces in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Where can we find such a surface-near entry to your world?
Answer: Do you really think I will tell you their exact location? If
you want to find such an entry, you have to search it by yourself (but
I would advise you not to do that). When I came to the surface four
days ago, I used an entry approximately 300 of your kilometers north
from here near to a large lake, but I doubt that you would be able to
find it (there are only a few entries in this part of the world more
are far more north and east). As a little advice: if you are in a
narrow cave or in a tunnel or even in something that looks to you like
an artificial mine shaft and as deeper you walk as smoother appear the
walls and if you feel unusual warm air streaming from the depth or if
you hear the rushing sound of streaming air in a ventilation or
elevator shaft, then look for a special kind of artificial and smooth
wall somewhere in the cave with a door made of gray metal. If you
would be able to open that door (but I doubt this) you would be in a
usually round technical room with ventilation systems and elevators to
the depth. This is probably an entry to our world. If you have reached
this point, you should know that we are now definitely aware of your
presence. You are already in big trouble if you have entered the round
room, but you should look for one of the two reptilian symbols on the
walls. If there are no symbols or other symbols, you are maybe in
bigger trouble as you think, because not every underground
installation belongs to our kind. Some new tunnel systems are operated
from alien races (including hostile races). My general advice if you
find yourself in a for you strange underground installation: run away
as fast as you can.
However, she knew my tendency not always does one heed advice given by her and Joshana again had showed up in Enochshira’s life. So we met again and in response to one of my questions about where they lived, she told me that she and her parents, who are the tall Greys, lived "…underground in the earth and under a very tall building." She went on to explain that this was their home and they had been here for a long time.

It is probable that some of the huge underground bases that other abductees and I have been taken to are also home to many of these Beings. Another personal example is from an encounter that occurred in April of 2008: I distinctly remember being inside an elevator that was constructed out of dark gray and black metal. There was a female with me, we were going downward at a high rate of speed, and I had to stoop down inside the elevator so I would not lose my balance. This is when I realized that I was wearing my purple nightshirt I went to bed in and nothing more. I asked the female,

"How many floors have we passed so far?"

She replied, "Ten, but there are 31 floors in this building."

There was something in her "voice" or telepathy that sounded as if she found it amusing to tell me this since I was aware that we were underground and were moving downward quite rapidly. There is quite a bit of documentation regarding underground bases and facilities and there are plenty of areas in our country alone where these facilities could be located.

Many people might be surprised to learn that Nevada is the seventh-largest state in area, and approximately 86% of the state’s land is owned by the Federal Government, including the military. Approximately 85% of the state’s 2.6 million residents live in the metropolitan areas of Las Vegas and Reno. That leaves the majority of the state very sparsely inhabited, with the exception of its military facilities. I would venture to say that with the exception of Vegas and Reno, there are probably more humans (and possibly non-humans) living on some of these military bases than in any other city in Nevada.

Another area of our country that interests me is the Arctic. In 1997 I documented a detailed experience of being taken to a base in Alaska near the Arctic. The compound I was inside of was self-contained and so huge it was like being in a small city. I believe I saw Air Force personnel and Navy personnel on this base, as well as at least one alien Being.

Ingo Swann, a renowned psi researcher and remote viewer, wrote about being taken to a remote location near the Arctic to watch an expected arrival of an extraterrestrial craft over a lake in Alaska. Although his encounter occurred years prior, his book was not published until 1998, yet I had my experience an entire year earlier in 1997 where I was taken to an actual base. It’s quite possible this base I was taken to and Ingo Swann’s experience years earlier may have something in common with one another: A secret base in Alaska near the Arctic that is home to extraterrestrial Beings and specific military personnel.

These are just a few obvious choices for the possible location of underground living facilities that could be temporary housing for some of these Beings. I am certain that if they are here - which I believe they are - they do not inhabit areas such as these in our country alone. The point I’m trying make is: These Beings, whether they are aliens or alien-human hybrids, do not have to be flying around in their craft every day or night for humans to see them in order for them to be here abducting or interacting with us. There are plenty of places on our planet in which to conceal themselves while carrying out their activities.

