
Showing posts with the label Wisom Hall



Wayseer Song: "All that Love Can Do" - SNEAK PEEK


6 Ways You Can Apply Mindfulness to Change Your Life For the Better


How You Change People


Study Reveals How to Stop Mass Shootings, Overdose and Suicide Epidemics...


Lift Your Eyes to the Starlight that Beckons Above


We Are From the Future


Only a Super Empath Can Destroy The Narcissist, Here’s How


Becoming indifferent to the narcissist


How to Outsmart the Narcissist


10 Phrases Narcissists Hate


Narcissist, Psychopath, or Sociopath: How to Spot the Differences | Dr R...


How Narcissists Use Money To Manipulate and Exploit People

With experience comes wisdom and from this sharing comes teaching this article is dedicated to a  friend of mine.  How Narcissists Use Money To Manipulate and Exploit People In today’s article, we are going to talk about the narcissist and money. How do they use money? How do they view money? How do they use the money to manipulate other people? And are the ways overt and covert narcissists use money different. Remember, the name of the game for narcissists is to gain control and power over their victims, and money is one of the most powerful tools narcissists have at their disposal to manipulate abuse and control other people. so today, we are talking about money and the narcissist. First, let me just say that narcissists, all narcissists love money, they want money; they love spending money; they love the power that they have because they have money, and if they don’t have money, then they will want to take your money, all narcissists love money. One reason they love money so much is

top 8 Phrases to Shut Down the Narcissists/Toxic People

 Getting into a drama battle with a narcissist to me is like stepping in quicksand.  The ground may look solid, but one step into the quicksand and it’s obvious that it is not solid ground. And the interesting thing about quicksand is you don’t really have a danger unless you struggle. in other, words unless you start having reactions to being in the quicksand and your emotions start getting elevated, you start going into distress, you start panicking the more you move around, the more you sink, a kind of feel like that’s what happens when you are sucked into a drama battle with a narcissist.  If you fall for any of the narcissist manipulation tactics which I recently did an article where I talked about seven of them if you haven’t read that article make sure you take a look at that. This is how narcissus operates in conversations. So, if you fall for any one of them, that’s one foot into the quicksand. Once you fall for one of their strategies the temptation is to try to get through t



Lunacy of the electric Car

  The lunacy of the electric car 

Discovering Your guardian angel

  We all have a guardian angel to gude and protect us. You can learn how to contact your angel to ask for help. Angels are high spiritual beings, recognized by man religions in the world. We cannot see or hear them under normal circumstances, but everyone has a guardian angel. Yours is near you all the time, loving you. Angels are always available to comfort and support you and will help when they know you are ready to receive their help. All you need to do is quietly and calmly send out a thought requesting their assistance. Times to call your angel Remember that your angel represents your personal needs, so call on them and quietly ask for help. Your guardian angel can help and inspire you at difficult and testing times, offering support and comfort. when your feeling deppressed: Your angel will provide comfort, healing and vision in your darker moments. When your feeling in need of emotional support: They will support you unconditionally and provide emotional courage