Millennium (Global) AeroSpace Corps startup


Millennium (Global) AeroSpace Corps startup 

After founding FireShips Pty Ltd in January 2000, I crafted the $25 Million business plan  for the prototype X49 HyperJet SpacePlane to show the world how inexpensive access to  Earth Orbit was. [A few dollars per pound: Viz. Gordon Woodcock, Boeing,1985; Maxwell  Hunter, Lockheed, 1967.] Two and a half-decades earlier I had joined the newly created L5  Society, and then formed the University of California Space Working Group, at the UC  Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory. A few years later, invited to intern for the California  State Senate, I wrote the legislation (SJR-12) calling for the US Government to launch a  US/Intl Space Station Program. At the same time putting the legislation on the California  Ballot. That was in 1983, and Californian's never had to vote on it, as my legislation passed  BOTH houses of the California Legislature, in June, with a vote of 119 to 1!  

The next year, after the Space Station Program was included in the White House budget for  NASA, I moved to Silicon Valley, and visited Lockheed Vice President Max Hunter, and  asked for a job. Max was one of the many California aerospace industry experts whom came  to Sacramento in the spring of 1983 to testify on behalf SJR-12. Today he got to play the role  of elder and mentor, and pointed out that my creation of a civilian Space Station Program only  got in the way of, and slowed down the progress of the Military Space Program. That I was "a  loose cannon", and that I hadn't earned any industry friends in launching the NASA program.  After having said that, he said I should go back and complete my University education (which 
advice I followed), but nevertheless gave me the option of working for Lockheed, and  introduced me to two Space Industrialization and Settlement specialists (in a Lockheed  Department where it might be safe to employ me, where no further further cannons might go  off!)  

This was about the same time I was invited into NASA Ames Deputy Director Edward  Gomersall's office, who pulled out the photo of the infamous Sänger Amerika Antipodal  Bomber, which of course I had seen many times before, but as a full-time student aka child  who had never before had the time to reflect upon it's flight economics. Certainly never  before the US/NASA 'Flying Brick' DisInfo program, aka the Space Shuttle. [Lift-to-Drag  Ratio of 7! Marginally better than the 1938 Sänger-Bredt Aerospace Plane.] Gomersall (who  died young, of cancer, a few years later) had devoted his life's work to making low-cost  AerospacePlane flight a reality — L/D Ratio of 20 to 30 — but was confined publicly to  promote the compulsory institutional aerospace industry religion. wiki/Silbervogel  

Fortunately (and unfortunately) this country bumpkin had become infamous (an unintentional  celebrity) at this time, and was welcomed by seemingly all the staff and faculty I met  at Stanford University, to work and study (tuition-free). Fortunate as I had always been a  starving student, working my way through Junior College and UC Berkeley and  unfortunate, as my old high school and most other friends and the world could no longer

relate to this idiot-savant who took no interest in political or economic pursuits, and spent all  
his time studying space physics, spaceflight, and working on his universal field theory.  

And what DOES a student of space science, space physics, orbital mechanics, astronautics  learn? The first thing we learn, on day one, is that Space, Orbit, is a Horizontal  VELOCITY, not a Vertical Elevation! [8 Kilometers/Sec! Mach 23!] And SpacePlane or  AerospacePlane flight, from our military (or any) airport runways, is a thousand to ten thousand times less costly than vertical and expendable rocket flight. We didn't have to  read Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's work in the Russian original, from the 1890s. This we all learned  as children, reading Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, George Gamow or any of the  hundreds of influential space, astronomy, astronautics and science fiction authors of the 20th  century.  

The Sub-Orbital 'Spaceflight' industry madness of the last two decades is just that. Mindless  media-induced consumerism. Flying tiny capsules or tiny alleged 'spaceplanes' up to fifty  or a hundred miles altitude has nothing to do with spaceflight. [Not even about  experiencing shortlived 'zero gravity' and puking which can be achieved with ANY aircraft or  airliner, by simply cutting the engines and pointing the nose down.]  

Real (Military) spaceplanes are the size of large airliners, with HIGH Lift-to-Drag  Ratios! L/D Ratios of 20 to 30 or more! With Blended-Wing-Bodies! Thus Low Drag, low  aerosphell-heating vehicles, and large enough to have plenty of fuel, and mass for momentum,  to reach Earth Orbit at Fifteen minutes of One Gravity Acceleration!  

So how did this global Hamletian dementia come about? Why the insanity of this Military  Aerospace Industrial Complex fraud, for three-quarters-of-a-century? Overcharging by a  factor of a Thousand, or Ten Thousand? Why the blockade of a global, civilian, public  sector, aerospace economic revolution? The Wall Street enforced collapse of our global  biosphere, and now planetary economy? Humanity on the verge of extinction?  

The 20th Century NATO Global Aerospace Industry Lockdown! 

"Loose Lips Sink Ships!" 

We need to go 'all' the way back to World War I, when the miracle of airflight, and the  fledgling aircraft industry was just beginning to take off. To 'Take Wing'! Britain, not wishing  America to take over control of the world military stage, blocked the development of a  US aircraft industry. Then after the collapse of the 'world' stock market in 1929, the British  and French economic 'beneficiaries' of the collapse, during the 1930s, built up their, the,  world's first military and civilian aircraft (and airline) industries! The US, by World War 2, had  learned its lesson, and took the opportunity to build up aerospace production  assemblylines to astronomic-levels, and with the end of the French and British  empires determined to hold onto that, their, our, global aerospace military hegemony  forever. Until the end of time. And the last grain of sand fell through the hourglass ... 