The Purpose of Alien-Human Hybrids

One popular theory is that alien-human hybrids are being created because the aliens are dying out and need to replenish or strengthen their gene pool. Another similar idea is that while we are not being killed, we are being harvested or having our bodies "mined" and treated similar to plants and animals. Specific genetic material is being taken from us in order to help the aliens, or perhaps merely to benefit them. The genetic material they are taking from us may also be required as a matter of life or death to them. For example, we could be the aliens’ equivalent of a source of stem cells. (10)

The purpose for the hybrid breeding program could encompass all of the above ideas or none of them. These are the probable hypotheses we have come up with thus far to explain the alien behavior that abductees have witnessed and the procedures that have been performed on us over the past five-plus decades. I personally believe they are all valid hypotheses and that the various aliens coming here, and those who are already living here, are indeed using specific humans for these purposes.

The New Space Race

It may seem far-fetched, but there is another disturbing possibility as to why some of these alien-human hybrids have been created. It never occurred to me until recently that, in addition to the activities mentioned above, our hybrid offspring might also have been created to be soldiers for use in a war. If this theory is correct, it might explain the many MILAB or "military abduction" encounters that some abductees have experienced. We see humans and aliens; some wearing military uniforms and working side by side, and we remember them performing similar procedures on us. In addition, they interrogate us, train us to fight using unusual weapons, and our surroundings appear to be military bases and safe houses; some abandoned, some not.

We may be seeing our own human military personnel during these encounters or we may be seeing hybrids who look so human we cannot differentiate between "them" and "us." We may also be interacting with the humans who were taken from their mother’s wombs when they were fetuses and raised by the aliens and alien-human hybrids. My experiences and what I have learned from other people like me, have led me to the conclusion that many of us are dealing with all of the above.

There is no disputing the fact that the abduction phenomenon is multi-layered. What if one of the reasons this has been kept so secret is because they are indeed using humans to breed a new type of soldier - an alien-human hybrid military force? Needless to say, this is yet another good reason the aliens do not to ask for our permission to carry out the procedures they perform on us and the reason there are so many layers of deception. What human would want their offspring to be used in such a manner? For these particular hybrids, this would almost seem to be a form of slavery.

Perhaps even more poignant is the fact that this is also a highly logical explanation for our intelligence agencies and our military policy makers to continue to look the other way and tell us "UFOs pose no threat" to our security. We could be looking at a new "space race." They need the hybrids, by way of abductees, much too badly. This theory could shed new light on one facet of the abduction phenomenon and the theory that there is some sort of agreement or arrangement between specific world governments and the aliens. My theory may sound far-fetched, but perhaps after reading the two journal entries that compelled me to write this three-part article, you will see things a bit differently. If not, you may at least understand why I suspect there is much more to the alien-human hybrid breeding program than we initially suspected. We could be looking at a new space race, with the prize being the human race or even our planet.

Hybrid Military Force

I have included two entries from my journals to help explain why I suspect this breeding of a hybrid military force may in fact be occurring. As I stated above, I do not believe this is the sole intent of the hybrid breeding program, but I do think it may be part of the reason for it. Although this first encounter occurred nineteen months ago (from the date of the publication of this article), it is an event that has never left my mind. I have not been able to stop thinking about what I witnessed during this experience. The second encounter occurred eleven months after the first, and it troubles me even more.

In September of 2007, I had an extremely vivid memory of having just been with four hybrid males and what appeared to me to be a human male wearing a military uniform. The human male was a good six feet tall and seemed to be well built. The hybrids were about my height (5’5’’) or a bit shorter and appeared more diminutive than the taller male. The room we were in had ambient lighting, so it was difficult to see the exact uniform the taller male was wearing. I was made aware that he was these hybrids’ commanding officer and the hybrids were preparing to leave to fight in a war, but I did not know where, exactly.

The young hybrids also appeared to be wearing uniforms. They were simple long-sleeved, shirt-like jackets with straight pants. They were either a solid dark blue or black color. I didn’t see any rank or insignia, but it was fairly dark in the room.

I walked up to the first hybrid and hugged him goodbye. I felt a great amount of sympathy for them and was quite worried about where their mission was taking them. I did the same with the next two hybrids, and I became somewhat emotional when the third hybrid male became sad and teary-eyed as I hugged him. I prayed for all of them because I was so worried about them and the place they were going was so dangerous.

