Could the so called grey alien be a man made Android created to fly black project craft? The distances to get to earth are so far it seems impossible to get here even with advanced space travel?

Actually in regards to Roswell yes
This is the configuration of the soviet unit that features the set up of the pilots that were created out of the soviet Eugenics program. Note: there were two ships that crashed one was hit ba bolt of lighting and crashed into the other. There are some indications of a test firing of an ion cannon that caused this since the cannon was mobile it would have been easily removed from the area after the shootdown of the soviet spaceplane and unknown unit.
By far the most common types of EBE reported are from two to four and one half feet tall, thin, slight, and even ‘delicate’ in appearance. They stand and walk like humans and the small beings are light in weight. Taller beings stand from two to six inches above the small beings and have the same physical characteristics.
Subjects of EBE Contact/abduction are vague about what the EBE wear and in many cases, it is difficult to determine whether or not they actually are wearing clothes. Sometimes the color of their clothes matches the color of their skin and that makes it hard to see where the clothes end and the skin begins. In these instances, the subject feels quite certain the EBEs are wearing something, but it is difficult to describe the “fabric” that the clothes are made out of or the garments are so tight in fit that they look sprayed on.
In the rare cases where the Subject can recall seeing the end of the fabric and being able to discern between the skin and the fabric of the EBE (Gray) they recall that the small beings on occasion are wearing robes or garments that are loose-fitting robes or garments that are loose-fitting but this is very unusual.
The EBE’s (Grey’s) clothing has no personal touches, no expression of individuality, and some beings may have an insignia on their clothes that look like serpents intertwined, eagle, some sort of elongated body, or a jagged line like a thunderbolt. There is very little or no diversity in the clothing the EBE (Greys) wear.
The EBE skin color varies from dark gray to gray, to white (not Caucasian), to a tall 7 f t red and the short bluish beings all of which are variants of the EBE Grey. If a subject reports another color it is almost always in conjunction with the color grey. The skin is uniform, without dark or light spots or areas and often the lighting in the room changes the way EBE Grey’s skin color appears. The small EBE Grey or small being has gray colored skin thus it species name the Subject has assigned it. There is on visual evidence of a vascular system that might add streaks or colors to the EBE Grey‘s skin.
When Subjects are touched by the EBE Grey they report it as being leathery or rough for the taller EBE Grey or plastic-like quality for small EBE Grey. Their skin is extremely smooth, without pores, hair, freckles, bumps, ridges, discoloration, warts, moles, scratches, wrinkles, and other common elements found on human skin. They have an organic smell to them that is a cross between ozone and wet cardboard it has been reported to leave a coppery taste in the back of your mouth.
It is difficult to tell whether EBE Grey aliens age or grow older and this may be attributed to their mode of travel. Subjects who have experienced EBE Gray contact for thirty years with presumably the same group of EBE Grey. They report the EBE Gray always looking the same as the first time the saw them and picking up right where they left off as if no time had passed.
The small EBE Gray type/version one all look alike and their faces do not betray a readily detectable uniqueness. They do not have any sort of emotional characteristics that can be seen on their faces and do not have any capability to display emotion physically on their own without external patterning. They do not have a larynx or any ability to converse auditory. Their communication is primarily data transfer through higher brain functions and networking of integrated crystalline networks similar to telepathic or wireless data transfer.
The subjects of EBE Grey contact/abduction admit they cannot tell the physical differences between one type/version one Grey EBE and another. However, they report that they know they are dealing with the same taller EBE Grey type/version two because of the familiarity felt via subconscious connections to the being.
This may be the fact that both subjects and the EBE Grey type two are developing subconscious links where the conscious may not be aware of this link or a data exchange going on. This may lead to a specific feeling of familiarity and lead to a deeper exchange of data between subjects and EBE. This also marks the difference of a subject being an abducted subject and a willing contact. A willing contact will pursue a deeper subconscious contact with the type two EBE Grey and this should be done with extreme caution as it is easy to delude yourself. If the neurological basis for the transfer is not there then it is a form of lucid daydreaming because you miss the EBE.