Today. When, finally, everyone worldwide stood up together, calling for an end to the  madness. And a healing of our biosphere. And in the aerospace industry supersonic 

and spaceplane startups erupted worldwide. In Aotearoa (New Zealand), in Australia, in Japan,  in India, in Russia, in Britain, in Europe, in China, all over the US. All of them calling for multi fold lower-cost airline and orbital access, with dramatically reduced ecocidal 'footprints'.  

And some of these Aerospace Startups, seemingly, calling for WHOLLY honest, transparent,  fully reduced, ecocide and cost footprints!  

No more ten and twenty hour intercontinental flights, to 1/2 hour to 1 hour distant  destinations! No more Billion-Dollar charges for Million-Dollar fuel-cost flights!  

No more Trillion-Dollar Lunar, Mars, Interplanetary 'development' proposals for programs  that cost only a Billion! Worker-victim flight times of months, for actual flight distances  measured in hours and days!  

The 'Bezos-Mobile' accelerates it's passengers at THREE Gravities, Vertically! To go  nowhere. Rather than the One Gravity, horizontally, required to achieve orbital spaceflight. Ditto  the Falcon-Dragon 'Musk-Mobile'! THREE Gravities, Vertical, acceleration! Furthering the  feudal ecocidal mythos of Vertical Rocket contrast low-cost Horizontal Spaceplane flight.  Contrast Horizontal Spaceplane flight where all the lift is provided for free, by the Lift-to-Drag  Ratio, by the atmosphere. And the 'Virgin' 'Galactic' Branson-Mobile? THREE and One-Half  Gravities Vertical Ecocide!

Jester-State DisInfo Theatre, taken to literal Trillion-Dollar heights, in order to force a global  negative reaction. Reason, awakening, decisionmaking, in the face of exponential political media-dementia.  

Thus, our initiative to facilitate a 'California Japan Aotearoa Global  Aerospace Alliance'. To deflate the $100 Billion-plus smoke-and-mirror 'valuation' of  SpaceX, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic not to mention the dozens of new competing  startups, and hundreds of established Aerospace Industry giants (and tadpoles) with annual  revenues exceeding $300 Billion. Our new startup 'end-of-business' plan calls for $1-2  Billion to end the madness, to lubricate the wheels bringing all the 'Mad-Hatters' together  into one global Collaborative Airline and Spaceline Industry. Beginning with the most honest  visionary startup science and engineering teams planetwide. Evolving and refining their  designs collaboratively together. Bringing in the General Electrics, the Lockheed-Martins,  AirBuses, Boeings, United Technologies, Grummans, Raytheons, Rolls-Royces, General  Dynamics, BAE Systems, Honeywells, Mitsubishis ad infinitum into one Post-NATO, Post War, global collaborative Collective Intelligence.  

Beginning with Millennium Aerospace — and Dawn Aerospace, Venus Aerospace, PD  Aerospace and Honda Jet?,, saiyo, 

The planet's first truly Global Corporation. In fact, first (public) Exo-Corporation! Solar  Corporation!  

Hire away the best public and military sector Aerospace Personnel worldwide. Evolve, test  and refine the X49 FireShip and all 'SuperSpacePlane' designs. Those with the highest Lift to-Drag Ratios, with the best 3D CAD/CAE artisans available worldwide. hashtag/SpacePlaneX  

Ditto the Quantum Superphysics and AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning geniuses,  genies. Polymaths. Ending the Global Energy and Transportation sector ecocide, as well as  the Information and Data sector feudal disinfo. And the international language-translation  blockade. Realizing a Billion-fold greater Global Collective Intelligence, Direct Distributed  Deliberative SuperDemocracy.  

Joint Venture with the European Space Agency to refine and gift their breakthrough Gaia  Sky 4D Galaxy Explorer Open-Source personal computer code to a thousand times greater  world of students, educators and researchers today. [And get myself a new  computer.]  

Refine and publish the Superluminal Quantum StarShip design specs. The World's first  and only realistic, practical, Interstellar StarShip concept. Begin StarShip Drive R&D and  Testflights.

Lobby the respective governments, aerospace corporate management, and principal  stockholders to end their blockade of low cost global public sector aerospace, and allow the  Military AerospacePlane and SpacePlane airframe and propulsion technologies to be made  transparent, and brought into the public aircraft and spacecraft sectors.  

All coming together under a:  

Global Constitution of Truth, NonViolence, Privacy Self-Determination, Lifelong  Education and Biosphere Restoration. The end of our traditional global Offshore markets,  Black markets, Slavery markets; Espionage market, Warfare market, Ecocide market. A  Global Economy, doubled overnight, to some $400 to $500 Trillion or more by ending  Entropic Feudal Colonial Slave-and-Ecocide Economics. Empowering a GROWTH Economy.  Cleaning up the Oceans and Planet. Ending all Pollution, with one hundred percent recycling.  Restoring our Rivers, Forests, Rainforests, Aquifer, Oceans and Atmosphere. Collaborating  globally to provide every adult a $30,000 to $70,000 a year 'paycheck' for their life, work and  education. Similarly, $20,000 for the care of every child, and everyone not yet able to look after  themselves. Superluminal StarShip Equation, The Quantum StarShip Drive, Matilija University,  and the Global Constitution of Truth, NonViolence, Privacy, Self-Determination, Lifelong  Education & Biosphere Restoration. 

Global Consciousness, SuperReasonance, and Solar System Civilization, Realized!  

Millennium Twain  

Father of the US/Intl Space Station Program, Grandfather of Collective Intelligence,  the Quantum SuperPhysics of Creation, FireShips Pty Ltd, the X49 HyperJet  SpacePlane, The SpacePlane Equation, The Interplanetary SpacePlane Equation,  The Superluminal StarShip Equation, The Quantum StarShip Drive, Matilija University,  and the Global Constitution of Truth, NonViolence, Privacy, Self-Determination,  Lifelong Education & Biosphere Restoration  



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