Phantoms and Monsters

Link to Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:26 PM PDT

A young woman in rural Georgia and her fiance agree to go along with her parents in search of a creepy cemetery. They eventually encounter an entity of a little girl with black eyes, in a cemetery that had suddenly manifested before them.

The following account was sent to me several years ago. I don't believe that I had previously posted it:

"My fiance and I decide to go out to dinner and on a double date with my parents. We live in the upstairs apartment of their home, so we usually all carpool to save gas when we go do stuff as a group. We're all together, and my mom decides she wants to go check out this local cemetery. I'd rather not name it, because it would give away my locale, but it's in the west Georgia area, right by the Alabama state line. She had heard of it from co-workers she trusted, who told her family stories about how creepy this place was. I got a knot in my stomach as soon as she mentioned it. I just knew in my gut that we did not need to go there, but I didn't want to be the wet rag, so I just ignored that little voice of caution and said, "Sure, let's do it." My fiance was slightly more skeptical of paranormal things at the time than he is now, and my dad is a pretty big skeptic who doesn't believe in ghost activity much, no shadow people or any of that, just basic religious angels/demons, as he's a Christian. My mom likes things for the "creep" factor, but at the time, didn't really buy into stuff like that on a realistic level. We Google the address, punch it into the GPS, and go.

The GPS tells us it'll take us about 20 minutes to get there, but it ends up taking an hour. For some reason, the time on the GPS just keeps steadily going up, the closer we get. It was all country back roads, and some of them felt like the exact same as the road before, and so on. Can't explain it in words, really, but it felt like we were repeating roads, when the road names were different and the GPS showed us in different parts of the map.

We finally reach the address, and there's nothing. It's an empty road intersection. The moment we hit the destination flag on the GPS, the GPS goes black for a moment, and then when the screen comes back on, it says that we're three miles away again. We're all kinda WTF-ing, because we all saw the same thing, but we brush it off and follow the new directions. The new directions take us down the same roads we'd already been on, but I swear to you, no lie at all here, the same directions brought us to a different place. Same thing happens: we reach the flag on the screen, screen flashes black, comes back with new directions saying we're a few miles away again. This happens four times total before we give up, and go in the opposite direction of where the GPS says to go. This brings us to a shady-looking little convenience store. As my dad pulls into the parking lot to get gas, the headlights flash over the woods behind the store - nothing there, just woods. My anxiety is growing to epic proportions and I just want to go home at this point.

We get gas, re-route the GPS to get us home, and turn around. The headlights fall over the exact same spot that they had only a few moments earlier, where all four of us saw full, thick woods. The woods are gone, and there's a clearing now, with a very old gated cemetery, and the gates have been broken and are open a couple of feet. This cemetery was not there a few minutes prior. All four of us have acknowledged that we have no f*cking clue how it just appeared. Being as open to possibilities as I am, I've spoken to some experts who have agreed with me that they believe it was probably a portal of some kind. My mom, for whatever reason I don't know, drives up to the gates and puts the car in park. I'm panicking at this point, and trying to get her to turn around and leave. I swear, I could feel the energy radiating off of this tiny cemetery, and it was making me physically ill. I'm seeing something just inside the gates, and I can't make out what it is and first, but when I made it out, I almost started crying.

I'm used to my visions enough that I can tell what's in the physical realm, and what isn't. This figure wasn't. Clear as day, there was a young girl, looking maybe six or seven years old, standing just inside the gates. She was in a ratty, torn little gray/white nightgown, and looked very tattered, like she'd been living in the woods. She had the sweetest face, albeit filthy and scratched up, and my maternal instincts were going into overdrive despite my fear. I was so conflicted. On the one hand, half of me was screaming to get away. On the other, I felt like I was being compelled to get out of the car and go to her. All I can describe it as, was a voice in my head telling me to go take her hand, and lead her back to the car. Just go help her. You have to help her. You have to take her home with you. She needs you.

I cannot even begin to describe how malicious the voice in my head sounded. I have chills upon chills, just remembering it.

Just as I was reaching for the door handle, to go help her, I felt like I was in some hypnotic state. Like I couldn't control myself. Then she did something that snapped me out of it. She raised one hand to me, palm up, and curled her fingers, like a "come here" motion. As she did it, I realized her eyes were jet black (no white, no iris) and she grinned at me with the most terrifying smile I have ever seen. My panic mode went into overdrive and I literally started pleading with my mother to leave. I was fighting tears, I was so afraid of whatever this thing was. I just knew in my gut that it was not anything I wanted any part of. When she finally turned the car back on and put it in reverse, this look of absolute rage crossed the child's face before she disappeared. When my mom turned around and started driving away, we all noticed that, when we looked behind us, the cemetery was gone again. The four of us barely ever speak of it, because we're all so dumbfounded by whatever happened. It was a year and a half ago, and I only got the courage to tell my fiance about my vision a few weeks ago. I've thought long and hard on it, and I don't know if it was a demon or just some malevolent entity, but what I do know - and I don't know how I know this, I just do - is that it was not a little girl, but something else taking the form of something that the entity somehow knew would affect me, as I have a really big soft spot for children who need help. Don't go play with little dead girls or whatever the f*ck she/it was." TZ

'Beyond Explanation' has been live for over a month. Tell us how we're doing. Improvements, content, additions, etc. We plan to produce documentaries and conduct live chats in the near future. Thanks again for watching! Please subscribe. Lon

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube archive has been moved over to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. All future Arcane Radio productions will be posted at 'Beyond Explanation' henceforth. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle

Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:49 PM PDT

A Silicon Valley resident and his girlfriend are hiking on the Loma Prieta Grade Trail in the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park in the summer of 2019 when they encounter a Bigfoot.

