Weekly Horoscopes beginning: Sunday, 12 November 2017

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If you`re born within cusp period (16 to 26 of any month); you`re advised to read horoscopes of both signs covered by that period. You`re in the border; you may have influences from houses within those signs.

Outlines are longer versions; consists of every possible detail of everyday and based on three parts of each sign: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Decan; that is, any of three divisions of 10° within a sign of the zodiac. Even if you know or don`t know your Decan; I recommend, please read all three Decan.

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Personal theme: I am!!
Fire & cardinal sign: March 21 -- April 19

Your horoscope for this week:

As much as you enjoy the excitement of new ideas or sudden changes, what`s happening now could overwhelm even you. However, because much of what`s taking place involves breakthroughs, if not moving into new territory, you`re justifiably thrilled. While, obviously, you`d rather organise plans swiftly, and once, judging by nearly daily changes in the actual circumstances, the more flexible your thinking and plans, the better.

You`ll have a rare opportunity to achieve mastery of a favourite subject. Getting a degree or a vocational qualification, working as an apprentice or becoming an intern could all be on your agenda. The skills you acquire will make your confidence to soar. A passion packed encounter with your amour will give you an attractive glow that is impossible to resist. Don`t be surprised when doors that seemed sealed shut suddenly fly open. You`re on the path to self-realisation. Instead of playing it safe, take a few risks.

It would be understandable if you felt pressured. If you need to give yourself a time line, then perhaps give yourself until the Sun moves into Sagittarius (21st). It may be that you don`t `need` that date and that events taking place ahead of Saturday`s New Moon render that pressure redundant. It`s entirely possible though that something you`ve been seeking will find you. By Thursday you could be more relaxed than you`ve been in ages. True, others (especially if they are from other cultures) may put pressure on. See that as a compliment: they know how valuable you are to their plans. In showing that you`re taking time to make your next move and that you`re in the process of making careful assessment (risk management), you are also showing them that professionally you`ve upped your game. This should be particularly pleasing to a Gemini who may not have been sure of your intentions.

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Personal theme: I have!!
Earth & fixed sign: April 20 -- May 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Watching plans, you struggled to organise come undone will be upsetting until you realise what`s next is better than what`s gone. While, with some, you`ll know exactly what those benefits are, most will be unclear until the actual situations are settled. In every case, tempting as it is to stick with what you know, this is about not mere changes, but thrilling, and timely, breakthroughs.

Working behind the scenes for a hospital, university or government agency makes you feel good about yourself. Look into contributing to a pension plan or profit sharing agreement. This fund will allow you to enjoy a comfortable retirement. If you have a business or romantic partner, they`ll receive a financial windfall that indirectly benefits you. Are you single? You`ll meet someone who makes your pulse rate pound at an environmental group, antique shop or nightclub. Follow your impulses; they`re right on target.

The period before the New Moon (next Saturday) is usually a good time for clearing-up operations so it wouldn`t be so surprising if you were asked to get involved in an archiving exercise. Yet it`s as likely that you`ll feel the need to stock a store cupboard or otherwise prepare for potential difficulties ahead. True, it may be that you set yourself the task of completing a piece of work by this weekend. This desire could lead to an exceptionally busy mid-week. It might seem to some that you`re almost `half-crazed then`: working at a speed that seems out of the ordinary for you. Obviously take care that this approach doesn`t leave you in weakened state for what could be a busy weekend. On the upside however, it could be that you have support from someone who understands both your motivation and the potential upside for them too if you complete this task.

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Personal theme: I think!!
Air sign: May 21 -- June 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Thrilling as new ideas and unexpected developments may be, the pace is worryingly swift. Besides, while you can discuss plans, decisions are in the hands of others. Actually, this is best, because it gives you time to disentangle yourself from situations that could hold you back, if not cause problems. Tend to these now and by next week, you`ll be working on future plans alongside others.

Friendship could turn to romance in next to no time. Someone you have known for years could suddenly light your fire. Embarking on a serious relationship will bring welcome stability. If you`ve been looking for work, you`ll be offered a wonderful job with great fringe benefits. Being paid to do what you love will give you a new lease on life. Someone close needs to share a secret but do you need to know? Things could be changed irrevocably by what you learn over the next few days.

