Love everlasting

The word immortality conjures up impressions of striving to be immortal; working hard to live forever. The idea of striving to be immortal implies that the opposite is expected. I stopped using that word some time ago as I now live from an understanding of just “being”. “Being” is a timeless experience. Existence is then not judged, evaluated, determined or measured by the idea of time and space. Yet one is free to remain engaged in the human experience according to our ever expanding awareness and memory of who we are. I am “possibilities” itself! I am not separate from the fabric upon which I am dreaming this dream and experiencing this dance.
If this sounds too esoteric then it stands to reason that one is still unable to truly accept that life floats upon an ocean of possibilities and that all things are possible. Possibilities are most often accepted with boundaries. Boundaries are about protection and safety measures. So the question remains, what do you believe or what do you know? What is your truth? Teeter tottering is about uncertainty so rather than commit for fear of being “wrong” or making the “wrong” decision one may teeter totter; go back and forth.
Living timelessly does not mean that you stop acknowledging the cycles of your birth (your birthday) or celebrating it, it does not mean that one must become a breatharian, a vegan or raw foodist etc. It is actually about an embrace of the totality of the experience. Neither one of these selections will make you timeless although the body may be more harmonically sustained for “a time”. These are temporary methods held together by belief systems that are more reflective of the survival programs. Sure the body must be cared for as the consciousness evolves beyond the limiting programs. However the life giving substance is the understanding of “beingness” of “timelessness” of life as the eternal NOW, an endless NOW!
We age/decay because of what we do not understand we then comfort ourselves with the acceptance of death in the human game. Sure nothing dies but in the human game death has an entirely different meaning. Death has simply become a habit as we have forgotten how to consciously transform this bio molecular form/body that already knows how to travel faster than the speed of light and is constantly doing it! What boundaries have you placed around what’s possible. What is the latitude of your perception!

What just unfolded in the US elections is a wake up call about the state of society. It's about America but also the world, increasingly interdependent and connected yet divided by a fear-based mentality of us and them. A revolution is needed, beginning inside individuals like us, awakening to a more loving and inclusive way to be.
Many people are feeling shock or sadness as the dust begins to settle from the stunning and unexpected elections outcome on Tuesday. There were signs ahead, but with all the chaos and craziness, those signs were deep below the radar.
You don't need to be an American to feel the shock of this election. Lots of anxiety and fear is being generated across the world - because of the unknowns and the unclear direction of America.
From a historical perspective, we haven't had such a crazy upset in elections since the 1940s. One key difference:  in the 1940s we were not a globally connected world, sitting on a precipice that involves the continued sustainability and habitability of our planet.We cannot go back in time - only forward.
No one really knows what is about to unfold - it's that unprecedented.
Here are a few things to keep in mind, along with suggestions for riding through this in the highest way.
FIRST, as the world is processing the shock about what happened, strive to stay in your heart and above the octaves of fear. When you don't know what else to do in a moment of feeling panic, stop long enough to go within and take some deep breaths while accessing your heart.
SECOND, if you are sad about the outcome of the election, to key to healing is remembering the big picture. If you are angry or discouraged, own how you feel and work with it internally. Then channel those feelings into constructive change.
THIRD, if what occurred in the US elections runs counter to cherished goals you want to see implemented, do not give up. Your voice matters. Your energies matter. Refuse to be silenced. Trust that goodness does prevail, and put your whole being into fighting for a good and just world.   
FOURTH, stay in the present. That's your only place of power. Self-monitor your thoughts, and when your mind travels to the "what ifs" with worry about the future, rein it in. To be an effective vehicle for positive change, you must be here in the present.
FIFTH, keep your focus big picture and quantum. A broken system or even one dysfunctional piece of a system will take time and persistence to fix. Don't lose sight of the gains already made, even if they fall short of your minimum ideal. Positive changes happen much faster when people focus on gratitude for the good and cooperate with others on mutual goals to create more good things.
SIXTH, if you are American and upset about the direction of society, focus less on being an American and more on being a decent and loving human being. If you hear others talk about a person or group that compromised something you cherish - use that information not to blame and show retribution but to understand the deeper levels of motivation involved. To understand others and their motivations does not mean that you condone their actions. Understanding is a healing tool.
SEVENTH, if you live outside the US or simply feel disconnected from the whole political process occurring in America, raise your frequency higher in these moments by striving to be compassionate and loving. To care about others means that you care about yourself and our world. Caring is the first step towards creating the kind of world you want to live in.
Trust that you have boundless support to be here now, and to be a light-filled force for positive changes. Know that you can create miracles when you apply love


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