When I reached out to the fourth hybrid, I suddenly remembered him. I seemed to know him and I had very strong feelings for him. I also noticed that he appeared to be more alien looking than the first three hybrids I had just briefly interacted with. The first three hybrids looked almost human, but this fourth hybrid had a larger skull and I was not certain that I actually saw any ears. He had black hair, but it was thin and I could see the shape of his cranium through his hair. He had eyes shaped like ours that appeared to be a milky blue color, like another young hybrid male I’ve seen in the past. I hugged the fourth hybrid and I begged him not to go to war.

"Please don’t go…Please don’t leave."

He put his hands on my arms and forcefully replied,

"I have to. This is the way it’s done and I have no choice. I have to go. It’s just the way it is."

He then walked over to his commanding officer and they had a short exchange of words, what I interpreted as a brief argument with one another. They both walked away into a darker part of the room where the other three hybrids were waiting and then the five of them left.

I don’t remember there being much of anything inside the dimly lit room, but it looked like an office or a medical waiting room. I didn’t see chairs that I remember, but I did see a counter behind a glass window that was behind me. It all appeared very terrestrial looking and as I looked around the room, I felt I might be inside of an office building in the middle of the night. As I realized this, I thought to myself,

"This is unbelievable."

My thoughts went back to the young hybrid males and how sad I felt for them. I wished I knew where they were being sent...

This experience has bothered me for over a year and it is so fresh in my memory. I often think of these four young males, especially the fourth one. I cannot help but wonder how I knew him. I felt love and great concern for him as a mother might feel for her child if they were going off to war.

Eleven Months Later

I had another incredible experience in July of 2008 involving the hybrids and the subject of war again. During this encounter, I was able to retain much more information about the war and its possible ramifications. Before I share this encounter, however, it is important to describe (or review) how some of this alien interfacing occurs.

It is not uncommon for abductees to be shown images of possible future events. Sometimes the information is relayed as a vision or what we interpret as a vision. The abductee sometimes becomes directly involved in the event and there is an enormous amount of information conveyed to them in a very short period of time. Some abductees refer to these events as teaching scenarios or teaching dreams or "telepathic downloads," while others see them as images on a screen shown to them during an abduction encounter. Abductees are at times left with a very strong feeling they have been shown the future and feel as if they were placed "ahead in time" or actually in the future somehow.

I would like to touch on two somewhat opposing viewpoints to this discussion. I am aware that some researchers of this phenomenon might view these events as screen memories or artificially created events that are placed in the abductees’ mind by the aliens as a type of cover story. On the other hand, I have been contacted by people who have not experienced alien abductions, but who have also experienced "moving ahead in time" events. I surmise that what might be happening to them as well as myself, might really be "accidental remote viewing."

I want to make it very clear to the reader that the events I experienced during this encounter (as is the case with my other encounters that I have published) were as real as my everyday reality. After it was over, the experience left me feeling mentally and emotionally drained. I have waited eight months to publish this because the information was so very disturbing to me. I also felt as if I might be betraying someone if I were to publish it prior to this timeframe. I still have reservations about making this public, and I am not publishing every detail, but in the off chance these future events are really going to happen, it may be prudent for certain people to be made aware of them. I really do not want what I was shown, or what I saw, to be our future.

July 2008

I was in large room that was dimly lit. I saw a screen and I saw a glowing light on the screen that was like a light, but it was also flowing and appeared as a puddle of green liquid. It was uncontrollable. It went everywhere and some of it was lost to an area I could not access. I knew I had seen everything that was going to happen and I knew it wasn’t going to be good. As soon as I was consciously aware of seeing the future, much of the information was hidden from me: taken from my memory or put somewhere else. I was consciously aware of this and although it has happened to me before, it was still very frustrating.

The Future

I saw that we would be scattered and would have to sleep and exist in terrible conditions and would have to constantly be on the move. I saw two women who I thought I knew, but we didn’t really know one another. I only knew of them because we were living in or sharing the same place. I asked them how their families were and how their pets were.

