Truth behind Icar1 scam


NOTE:  David Andrew AKA: Gossimer777  is not a psychiatric doctor nor does he have any formal training in diagnosing medical conditions or  mental illness or assessing  Post Traumatic Stress syndrome, mental illness, medical conditions that affect mental perception any family or personal history of this is negated or ignored in his psudoresearch. 





Psychology Professionals and Abductees

What the Data Really Shows

By: ICAR Arizona State Director

David Andrew (Gossimer777)


I felt the need to write this article because I have noticed an increase of articles and materials aimed at ridiculing and dismissing abductees and their claims. Many of these articles are by “psychology professionals” who pigeonhole all claims of abduction or contact into the same category.


[Good so an non-AMA self proclaimed expert in an group that uses a fraudulent ICAR group which was not founded by Joe Montello but by Dr. Jacobs whom is an AMA certified doctor in clinical Psychiatrics. Despite the lies from Linda keeper, Joey’s wife, stating Dr. Jacobs was not qualified to conduct hypnosis.  That turned out to be a fraudulent claim from an individual whom heard him speak and had a five min conversation with him in which he told her that his qualifications were none of her damn business as she was an armature investigator whom stole his foundation’s name for publicity.]  



They also seem to discount or ignore any data that does not support their findings.


[Gee that seems to be a familiar thing through out ICAR like photos of cats on webcams being shown off as shadow people and reptilians MaryLou aka: RoseMarymagenta]





 Many of these people even go so far as to make totally outrageous and inaccurate claims placing all abductees and contactees into the same category.


[Do you have real names or is this just your suppositions not based in any facts.]


They also say all contact and abduction experiences follow a certain pattern and a certain scenario. Nothing could be farther from the truth!


[Your claim according to Linda Keeper and Jojomon’s “criteria”  is bull.  These fraudulent founders and entertainers have stated that EBE abductions have as specific script and they can supposedly discern  with no medical training or expertise, individual background, family history, or medical history of the individual.  They lack any investigative capability or critical thinking.



I conferred with several long time abduction researchers within the ICAR organization and came up with a list of ten known abductees and contactees.




 I then made a list of ten questions and asked each of these people to give me a YES or NO answer on each question. These questions were in reference to some of the accusations made by the so called professionals.


  There are two articles in particular that I based these questions on as a response to many of the claims made in those articles. In these articles it was inferred that all abductions follow the same set of circumstances.


  1. It was claimed that all abductions occur at night and while a person is sleeping.
  2. It was claimed that all abductees experience paralysis during an abduction encounter so, it was assumed by the researchers that sleep paralysis was the explanation.
  3. It was claimed that there is no outward evidence of abductions ever taking place and, the abductees may be prone to fantasizing such stories.
  4. It was claimed that all abductees see the short gray ET’s.
  5. It was claimed that peoples descriptions of the short gray ET’s head is nothing more than a genetic memory of an image of a "prototypical female face" that's hard-wired into a baby's brain and helps newborns instantly respond to their mothers.
  6. It was claimed that many abduction memories are actually the minds way of covering over or, repressing memories of sexual abuse.


[Stating the catch phrase “It was claimed” six times does not invalidate the psychological aspects of your claimed abductions. Nor does it excuse your lack of investigative ability and lack of scientific review in regards to your findings.]


These are just a few of the generalizations made by these researchers into the abduction phenomenon.

[Again more suppositions not based in facts or education.]


As you will see the data I gathered from 10 known abductees is VERY different from what these “professionals” found.


 Here are the 10 questions I asked of the 10 abductees and, the totals of the responses I received:

Have you ever had a daytime encounter?  YES_8_  NO_2_

Have you ever had an encounter while you were wide awake?   YES_10_  NO_0_

Have you ever had an encounter where you did NOT experience paralysis?  YES_9_  NO_1_

Have you ever had an encounter that was witnessed by someone else?  YES_5_  NO_5_

Have you ever had an encounter and then discovered later that there were    reports of a UFO sighted in the area at about the same time your encounter took place?  YES_8_  NO_2_

Have you ever had an encounter where you saw another person that you have never met before and then later, seen or met them in public?  YES_6_  NO_4_

Have you ever had strange marks, scratches, or bruises show up on your body that you did not have before and could not explain where they came from?  YES_10_  NO_0_

Have you ever seen the short gray ET’s that many people describe?  YES_8_  NO_2_

Have you ever seen any types or species of ET’s that were NOT the short gray ET’s?  YES_10_  NO_0_

To the best of your knowledge have you ever been molested or sexually abused?  YES_2_  NO_8_




  Let’s start with the claims that all abductions occur at night while a person is asleep and, the claims that all abductees experience sleep paralysis. The majority of the abductees answering questions 1-3 indicated that they have had an abduction encounter in the daytime. The majority of the abductees indicated that they have had an encounter while they were wide awake and, that they have had an encounter where they did NOT experience paralysis.


[How many of theses individual were screened for seizure disorders? Drug use while interviewed alcohol or substance abuse? Or any medical conditions such as diabetes that can cause hallucinations based on pre exposure to medium via entertainment.]  


In response to the claims that there is no outward evidence of abductions taking place and the conclusion that abductees are actually fantasizing abduction encounters.

[some are and they have friends whom are sympathetic and part of their group whom become convinced of their false invention of reality not based in physical reality. They want to believe in the group so badly they feed into the delusion. Robin Holgate is a prime example of that a father whom abuses his autistic child and then plays it on youtube as he parades in a diaper as his son. Pedophile architectures like his are suppressed and covered with an abduction scenario and he is a prime case]  


Some of the abductees indicated that they have had an encounter that was witnessed by someone else. The majority of the abductees said they have had an encounter and then discovered later that there were reports of a UFO sighted in the area at about the same time their encounter took place. Some said they had seen another person during an abduction that they had never met before and then later met or saw that person in public.