The physical frames of both the taller EBE Grey and and the smaller EBE Gray do not reveal any boniness and most of the contours on their bodies are rounded with no hard angles. Subjects of EBE Grey Contact do not report bones, such as the clavicle or sternum, apparent under their skin, they do not see any evidence of wrist bones or the like, nor do they see any apparent musculature.
The head of the EBE Grey are, in human terms, disproportionately large for their bodies. Their craniums are bulbous especially above the eyes. There is no indications of cranial or facial hair, on neck, or hair anywhere on the body. The neck and face are smooth, with no indications of external markings or pores.
The EBE Grey Version 1.5 have a slight hair patch atop the head and some may have a silver skullcap placed onto their comlink to allow for direct interface with a helmet used to remotely pilot ships or directly interface with flight controls. The Comlink is a feature present in all EBE Grey versions it comprises of a crystalline network that is incorporated into their brain’s neurostructure.
The EBE Grey is similar to a cyborg in in reasoning and each has task specific knowledge which is shared collectively with the rest of the hive. They refer them return to it on a rare occasion as a Guardian, Keeper, or collective to a central core hive.
The EBE Gray’s face somewhat resembles humans, they have eyes approximately halfway down the face, an area where the nose might be two holes or vertical slits exists, a small slit like mouth, an area where one might envision cheeks (although none can be seen), and a chin. Using humans or higher primates as a model, all of their features are in the correct position.
However, the resemblance between the EBE Grey and Human is merely general in the effect as each organ and feature differs markedly from that of humans. The huge eyes are the single most striking feature of the EBE Grey. They span the entire width of the broad forehead and are longest in the center ad taper off to a tip on the side of the head. They contain no pupils, iris ,or comas.
When subjects look into EBE Gray’s eyes during mindscan or other staring procedures, they see black, usually opaque organs. The eyes have no graduation in color, and they do not move side to side as a human’s do. At times subjects of EBE Grey contact see some hint of liquidly ( movement inside the eye) and some even have reported seeing a sparkle or light inside of the eye. EBE Grey version two can move their eyes they can squint, and turn on their axis so that the outside can be raised or lowered.
Other EBE Grey versions/types have eyes that are more rounded and almond shaped. A few EBE Grey contact subjects have thought that the eternal eye might be a covering for an eye inside. Eyelids are not reported by most subjects of EBE Grey Contact and blinking is usually not reported or noticed.
However, some contact subjects have seen the Grey EBE blink in unison. The EBE Grey has no eyebrows and have a ridge that may be caused by bone around their eyes. The smaller EBE Grey 2.5 foot version 1 has a slight raised bump but no nostrils or openings that might be interpreted as nasal passages.
Contact subjects of EBE Grey are ambivalent about an opening for a mouth and the slit like mouth has no lips. Some have mentioned seeing an “membrane” over an opening and an small number of contacts report that the mouth is round forming an o, the mouths are devoid of teeth, tongue or saliva. The mouths are not used for communication and in some instances are not present at all.
A small and pointed chin lies before their mouths in some the mouth is so low that there is the appearance of no chin at all. The EBE Grey do not appear to have a jaw or jaw hinge below where the ear would be. They seem to have no muscles attached from anywhere on the face to the top of the head for mastication. The overall look of the face, then is of a large forehead leading down to a tiny pointed chin and when looking at the EBE Grey‘ s face a person can‘t help, but be reminded of a light bulb or a parking meter.
EBE Grey sometimes have a small raised feature where human ears would be no opening and no evidence of a device or organ for collecting sound waves on a EBE Grey head. This means the EBE Grey interpret sound differently than humans. It is known that they can interpret sound through the molecular vibrations picked up in the air this means they can sense a great range of sounds through molecular vibrations picked up through their skin.