I saw into their minds: Suddenly I could see that there were two abandoned cats living under a house. They belonged to these women. Then I saw that one of these women had killed her mother so her mother would not be left behind to suffer. The other woman had killed two of her horses for the same reason. I couldn’t believe they had done this and it made me feel sick inside. I tried to think of a way to save the two cats they left behind. I could never do this to anyone or to any animal. It was devastating to me that these women did this to survive. That’s how bad it was. That’s one of the things I saw about the future.

The Hybrids’ Destination

I recognized the room again with the viewing screen. I seemed to be standing near the screen again, but this time I was not looking into the screen. The room was somewhat dimly lit. I watched as hundreds of hybrids were being briefed. They were finally being told who they were and they were all shown who their alien fathers were, and these were indeed aliens. After they were given this information, the hybrids were told where they were going: They were being sent to Earth.

Their alien fathers were giving them their briefing via screens and they were handed sheets of paper after each viewing. The hybrids looked like various representations of Greys. Some had dark, blue-gray skin, some had brown skin, some had gray skin and some had tan skin. They were hybrids, but they looked more alien looking than I thought they would be.

For some reason I only saw males. They were all rather upset and quite taken aback that they were being sent here, to Earth. They seemed frightened and disappointed. There was one image I saw that struck me as quite unusual. It was an image of a Being who had blue skin and two eyes, but the focal points of his eyes were different. The lenses of the eyes were positioned farther forward than the rest of the eye, like glasses would be set on our faces, but these were this Being’s real eyes. This was an image of one of the hybrid’s father. It was a side view image of what this particular hybrid’s father looked like. He looked very much like the father of one of my hybrid children I saw in our courtyard when I lived on the Gulf Coast twenty-two years ago. The only difference is this Being on the screen had skin that was almost a royal blue color and his eyes were very blue as well.

I continued watching as the hybrids were being briefed. The next hybrid had darker, blue-gray skin with very prominent orbits (eye sockets). He looked quite similar to the Greys and Tans I’ve published on my Web site. In any case, I was stunned at how alien they looked and that they were being sent to Earth. I watched as image after image appeared on the screen and hybrid after hybrid was shown what their alien father looked like and then told that they would have to come here.

The hybrids were very afraid, and they were sad, and they were upset that they had to come here: Primitive and Violent Earth. They knew this about us. This is how they view us. It was all quite shocking.

The Deception

I then looked off toward my left and saw another screen about 10 yards across the room from me. This screen did not look like the others, and actually looked like a television set. It was depicting another image, but this one was different. It was an image of a mean looking alien with tan skin and black eyes, and I could tell that its features had been intentionally exaggerated. The lines on its skin were black and overemphasized, unlike a real Being. I knew immediately, perhaps by telepathy or an inner knowing, that this Being’s image was "manufactured" and was being portrayed as evil by the religious community and the media on Earth. This is the image the humans in control will show to the world via television and they will tell the people it is the "devil" and the "antichrist."

I continued to watch the television screen and it was reaffirmed to me. The image will be shown to the world while the media will lead people to believe it is the antichrist thereby convincing the majority of humans that all of the aliens are evil. I was dumbfounded and my mind was flooded with this information. I thought to myself,

"I know they are not all evil. This is going to be a deception and they are going to use this particular Being’s image to deceive the people of Earth."

Because it was such a deception and so negative a thing that they were going to do, I immediately looked away from this particular screen and focused back on the hybrids and the images they were being shown. I realized there were hundreds of them. Hundreds of hybrids being forced here…being told they had to come here. It was so sad. I knew in my heart that this was not an alien-hybrid invasion force, but rather, they were being sent here to fight for us - to fight for us humans. They were being made to sacrifice their lives for us. I thought to myself,

"My God - what the hell is going to happen to necessitate this?"

I was then thrown back into the real-life vision of hell on Earth similar to what I experienced with the two ladies who killed their loved ones rather than leaving them behind to suffer. All that humans had now were the clothes on their backs and what they could grab at the last minute. People everywhere were running from something. I could tell that whatever does happen to us - happens quickly.

