Change your perspctive

Just one is enough...

Just one negative belief is enough to create
tremendous pain, struggle and more hardship.

A simple belief like: It's hard to make money is
enough to make your life difficult. Because that
simple belief is planted on your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious then follows this belief and makes
sure you have a hard time making and getting more money.

That's because your subconscious just creates your
life based on your beliefs

When you have a negative belief which says:
"It's hard to..." it will always be hard to achieve that goal.

You may not realize this but over the years you've
programmed your subconscious with your beliefs.
And it keeps following that program, creating your
life based on what you believe

The longer you hold your negative belief, the harder life gets.

Think about some of the negative or limiting beliefs you have.

Simple beliefs like: "there are no good men or women." If you
have this belief then you'll never meet a good man or women.
You'll struggle in your relationships, they won't work out
because you keep meeting the wrong kind of people.

Or here's another widely held negative belief:
"there are no good jobs"
That kind of belief caught on during the last recession
and you might still believe that "there are no good jobs."
But there are people getting jobs every day.
Your belief that says there are no good jobs means your
subconscious mind will always steer you to jobs you don't want.
And so you struggle to find a good job.

What other negative beliefs are you holding on to which are
preventing you from getting what you really want?

The longer you hang on to your negative beliefs the stronger
they get and the harder life becomes.

You may want to succeed, but you've got beliefs that hold you back.
You've got doubts and fears that hold you back.
You have to get rid of them
I know you can have more and be more.
I know you can have the success you want and deserve.
I know you can make more money, meet the right person,
get a better job, improve your health, have more energy,
get rid of stress, grow your business and get what you want in life.

Now you just have to believe you can.
You just have to believe you can succeed.
You just have to get rid of those negative thoughts,
those negative beliefs, those fears and doubts and you
now you can...

Wishing you tremendous success...

Karim Hajee
Creating Power


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