EBE Grey do not have a thick neck with the head fitting onto it in a Human fashion. Instead, the head is attached to an extremely narrow tube like neck that seems too thin to support the head‘s weight and sticks into the bottom of the head , resembling a pumpkin on a stick.. They exhibit no throat movements donating a tongue or swallowing mechanism, nor, do they have an epiglottis. The neck seems solid to the touch, as if it contains material inside but does not have the feel of moving muscles. No adams apple is evident in their throats, and there is no indication of vocal cords. The EBE Grey makes no auditory noise that would indicate communication and most communication is telepathic or inferred through empathy.
The EBE Grey’s chest is small and narrow, with no noticeable bony in it, no sternum or clavicle is discernible. To the touch and sight there are no ribs protruding from under the skin, nor is the chest bifurcated like a human’s chest. No breast or nipples can be seen visually and exists under the female Grey EBE’s exoskeleton.
The normal human triangular configuration of the shoulders leading down to the waist is not present. The overall outline of the upper and lower body is one of rectangular straightness down to the legs with no waist, pelvis or predoiment hipbones, and the area where the stomach would be is flat.
The EBE Grey have no rounded pauch or line of demarcation for a food processing mechanism like upper and lower intestines. It is understood that EBE Grey feed though molecular absorption and really do not feed using their mouths but their entire body is used to feed. No naval is present as the EBE Grey are not produced in a womb or invetro and have no visually apparent gentilia or apparent reproductive tract.
The female EBE Grey has no hint of a pubic arch, which is consistent with the lack of pelvis and they have no apparent method for the elimination of waste liquid or solid..
The EBE Grey backs are not configured in a triangular fashion like humans and are flat with no discernible “bumps” of vertebrae. They have no shoulder blades and the buttocks is not fleshy or padded as humans. A EBE Grey buttocks are a horizontal oblong ridge at the base of its back that does not protrude.
Their arms are long and very thin with no apparent musculature. They bend at the elbows and can be used the way humans use their arms, with a free range of motion. Their arms and elbows do not display any bone structure being the same uniform diameter from shoulder they join to where the hands join to it. They have no wrist or wrist type of joint or any joints apparent and their hands and fingers resemble human fingers. Except the EBE Grey fingers are long , thin and either have rounded pads at the end or taper to a point. They have three digits, two being a knuckle shorter than the center digit and they have an opposable thumb or an appendage that acts as one. In some instances the thumb is at a lower position on the hand than a human’s thumb would be . The skin on the hand, fingers, toes are smooth, devoid of any prints , fingernails, or toenails.
Their two legs are short and thin bending at the knees. There is no evident muscle development in the legs and they go straight down, with no indication of a thigh or calf, or ankle. The legs are the same diameter from the top of the thigh to the bottom of the calf, and flow smoothly into the feet.
The EBE Grey feet are either rounded or elongated and their toes are webbed and thin. There is no musculature or bones present in the foot, the toes are four digits and splayed. The elongated configuration has an appendage in the back heel of the foot and the rounded configuration does not have the appendage.
The Female EBE gray or the hive mother is outwardly exactly the same as the male outwardly, both being five feet five inches tall. The female is thinner and has a different mental candor being more, graceful, kinder, sensitive, and may even exhibit a degree of emotional capability.
The EBE Grey small motor dexterity is excellent if not superior to a human’s. They are able to conduct physical examinations with great speed, touching, poking, prodding, libeling, and feeling. They can maneuver instruments with precision, for example in performing the tissue sampling procedure
Despite the EBE Grey looking frail or weak they can exhibit superhuman strength and agility, Some couple this with telekinetic ability much more enhanced than any human’s and may employ tuned EMF/EMP to neurologically jam he voluntary neurostucture of humans . This means they have the ability to render you a lump of immobile flesh unable to fight or resist them.
Two of the most frequently asked questions regarding the idea that there is an alien-human hybrid breeding program underway are: "Why are the aliens doing this?" and "What is being done with our hybrid offspring?" My research and documenting my experiences over the past 26 years, as well as studying the research carried out by others, has enabled me to draw several personal conclusions regarding these two specific questions.


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