Cosmic egg

A well known philosophical question is: What was first, the egg or the chicken?
By the means of the question, it will be possible for me to interpret this cosmic egg.

What was present at first?
This question is asked repeatedly in the concept of either/or and is by this connected with separation. In our entire universe, as huge as it is, all and everything is connected with each other. Therefore is the question after the either/or simply ......a stupidity. However, this question is used by many philosophers for demonstrate their thought-full superiority. They are at the same time "no-bodies." By this expression, I mean that they feel with their heads in order to be not in a need to feel with the own body-feelings.

They both exist!
The egg is inside the chicken and the chicken is inside the egg. This is reality by one condition: A fertilisation has to be made. Without any fertilisation there is no egg and no chicken. When eggs are not fertilized any more, chicken and cock are no more present and they die out. In this case the question for either/or is over too, because both are gone.

It is a trinity!
This trinity base on chicken, cock and egg.
They all are in a special way intimate with each other.
By any fertilisation the longed for intimacy appears.

Is it not rare?:
Without some fertilisation, I would not be able as a person-being/human-being ask this question for either/or or could even answer it.

Regarding a human- or person-being, I can observe, perceive and clarify too such a trinity.

A human/personal trinity.
The chicken.
. The chicken now is the girl, the mother, the woman and/or the femaleness.
The cock.
. The cock now is the boy, the father, the man and/or the maleness.
The egg.
. The egg is the material bodily egg-cell inside the girl or the woman, when it is not fertilised.
The girl can become bodily, biological fertilised. The woman is beyond being a mother after the end of the ovulation in the ovaries not anymore capable to become fertilised bodily, biological.
. The egg is the bodily material egg cell inside the mother, when it is fertilised by the bodily material father.
. The egg is the bodily spiritual egg cell by a spiritual fertilisation.

The trinity inside the egg.
This trinity is a row, a line, a path.....
This path shows by the female part a period where fertilising happens not, a period where fertilising can/could happen and a period after a possible fertilisation.
This seems to represent the row of the evolvement of the spiritual egg.
The path of maleness is a bit different. Here too is a period before the ability of fertilisation present. However, when the period of fertilising ability ends is not so clear as on the female path. By this, fertilisation must be in some way a male-affair. This effects the vision of cosmic egg.

Growth of an egg is not only material biologic and psychic, however in special an spiritual affair. Therefore, there is a material-, a psychic- and a spiritual egg of egg cell, which becomes fertilised by material, psychic and spiritual semen. As well the male semen and the female egg are spiritual beings, united and entangled by fertilisation. Now, fertilisation must be perceived in an overall way.

Without fertilisation no growth.

All our sense organs are organs for the sense of survival, life and being. Any sense organ is adjusted onto fertilisation for survival, for living life in love and for being universal. Here again there is a trinity row. Although any cell of the body is in fact a sense organ, there are some specific organs as the eyes, the ears, the nose etc. The nourishment for the consciousness happens by these sense organs.
. The eyes are fertilised by the colours of the outside world.
. The ears are fertilised by the sounds of the outside world.
. The nose is fertilised by the smell of the outside world.
. Other sense organs are fertilised by the surrounding world.

All these fertilisations develop a personality, a person being, a human being growing finally to an universal lively being. Now the cosmic egg is a steadily itself transforming issue, when it is allowed to grow.

Here a spiritual evolution is at work.
Inside evolution the law of being the strongest one dominates inside all living species. Inside the world of plants, animals and person-/human beings. So too on a spiritual level.

Spiritual fertilisation.
By the spiritual fertilisation the new spirit conceives by the biological conception.
There is a biological- and a spiritual womb, which for sure are not separated from each other.
Out of this conception appeared by their cooperation a being, as it is recognised by persons on earth today.

The question now is:
Is this person being/human being already so much grown up and so mature,
as it should be?

Regarding to the hardship and misery of humanity, I accepted the vision that the person/the human is allowed, can or must evolve his consciousness, by a spiritual evolution. Out of the view of a personality, the new human being has to appear. His new human rights must become described in order to live as a new human being. The shortest description I can make her is: The new human being loves, does not survive in war.
This new human being has to be born in some way
and a fertilisation is needed for this.

At this point the cosmic egg or the spiritual egg cell comes in focus. As out of the biological egg cell grows a male and/or female person, now grows out of the spiritual egg cell a spiritual human being. Intelligence is responsible for both.

. A biological spiritual egg cell contains all intelligent pulses for growing a spiritual biological person. This person being can evolve to a human being, which can evolve to an universal (cosmic) being.
. A spiritual egg cell contains all intelligent pulses for growing a spiritual being. This spiritual being is present beyond the biological human being.
. This pulses base on the force of attraction, for becoming the laws of attraction. This attraction force is at one hand intelligent and on the other hand intellectual.
By the impact of intelligence something new appears.
By the impact of intellect the new becomes materialised, embodied and now is recognised as familiar. This accepted now is......old. The old identity forces the intelligence to attract something new.

. The biological egg attracts all biological data out of the surroundings into the egg for growing into a foetus. This growth goes on.............. The surrounding is in the first nine month the womb and after the womb  it is the society. A collective-identity appears.
. The spiritual egg attracts all spiritual data out of the surroundings into the spiritual egg for evolution in consciousness. The surroundings is that spiritual individual aura, where all data for fulfilment and "completion" of a human being are available. This aura is present already during the time inside the womb.

I experience
the human aura as the spiritual egg cell,
which is fertilised by
existential intelligence.

Here I now recognise again a trinity of survival-, life- and being aura.
. The survival aura  is the spiritual egg cell of survival, where a person and personality appears.
. The life aura is the spiritual egg cell of life, where a human being appears.
. The being aura is the spiritual egg cell of being, where a existential lively being is present.

Like a drop is a part of the ocean,
is the spiritual egg cell an identity inside a spiritual field.

A identity is an I,
is a lively spiritual being.

Any spiritual egg becomes fertilised by a spiritual I.
This I changes, transforms itself by form and consciousness.


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