Are most people sheep’s/sheeple?

And it’s actually a good, normal thing.
To a certain extent.

Herd behavior is very interesting.
The correct way to behave as part of a herd is not at all the same as if you were just alone. You cannot ignore the people around you, it could prove to be fatal.
To give an example: If a stampede breaks out…
You RUN!
WITH the herd.
Trying to go against the grain is the very las thing that you want to do in that situation, and staying still is pretty much just as bad.
It doesn’t actually matter much how the whole thing actually started, if you get caught in the middle of something, you just go along with it.
The surface of a roundish object grows slower than the area.
So the bigger the group, the more people are caught somewhere in the middle.

You might think that just getting out of the way is a good idea.
But being left behind, isolated… It can be a death sentence. You need the group to survive.
Plus, whatever the mass hysteria is about might actually be correct, and if there really is a predator after the group, you don’t want to end up as the last one.
If the group really is running towards something useful, you also kind of want to be there.

Directly going against the group, or even not being willing enough to go along, can get you killed.
Even when everyone is going in the wrong direction.

Being far behind is also no fun.

What you actually have to do is keep up with everyone else, but if there is no valid threat, just lag a bit behind. Thus leaving the people in front of you free to slow down also.
Once the stampede is over, then you can discuss needs, and calmly decide as a group where people want to go.
The issue is, there are some people who don’t really ever want things to slow down, so a rational discussion can happen.
They want the stampede to keep going on, because they know that it forces people to behave like sheep, whether they are conscious of it or not.

There are some things you can do though.
First, you can remove needless sources of stress from your life.
Clean up your phone. Remove all those apps that give you notifications all the time, shrink that to only when YOU decide to go an look, and then make an effort to restrict that too.
Turn off the TV.
And yes, by that I mean actually turn it off, don’t turn off the news to start watching some movie about the end of the world, or attacks by supervillains, or nightmarish scenarios, or a bride ditching her fiancé on the day of their wedding to run off with someone else or whatever. Just turn it off.
Turn everything off for a while, sit somewhere quiet, alone with your thoughts for a while. Long enough for them to calm down a bit. If you have not done that for years now, it might take a while, but start doing it. Let your mind think things over for a while, just to digest them until you can leave the past behind and focus on your behavior in the present, and how it affects the future.
And then focus on your behavior, how it affects you, others around you, the planet, and so on. Is this really improving your life? Are you doing it out of habit? Did you ever think it through?
You are still part of a massive society of humans. You still have to do some stuff to go with the group, even sometimes stuff you don’t agree with.
But the first step is to move past the instinctual frenzy, so you can think while you go along, so you can know and realize that you are going along.
And then you start to have options.
There are so many things that we just do a certain way, because that’s supposedly how it’s done, but that we could be doing a million other different ways.
Once you realize that you are just going along with everyone else on a lot of things…
Then you can get past that sheepl instinct.
You still have to run if a herd is after you.
You still cannot do everything you want.
But at least, you become free to think for yourself, your own way.

Because that stampede is all in your head, purely imaginary, and you CAN break away from the herd in the way you think, even if your behavior is still heavily influenced by your environment.


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