Lavender-Colored Printouts

I had, in my hand, four sheets of very thin, lavender colored paper that was a printout of what all of the aliens and hybrids looked like. It contained images and the designations of all of the aliens who were coming to Earth. The images were very small, but I had no doubt what it was that I was holding in my hand. I watched as humans ran in terror and tried to hide and escape from something they apparently had no understanding of or control over. I then handed the papers to a teenage boy and told him what they were. He looked at me, completely astonished. He knew nothing about the aliens and was astonished that I knew about them, but he seemed thankful for the information I gave him. He grabbed the papers from me and ran away. As I watched him run away, I thought to myself,

"He is young and strong...he has a chance of surviving this."

Situation Grave

I looked around and saw that I was now in a small dark room. Everyone was still living in squalor and people had to stay wherever they could find a place to hide or rest. Most of the cell phone carriers were gone or were operating erratically and those people’s whose phones would work were having their calls intercepted by a group of humans who were still in control, and interrupted by some sort of technology.

I then looked across the room and saw one of our presidential candidates. He looked very sick and seemed to be dying or giving up. Although in my current reality it is 2008, I somehow know that he had become President in 2009, and I am now seeing 2010 and something had been done to him. He looked very pale and his situation was grave. Something was protruding from his forehead. It was thin, like a wire or a fiber and it was the same color green as the color of the puddle of liquid light I saw when the vision began. It was very unnatural, but it was part of what was wrong with him.

I tried to help him and to communicate with him. I told him he had to come back and that he had to fight. It seemed that after a while of listening to what I had to say, he decided to try to fulfill his mission. In doing so, however, he would have to leave behind someone, or a group of people, who had sacrificed everything for him. Through him, I felt an enormous amount of grief relating to this. We turned and walked out of the small dark room together. Everything seemed hopeless, but he was our only chance.


This is where the encounter ended, or at least, my memory of it. It may seem incredulous to some, but this is what happened to me during this particular experience. I am aware that some people might want to write this experience off as a vivid, emotionally loaded "teaching scenario" designed by the aliens to elicit emotional responses from me concerning war and the hybrids. Others may casually proclaim, "It was just an alien screen memory." I, however, have not been able to accept either of these as explanations for what happened.

I have had too many encounters that have shown me similar things about our future, but 2010 is the earliest date I have ever remembered. The encounter eleven months prior showing the four hybrids going off to war; some of my past MILAB experiences as well as encounters that have occurred since, lead me to believe that someone is trying to tell me something about our future, or perhaps the hybrids’ future. What I am shown over and over again is that whatever happens, happens quickly and, although I am not 100% certain, I believe an outside force of some type either causes it or takes advantage of us. It may be that while humans are so focused on something else, someone takes advantage of us in a terrible way.

Becoming More Human

I am aware that I only saw males: alien fathers and their alien-human hybrid sons. This is something that caught my attention early on and I wonder about it still. I have witnessed firsthand that alien females, as well as alien-human hybrid females, have equally powerful telepathic abilities as do their male counterparts. They are also just as capable of using technology with their telepathic prowess as efficiently as the males of their species. In addition, I have not observed that any of the aliens, with the exception of the Dracos-Reptilian species, are physically more powerful than humans. So, again, why did I only see males?

Seeing only the male hybrids made me consider the possibility that the aliens segregate their duties and responsibilities according to their sex. However, looking back on the experiences of abductees as a whole, I do not believe this is the case. On the other hand, if they are now part human and are becoming more human, then the hormones they inherited from us via our endocrine systems would definitely play a role in changing their behavior and physiology. These hormones are most likely making the alien-human hybrid males physically stronger than their female counterparts. I would also add, from my personal experiences with many hybrids, they are also exhibiting much more emotion and some even appear to be somewhat "out of control" regarding their sexual behavior.(14)

Christian Beliefs

It is odd that I was shown the screen with the "evil alien" on it and that our religious community and our media will exploit this image by telling people it is the "devil" and the "antichrist." While most religions believe in some form of "evil," the idea of an antichrist is deeply rooted in Christianity. This leads me to suspect this ruse will be orchestrated for countries with large Christian based populations. One has to wonder if other countries (or possibly the aliens) have a plan to lie to their populations in a similar manner, or if this is some sort of deception on the aliens’ part? What would Moslems or Hindus, for example, think of the idea of the devil or the antichrist being a tan colored alien Being? Surely the arrival of hybrids and the destruction we see coming isn’t going to be confined to the United States and other Christian based countries. Or, is it?