Another storm is likely brewing - though it could be that an old issue returns for further attention. No matter how calm, collected and determined you feel you are being, it might be as well to factor in that others don`t have the same interest or investment in a project that you do. Relying on their support might not be wise. Yes, once again you may need to dig deep into reserves. Fact is that until Saturn leaves your opposite sign (December 20th), hurdles may well be encountered. This week these may be health-related (not necessarily yours). It may be that someone on whom you thought you could rely for practical support is simply unable to give it. Draw strength from the fact that Geminis are generally good at multi-tasking and deflecting attention when necessary! At the very least you may be able to persuade someone to extend a deadline. Note too that your way with words suggests that the wording you use in a document could make considerable difference - even if again, that`s only `buying time`.

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Personal theme: I feel!!
Water & cardinal sign: June 21 -- July 22

Your horoscope for this week:

You can`t help but be intrigued by the new ideas being discussed; but you`re lacking reassuring details. Actually, it`s too early to think in terms of fixed arrangements. Get involved. Don`t let a lack of familiarity with the people or ideas involved get in the way. These concepts are so new that everybody`s on a steep learning curve. Within days, you`ll be working together to make preparations.

Don`t worry about taking on even more responsibilities at work. You`ll do such a good job with these duties that you`ll soon be in line for a promotion. Being able to exercise your innovative leadership skills will be the answer to a prayer. Love is in the air. Let an attentive romantic partner drink and dine you. There`s a good chance you`ll get engaged or married. If you`re already in a serious relationship, you and your beloved would be wise to embark on a creative project together. It will be fun.

It`s probable that recent weeks have found you giving and giving and giving. In offering secure back-up services to others, your own needs may have been set to one side. Before next Sunday (19th) when Mars and Pluto arrive at key aspect and when others might once again be super-demanding of your attention, it might be as well to give thought to what you have accomplished since the August eclipse and, at the very least, award yourself a star for what you`ve managed to do - despite SO many distractions. Balancing increased small but daily and repetitious tasks with the desire to do more of what you positively need to do may be difficult - especially if colleagues born under Libra or Capricorn also need your attention (likely). Yet it`s perhaps really important - at many levels - that as Venus moves through Scorpio (until end of the month), that you have time to play, design and, maybe, develop a business (creative) plan for 2018.

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Personal theme: I will!!
Fire & fixed sign: July 23 -- August 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Dealing with the current crop of frequent and, often, completely unexpected events is tricky. The solution is to explore everything, including seemingly unappealing options. Valid as your concerns are now, within a short time your views on longstanding plans will change, possibly overnight. This isn`t about a single event but a series of new ideas and dramatic developments, some that will extend into the new year.

You`ll get a chance to go on an impromptu trip. Visiting somewhere that is well off the beaten track will give you a special thrill. Don`t be surprised when you develop a passion for another culture. You may even decide to move overseas. Be guided by emotion, not logic. When you feel supremely happy in a place, it`s a sign you will thrive there. This shift will be good for your family, too. Are you single? You`ll meet the love of your life after establishing a comfortable home. Passion is in the air.

It might be as well to get a feel for where the brakes are: you may need to apply these sooner than you think. Tempting as it may be to push forward, to do so at speed could cause many difficulties in the long-term. Taking time to take stock would be a wise investment of energy. True, as of Tuesday others (especially if born under Cancer or Libra) could throw ideas your way. They may be hopeful that you`ll run with these. You likely have enough on your plate already: specifically, property or asset management related. Ahead of Saturday`s New Moon you could take time to do some valuable risk analysis. In fact, playing detective should suit you well. Though a Scorpio colleague may not be quick to articulate their thoughts and feelings, coaxing these from them and giving them, careful consideration should prove more than a little useful.

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Personal theme: I analyse!!
Earth sign: August 23 -- September 22

Your horoscope for this week:

The only real problem you`re facing is that your carefully thought out plans simply aren`t proceeding as anticipated; but judging by the series of powerful aspects to Uranus, planet of innovation and the unexpected, during all of November, even relatively simple arrangements will shift, and shift again. That being the case, there`s no better time to experiment than now and over the weeks to come.

Your family puts you on the path to financial stability. An inheritance, insurance refund or legal settlement allows you to enjoy more creature comforts. You`re a highly sensual person who appreciates fine furnishings, gourmet food and hand-crafted object d`art. Treat yourself to a few of life`s little luxuries; satisfying your love of beauty will make you more attractive to love. A new creative opportunity looks like being an exciting development for times to come. Take things slowly and let them take their own course.

