Nordic aliens, the Elohim race of our galaxy

We already explained how we contacted a member of a special and discreet organisation, to which ceremonies as those that taking place in the Bohemian Grove make smile. This people has told us as some of the rumors which have been bouncing on the web for years, concerning contacts and the presence of aliens on Earth, are genuine and are organizations as those of which he is member that periodically spread some news, together with a lot of fictions, to seee how the world public opinion could react to the truth.
After talking to us of Reptilians our “man in black” has described other alien races starting from the Nordic. Physically similar to the human ones, fair-skinned and blondie, tall (according to some witnesses that for first described their aspect the height can vary from 1,9 to 2,1 meters) but well-built, they seem to often have been exchanged for angels or other divine entities since the ancient times. As also confirmed by George Adamski for first and then by Billy Maier, Nordic are native of a solar system once in the Pleiades.
This star cluster is around 440 light-years from the sun and now it seems to be made for the more by young stars. But around 3-2.8 billion years ago there was a star with a mass several times that of the sun. This “mother star” developed a wide solar system that within the following billion years saw forms of life beginning to emerge which evolving made up the most ancient civilization of our galaxy. Nevertheless, around 1,5 billion years the Nordic/Pleiadians realized to run the risk to be swept away in few million of years, because of the fly-by next to the mother star of a black hole.
Nordic in a few thousand years succeeded in colonizing all the main planets of their solar system and then in less than a million years with an engineering work which hasn’t had equal in the universe till now were able to divert them from their orbits, ferrying them toward a neighbor but smaller star. Several hundred million years passed, Nordic evolved further while the black hole was distroing the mother star, finally causing a violent explosion that gave origin to the first nucleus of the Pleiades. The process was extremely slow and only 150-100 million years ago materials returned to thicken enough to give life to new stars.
Meanwhile the Nordic had succeeded in finding the way to travel in the space both with their own planet-spaceships both with real spaceships,beginning to colonize new worlds or to come into contact with other races among which the human ones. The contact with the human ones is very recent (on cosmic scale), having happened around 200 thousand years ago. During the following centuries many were the genetic experiments done on some individuals of Homo Erectus that would have contributed to the appearance of the Homo Sapiens.
Returned more times on the Earth, also establishing you temporary base(as for some Atlantis, but this is not certain), Nordic, givern their very long evolution, are characterized by a great spiritual ability and have always shown a kind behavior towards the human ones, having finally decided, some millennia ago, to simply play the role of observers of the evolution of the human race, perhaps waiting for to be able to establish new and different relationships with the human ones
. I am thoroughly surprised at the many comments to my
words; of course, I am naturally also disappointed about the religious
portrayals of me as the enemy which have been voiced and which have
buried themselves deeply in your mind. You should learn to set
yourselves apart from the old conditioning and not to stand quasi
under the control of something or someone who has already been gone
for 5000 years. You are, after all, free spirits that should be able to brak away from their designed inhibitors.


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