Perhaps it only begins here. It is possible that the United States and our strongest allies will be used as a type of launching point for their plan. After all, it’s not as if some of them aren’t already here on Earth. In addition, as I write this, I have no way of knowing if anyone else on our planet might have had a similar vision or a similar encounter as mine. If this in fact comes to pass, I do wonder: How will other countries, based on the differences of their respective cultures and religious beliefs, perceive us? For example, will the Hindus or the Atheists or the followers of Islam in other countries blame the West and its Christian allies for the aliens coming here (or already being here) or will humans come together to fight a "common," perceived enemy?

I’ve been shown futuristic scenarios like this before and I’ve also had other abductees share their experiences like this with me, and what they have seen is quite similar to what I have seen. Our future does not look bright and it is not solely due to environmental problems. I suspect that while we are completely focused on something else, there will be something - perhaps even an outside force - that creates the havoc I saw, and this will necessitate the hybrids, and possibly other aliens, being put in the position I witnessed. If I am wrong and what they showed me was a deception as far as the aliens’ intent is concerned, then all the weapons and "books of faith" on our planet will not protect us.

As I said earlier, this is not the future I want to see happen. If whomever it was who allowed me to see this showed me the truth, then maybe someone - somewhere - can do something to prevent it, or perhaps we can prepare for it. The second encounter I included in Part One of this article occurred in July of 2008. Whoever it was who gave me this information showed me who would become President in 2009 - four months prior to the election - so at least that much of what I saw was true.

The hybrids are made from our flesh and blood. As much as we dislike what the rest of the aliens are doing to us, the hybrids are part human. Remembering that may be of great help to us in the future.

* * *


All of my experiences since 1989 have been remembered consciously, without the aid of hypnosis. For more information about my background and in-depth personal investigation, please refer to Psychological & Physical Evaluations as well as my Introduction.

Personal encounter experiences relayed to me in private written correspondence, in addition to my own encounters. See Also: Hybrid Children: A Merging Of Two Worlds, by Doreen Imper, Kendra McNeal and Kay Wilson

Hopkins, Budd. Intruders: The Incredible Visitations At Copley Woods. New York: Random House, 1987.

Hopkins, Budd and Carol Rainy. Sight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility and Transgenic Beings. New York: Atria Books (Simon & Schuster), 2003.

Jacobs, David M. Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions. New York. Simon and Schuster, 1992.

Jacobs, David. M. The Threat. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Mack, John E. Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1994.

Smith, Yvonne R. Chosen: Recollections of UFO Abductees Through Hypnotherapy. Edited by Paul Loggins, Published by Backstage Entertainment, 2008.

Sparks, Jim. The Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race. Bookworld Services (Wild Flower Press) 2006.

Turner, Karla K. TAKEN: Inside The Alien-Human Abduction Agenda Roland, Arkansas: Kelt Works, 1994.

Twiggs, Denise and Bert. Secret Vows: Our Lives with Extraterrestrials. Tigard, Oregon: Wild Flower Press, 1992. (DBA Bookworld Services.)

Wilson, Kay. Personal correspondence and private e-mails collected since 1994.

Wilson, Kay. I Forgot What I Wasn’t Supposed To Remember, Chapter Eighteen, "Precious."

(2) I Forgot What I Wasn’t Supposed To Remember, Chapter Thirty-eight, "Missing Time:" Specifically, The Lights of Peoria and Bubble Craft: Chapter Ten: "White Sands, New Mexico:" Specifically Secret Base In Alaska

Wilson, Kay. The Alien Jigsaw. Underground Base Encounter near water: See Index for "Cigar Shaped Craft," "Tan Doctor," "Military Base," and "Military."

MILABS: Project Open Mind: Some Of Them Were Military.

Wilson, Kay. The Alien Jigsaw. The Alien Jigsaw Researcher’s Supplement. My books can be purchased through my Web site, MUFON, Amazon.com, or E-bay. Project Open Mind: Are Some Alien Abductions Really Government Mind Control Experiments?

Sauder, Richard. Underwater and Underground Bases: Surprising Facts the Government Does Not Want You to Know! Published by Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001.