Mercury will be at the base of your solar chart through until early 2018 so there`s no RUSH to take action. Rather, this period could usefully be spent considering options. These are still early days but now that one major aspect is separating and though true, there are obvious obstacles still to be overcome, your perspective has likely shifted. Tempting as it may be to wonder if you`re doing the `right` thing, the more you dwell on what can`t now be changed, the less time you have to focus on improvements. You will need to take care that others don`t think that you are going back on your word. They need to see that your actions are all down to applying due diligence - not worrying for worrying`s sake. Given the high probability of effecting major change in the coming weeks, being seen as careful yet practical could yet bring greatest acknowledgement.

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Personal theme: I balance!!
Air & cardinal sign: September 23 -- October 22

Your horoscope for this week:

With the dynamic Mars in Libra until early December, you`re in a period of both growth and personal questioning. While you`ve already made some changes, others are raising difficult questions. Tempting as it is to talk these over, first reflect quietly on your own. What you learn will be informative, if not bring powerful insights about these matters and other, equally perplexing, dilemmas.

Falling in love at first sight could be a possibility. The chemistry between you and a knowledgeable newcomer is undeniable. If you`re already in a relationship, don`t miss a chance to show your love and affection for your amour. A love letter and thoughtful gift will be very well received. Go ahead and spend a little more than usual. A lucrative job is on the way. Getting paid to exercise your creativity brings out the best in you. You can excite the public`s imagination with an inventive mix of words and images.

It`s not difficult to imagine you beavering away and yes, you could achieve much before the weekend. Saturday`s New Moon offers a natural time line so that as of next Monday you could be embarked on a new adventure. For now - and possibly thanks to a Sagittarius or someone who has considerable experience, you could conquer a fear and get more done in a day than is normal. As the Moon passes through your sign (Tuesday and Wednesday) you could also do much to salvage partnerships of all kinds: perhaps acting as mediator within a group where tensions are running so high that there`s danger of someone walking out. Tempting as it may be to persuade them to stay, it may be that their removal from the scene would allow others to say what they`re really been thinking: resulting in a fresh and constructive approach being realised within days of the New Moon.

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Scorpio & Ophiuchus
Personal theme: I desire!!
Water & fixed signs: October 23 -- November 21

Your horoscope for this week:

Pressing as decisions seem, you`re urged to put off committing right away. First, the actual circumstances you`re dealing with are changing, in some cases rapidly. Even more important are the insights promised by the Scorpio New Moon on Saturday the 18th. What you learn, about circumstances but even more about yourself, will substantially alter your priorities. Only after that can you make lasting plans.

You`ll get a job offer from out of the blue and if you take it, it will help you along your way to long-term financial security. Your ability to think on your feet will impress people. As a result, you`ll be invited to take on a quasi-leading role. Prepare to ask for a higher salary than the one you are first offered. You should be paid well for such serious responsibilities. Use some of your paycheque for a makeover. Splash out on fashionable clothes, give your wardrobe a thorough going over or restyle your hair.

With so much planetary activity in your sign, this should be the `best of times`. That amazing knack you have of being able to tune into undercurrents should work well as of Thursday too. In fact, `hearing and seeing` what others miss could also put you in a position of power. If there is a down side, it`s that several people could use you as a sounding board. Try - if at all possible - not to take on their woes. They are precisely that: their woes and not yours. Note too that with Mercury in neighbouring Sagittarius (and for an extended stay) that the ability of certain people to maintain enthusiasm is questionable. Your ability to stick with a project to the end makes you a valuable member of any team. Though recognition might not come until after Saturday`s New Moon (in your sign), it will eventually come.

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Personal theme: I see!!
Fire sign: November 22 -- December 21

Your horoscope for this week:

Usually you`re easy-going about both unexpected events and others` sometimes quirky decisions. Yet recent tense situations have put you on edge, both with others but, even more, in persistent and irritating personal matters. Ignoring this may be out of character but, at the moment, it`s the best solution. Many will resolve themselves and those that don`t could turn out to be thrilling opportunities, if in disguise.

Your innovative approach to work and everyday life in general can be inspirational for others. If you`re pursuing a career in the performing arts, this is an ideal time to go on auditions. If you`re a writer, musician or designer, make sure to showcase the fruits of your labour. You`ll get an enthusiastic response to your work. When the stress of public life becomes too great, sneak off to a hideaway. Spending quality time with your beloved will be therapeutic. Get lost in each other`s arms.

