hidden fine is misrepresented as tax

You know what grinds my gears.. "Stolen from family guy" lol This whole Obamacare thing. Ooh ahh everyone is going to be taken care of. But who pays for it! We do! Weather we are sick or not. 
Obamacare was nothing more then a way to tax the American people without calling it "new taxes". That's the new thing in government now. Let's make "obamacare" and then tack on 30 new taxes to it without telling anyone! Which is exactly what they did! A underhanded sneaky new way to pass laws and enactments without the general populace having any clue what's really going on. Make them believe we are just looking out for them for "there own good". It's all underhanded political bs. What pisses me of most is 90% of the people out there are to stupid to check the facts! And fall for this crap hook line and sinker.
Which is why I am extremely suspicious of this whole "terrorist watch list". There are no certain laws or anything that says who gets put on there terrorist watch list! Which makes me think that anyone who speaks out against Obama is on the list! Anyone who has a registered gun is on the list! Anyone they don't like in anyway shape or form is on the list! And I guarantee you they will use this damn list to conive a way to enact a new law saying we need to disarm everyone on the terrorist watch list! For the good of the people of course! If you own a gun...your on the list! And to tell the general public we are disarming everyone on the terrorist watch list ...well..do you really think enough people in this country are going to have brains enough to know that they are disarming..everyone!


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