I recently came across the following account:

"I’m a Silicon Valley (San Jose, California) native and have frequented the adjacent Santa Cruz Mountains all my life. This incident happened on the Loma Prieta Grade Trail in the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park in the late summer of 2019.

My girlfriend at the time and I were hiking on a Wednesday morning. There were already people around. This is a popular trail as it’s a really beautiful locale. That said, there were also stretches when it was just the two of us. I think it’s a 5 mile hike total and we were about an hour in when my girlfriend had to relieve herself. There were thick trees on both sides, so we looked for a clearing on our right side. We saw not really a path, but an opening, and walked past the tree line, maybe 20-30 feet in. She wanted to be out of sight of anyone who passed by. I tossed her my backpack which had toilet paper and she ducked behind a tree. I walked back down the clearing about halfway, but I could still see her. She’s squatting and I’m just waiting.

Like I said I could see her the whole time. It was darker inside the trees obviously, but I could still see just fine. So I’m standing there with nothing to do but look around me. That’s when I caught the movement of something on my left. There was a medium-sized tree with a very distinct, very dark, hand on it. It was about 10 or so feet away. At first I thought it was someone wearing black gloves. I don't know why but I immediately thought it was some biker pervert looking in on my girlfriend. That’s when I saw the face peek out and EVERYTHING turned upside down.

I can’t say with full certainty but I’d say it was 7-8 feet tall, easy (I’m 6’2). I only saw half of it but it was everything you would expect from a classic description of Bigfoot: big black eyes, large flat nose, dark skinned with blackish-grayish hair. I could see only a hint of a conical skull. Really based on nothing in particular, I feel like I saw a female. Not sure why, I just do. Anyway, it peeked back and forth twice. The eyes were mesmerizing, that's the best way to describe it. They felt like they were looking right through my soul. I wasn’t scared really, but I was definitely in shock - like the way seeing a car accident feels like everything is in slow motion. And let me confirm what others say - there was NO way I had the wherewithal to pull out my phone and take a picture. No way. I was totally engrossed in the moment. This was all in the space of maybe 20-30 seconds.

The second time it peeked out, it looked at me for a few seconds then ducked back behind the tree but also sank like it was going onto the ground. That was the last I saw of it. My girlfriend finally finished and when she came back toward me that was when the fear hit me. Not like I was in danger right at that moment but more like the reality of what I saw finally hit me. I quickly took her hand and pulled her back onto the trail. I didn’t say what I saw, but I said we had to go back ASAP. She was confused but I explained to her what I saw as we walked back (at a much brisker pace than when we came up).

She believed me (she’s Canadian and has an uncle and cousin who claimed to see one when she was growing up), so that was good. She actually wanted to turn around and see if we could find it, but I wasn’t quite in that space just after it happened.

I’d say I was generally a Bigfoot believer prior to this, but not anywhere near a fanatic or anything and it’s not like I set out looking for anything. I know people argue that if you have “Bigfoot on the brain” you’re more likely to jump to that conclusion in certain situations. I did not. In fact the whole hike I was complaining to my girlfriend about my manager at work. Bigfoot was the last thing on my mind.

I’m okay with what happened, but I had strange dreams for weeks after. My girlfriend thought it was a great story and she’d tell our friends over beers and stuff, but I’m not entirely comfortable with people knowing. But like I said, I’m far away from it now to at least share it here.

Yeah it’s possible a (huge) guy in a suit was out there at that exact time and in that exact spot, but I don’t think so. I’m 99% sure I saw a Sasquatch." MJ

Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network. Direct links can be found at Mixlr - Paranormal King or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: DeAnna Simpson - 'Hanover Haunting: The DeAnna Simpson Story' - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome spirit infestation experiencer DeAnna Simpson to Arcane Radio. The book that was written about her life in the house on Maple Avenue is titled 'Hanover Haunting: The DeAnna Simpson Story.' The author is Joni Mayhan. Her story was presented on 'The Dead Files.' The haunting was so extreme, Amy Allan warned DeAnna, “There are five men here and they all want you dead!” The book also includes other accounts from several paranormal and spiritual investigators, including our friends John Zaffis & Bill Bean. In fact, John Zaffis urged DeAnna to flee the house before it was too late. “You need to get out of here, Dee. It’s ancient. You have to leave. This thing has been here on this land for millions of years, and it’s known about your existence before you were born,” he told her. I've known of this haunting personally, since DeAnna and her husband lived within a mile of me. It's a neighborhood in the town of Hanover, PA where I have investigated 5 other hauntings during the past 4 years. This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, August 7th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on Direct links can be found at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

Listen to our podcast at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel or at Arcane Radio on Podbean. Thanks...Lon

I sincerely ask that you consider supporting Phantoms & Monsters through a donation. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising. But it is far from enough to cover expenses, especially since and other affiliates have lowered royalties and CPM because of the Covid-19 lockdown.

If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to and use my email as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon


The launch of our newest project has begun! 'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube uploads are being moved to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

Would your paranormal / cryptids group like to become an affiliate of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research? By becoming an affiliate investigative group, we can forward reports to you from your area in which none of our team can physically investigate. If interested, send me an email at The member / affiliate list can be found at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliate Groups. Thanks. Lon

Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


The Chicago Phantom: Signs of the Times?

'Gliding' Humanoid Seen Near Ocala, Florida

Her 'Grey Alien' Statues

When Strange and Monstrous Creatures Attack People

Why Do So Many People See Pterodactyls?

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