Feindt, Carl. Water UFO Web

Hynek, J. Allen, Phillip Imbrogno and Bob Pratt. Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings. Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 64383, Department K362-X, St. Paul, MN, 55164.

Marconi, Steve. Amazing UFO Sightings In The Hudson Valley, Hidden Technology & The Coming Great Deception. Trafford Publishing, United Kingdom, 2008.

(3) I Forgot What I Wasn’t Supposed To Remember, Chapter Thirty-six, "They Shall Be Revealed."

(4) Journal of Abduction Encounter Research, Issues 3 & 4: An Interview with "Kevin Marks." Don’t Apply for A Job At the CIA – You Might Be Interviewed By an Alien. http://www.jarmag.com

(5) World Atlas: The World's Oceans

(6) These two conversations regarding underground living facilities or bases are excerpted from my personal journals and have recently been included in the Second Edition of my free e-book.

Sauder, Richard. Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government trying to hide? Adventures Unlimited Press: One Adventure Place, Kempton, IL, 60946, 1995.

Sauder, Richard. Underwater and Underground Bases: Surprising Facts the Government Does Not Want You to Know! Published by Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001.

The History Channel’s Cities of the Underworld. See Soviet Era Submarine Base. * This is quite similar to what I’ve seen during some of my encounters involving underground bases near large bodies of water, especially the encounter involving the cigar shaped craft on what appeared to be a combined alien-human military base. Two of my illustrations are published on this Web site under ET Images - Alien Craft at: http://www.alienjigsaw.com/Gallery/Craft.html

(7) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NevadaAnother curiosity I found involves the State of New Mexico. This State’s total area is 121,665 square miles and has more than a third of its land under federal ownership with the Federal Government "protecting" millions of acres as national forests. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Mexico and http://www.bingaman.senate.gov/ See also googlemaps.com and type in "New Mexico" and click on "Terrain." It does not appear that 1/3 of New Mexico’s terrain consists of forest land and the idea that the Federal Government is protecting this amount of forest land in New Mexico is dubious, at least to me.

See Also: The History Channel: The States

(8) I Forgot What I Wasn’t Supposed To Remember: Chapter Ten: "White Sands, New Mexico:" Specifically Secret Base In Alaska

(9) Swann, Ingo. Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy. Ingo Swann Books, P. O. Box 2875, Rapid City, South Dakota, 57709-2875, 1998. www.biomindsuperpowers.com and http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/intro.html

(10) I Forgot What I Wasn’t Supposed To Remember: Chapter Nineteen: "Honey To The Bees."

My husband Erik suggested the theory that we may be a possible source of stem cells for some of these Beings. This was first published in my article titled, DracosReptiliansAndDargons and relates to an encounter during which I was told that some humans were being "transformed" by these particular Beings. The experiences this article is based on showed me that it is not only the Greys and their cohorts who are using humans for genetic purposes.

Ibid. Hopkins, Hopkins-Rainey, Jacobs, Smith, Sparks, Turner.

(11) MILABS: Project Open Mind

Hawker, Gloria Ann. Morning Glory: Diary of an Alien Abductee. P.O. Box 14779, Albuquerque, NM, 87191, 2001. "Write to Print" is no longer in business. Please contact author at above address.

Jordan, Debbie and Kathy Mitchell. Abducted! The Story of Intruders Continues. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1994.

Lammer, Helmut and Marion. MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction. IllumiNet Press: Lilburn, Georgia, 1999.

Turner, Karla K. TAKEN: Inside The Alien-Human Abduction Agenda Roland, Arkansas: Kelt Works, 1994.

Wilson, Kay. Project Open Mind: Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments? Puzzle Publishing, 1996. Located on this Web site.

** Two other books that should be noted for the excellent research by their authors as well as government and/or military involvement or interest are:

The Coronado Island UFO Incident, by Michael Evans and Preston Dennett. (2007) (Excellent Artwork Included) Galde Press, Inc. P.O. Box 460, Lakeville, MN, 55044.

Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions, aka "The Linda Cortille Case" By Budd Hopkins. New York: Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster) 1996.


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  1. The fact is the human race is infiltrated by other extraterrestrial races that are part of avatar programs that can and do utilize psionic links and transference of data signatures of individuals.


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