[group hysteria and groupthink]


 All of the people answering the questions said they had discovered strange scratches, bruises, or other marks on their bodies that they didn’t have previously and, they could give no explanation as to where these marks came from.

[possibly seizure related from mni seizures or drug/alcohol blackouts.]



  These responses are not a hands down explanation for peoples abduction stories but, I think the responses on questions 4-7 clearly indicate that “fantasizing” abduction stories is not the explanation for such accounts by these people.


  With regards to the claims that all abductees encounter the short gray ET’s or, that their description of gray ET’s is some sort of genetic memory for identifying “mother” when they are infants. I think the media has been the worst culprit in making people believe that all abductees encounter the short gray ET’s. So, what did the data collected show here? Yes, the majority of the people said that they had encountered the short grays but, not everyone answered yes to that question (question #8). Interestingly enough, ALL ten people answering these questions indicated that they had encountered other species or types of ET’s that were NOT the short grays (question #9).


[so it proves your findings are inconclusive and more than likely the events are coached.]


  Finally I want to address the claims that many abduction memories are nothing more than a persons mind repressing or covering over memories of childhood molestation or sexual abuse. This is a sensitive subject and I first want to thank all those who responded to these questions for answering question # 10. A few people did answer yes to that question but the majority answered no.


You may ask “how does anyone know that the people who answered no to question #10 are not repressing that type of memory?” I would like to paraphrase from an article published by a prominent


Psychological Association regarding repressed memories of childhood abuse and recovering such memories:


“It is important to state that there is a consensus among memory researchers and clinical psychologists that most people who were sexually abused as children remember all or part of what happened to them although, they may not fully understand or disclose it.”


  As you can see the general consensus among clinical professionals is that most people who have experienced childhood molestation or sexual abuse do NOT repress such memories.

[WRONG David Andrew You lack that academic honesty to quote page of the APA or any source documentation. Try learning the following




Documenting online sources, documenting any source, is the easy part of the research process since online tools are available to do this step for you.


The following sites for MLA & APA are fabulous for helping you with your works cited page.  You type in the correct information, and they set up each entry for you!  Then, you simply copy and paste each entry into your works cited page, alphabetizing of course:


The following web addresses are online references for MLA and APA.  They discuss the scholarly use of Internet sources only. 







These next sites discuss documentation in general, for all kinds of sources, with some useful links as well:



Further more you misquoted the article and there fore committed academic fraud your findings are not based on scientific analysis or any Psychoanalytical process, which you are obviously oblivious to.  Screen memories and recombined memory are commonplace in sexual abuse cases and with proper psychotherapy, children will remember.] 



The focus of this article and the survey conducted was to try to shed some light on the abduction phenomenon and uncover some truth about the subject.


[yes that a group of self-proclaimed amateur researchers with no expertise or training in forensics evidence gathering or scientific process. With no Clinical training are exploiting those persons whom are medically incapable of discerning fantasy from factual cases for entertainment based medium  

Hardly what you would expect from a professional researcher or research team recordings of their rooms are made for profit.  So, all of these “cases” they create are a $$$ making scam. Looking at their website it is replete with hoaxed photos and then also with claims that are valid. Point is they mislead people with the junk and create more false memories from I want to believers seeking attention.]


 The abduction phenomenon is supported by a strong body of evidence, not to mention testimonies from the overwhelming numbers of people who have come forward to share their experiences.

[how many of them have had previous media exposure and are being pulled into a false reality not based in physical reality and groupthink.]


With the excellent and groundbreaking work into the abduction phenomenon by such noted professionals as the late Dr. John E. Mack, I can’t lump all psychologists into the same category.  But, sometimes it seems that a few mental health professionals feel the need to explain away stories of encounters with ET’s using whatever “psycho-babble” terminology it takes for them to feel at ease with this subject.


[or creating a strawman article based on suppositions backed in fraudulent misleading claims that are unsubstantiated and unsupported by facts or scientific review.]


  So far in this article I have tried not to be too harsh with regards to some of these so-called professionals but, in closing just let me say, “Personally I feel that in some cases having PhD In front of your name only means you have more letters in your name.”


[It means that they have more training and expertise than you.  The idiotic display of suppositions not based in fact.  However, your opinion, the word of the anonymous contactees whom would not even sign off on this article, misleading ignorant statements relating to sexual abuse and the psychological trauma it creates in the survivor illustrates you are incompetent as a researcher and a danger to the mental health of any contactees you interact with. You are not qualified to evaluate, analyze or to give any psychiatric care to theses “contactees/abductees” your group exploits and abuses.

Understand the ICAR1 site is unrelated to the real
 International Center for Abduction Research (ICAR). that Doctor David. M Jacobs ran and operated until his retirement.

as seen on his own website


Welcome to my personal website. Much of the following information and articles were last updated more than a decade ago—though I believe that their accuracy and value still remain. If you’ve come here from, you’ll notice that the content is much the same. This is because I have effectively closed the International Center for Abduction Research (ICAR). I’m in my eighties now and have retired from most of my research, save a few final projects that I’m committed to seeing through. My hope is that this website, and my many years of collected work, can be a resource for those interested in abduction research.



If you’re an abductee, or suspect that you may be, I hope that this website, along with my work, might be a guide to you in lieu of my personal support. While I try my best to respond to my many emails, unfortunately I cannot respond to everyone. I wish that I could. 



Now, more than ever, we need curious, disciplined, and courageous researchers and public figures to give their full attention to the subject. This means collecting meticulous, rigorous evidence, and following it wherever it may lead.






David M. Jacobs


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