Of course, you can`t be responsible for someone else`s thinking. Yet now that Mercury is moving through your sign, you may be all too aware of the way in which others process information. The fact that their systems are so very different to your own could be both challenging and worrying. It might be necessary by Thursday to point out to someone who appears to be interfering too much, that you can`t take responsibility for their thoughts but instead must channel things according to your own present needs. Painful as this may be, this could be an essential process. At root, security is the likely issue. It`s perhaps the case that the other person is at a stage when they need to know the extent of your commitment. Until Saturn leaves your sign on December 20, this theme is unlikely to subside.

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Personal theme: I use!!
Earth & cardinal sign: December 22 -- January 19

Your horoscope for this week:

This isn`t just a period of change- you`ve little control over the pace of events. Ordinarily this would be troubling, but you`ve learnt that if you simply go with the flow, things work out better. That`s especially the case now and until the end of November. If you`re still unsure, just avoid solid commitments. Soon, however, you`ll be embracing those that you questioned most.

Moving to a totally different area of the country or even the world will be stimulating. You will be excited to discover how adaptable you are. Adjusting to a more relaxed way of life will enhance your spiritual side. You`ll welcome the opportunity to reflect on life`s big questions. Joining a creative team is strongly advised. You`ll enjoy collaborating with people who share your desire to create works of beauty. Stop telling yourself you are more practical than artistic. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Okay, you`re probably right that much is going on in the background. That may be the case all the way through until the early part of next year. Don`t be at all surprised if more than one person wants you on their team. Fact is, that with your knowledge and connections your value may well be soaring. Yet it could also be the case those that there is at least one task that you have no intention of returning to. Coerced as you may be to at least listen to someone`s dilemma, you might need to turn a deaf ear to their challenges. The simple fact is though true, much depends on your actual birthday, that you`ve moved on. Another possibility is involvement with insurance matters. Though the paperwork involved may be daunting, this may be an exercise that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

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Personal theme: I know!!
Air & fixed sign: January 20 -- February 18

Your horoscope for this week:

As inquisitive as you are about events and the individuals around you, changes in your routine at home or at work are another matter. You`ll make them, but only after thought and in your own time. However, events are shaking things up, and some of those events will lead to inevitable changes. Dire as they seem now, they`ll prove to be a dream come true.

Do you feel you want to join a club? Although such an organisation smacks of elitism, you should go ahead. Your fellow members can help you realise a cherished goal. They`ll appreciate your idealism and you`ll respect their accomplishments. It`s a win-win situation. Don`t be surprised when you land a dream job. The competition for this position was stiff, but the decision makers felt you were the best candidate by far. Your independent instincts will serve the company well.

It might help to use next Saturday`s New Moon as the launch date for the next stage of a career project. Those of your sign have a gift for blending the past with the future. Interestingly this week you could get across exactly how that bridge might be crossed. It`s not hard to imagine that by Friday others will view you as insightful with a good grasp of what needs to be done. Over Tuesday and Wednesday, as the Moon passes through another of the Air signs, thirst for information could lead you to an archive and potential treasure-trove. Armed with this information you could confront someone who`s arrived at a conclusion based on false evidence. In setting things straight and ahead of the New Moon, you could position yourself well for projects due to be launched after the Sun moves into Sagittarius on Wednesday 22nd.

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Personal theme: I believe!!
Water sign: February 19 -- March 20

Your horoscope for this week:

You`re superb at dealing with all sorts of changes, like those affecting longstanding arrangements, your own life and the situations of others. While you`re conscious how you`ll benefit, certain individuals aren`t as optimistic, and are seeking reassurance. Simple as boosting their spirits seems, you`d soon be drawn into dramas of their own making. Steering clear may seem unkind but, actually, it`s in everybody`s best interests.

An unexpected moneymaking opportunity will fall in your lap. You will have to take on new responsibilities. Don`t let that scare you. Your kindness and compassion make you an effective manager. Instead of cracking the whip, you`ll find imaginative ways to inspire loyalty. You may have to travel for business or pleasure so make sure your documentation is all in order and be ready to open your mind to new or different ways of doing things. A steep learning curve puts you on the road to success.

Pisces as a happy knack of bringing together different strands of information. Rather than assume that everything can be found in one library, you have the gift for finding extra pieces of information in the most unusual of places. Any kind of research would suit you well presently. It may be that there is indeed an important story to be told. This is more though than just about fact gathering. It may be as important to you to portray the emotions and feelings of a period. Whether this is because you have to deliver a eulogy, a paper, a speech of any kind before next Saturday`s New Moon you could gather together all the essential pieces needed. True, over Tuesday and Wednesday especially you will need to put your organisational hat on. There`s very real danger then of being swamped by information and losing yourself under piles of paper.


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