Full Moon in Scorpio: Truths, Deaths and the Total Blam Blam

Full Moon in Scorpio: Truths, Deaths and the Total Blam Blam
Hello friends. As you may know, I like to tune into the actual energy of the Full and New Moon themselves. I don’t spend a lot of time on the other aspects traveling with it, as there are other talented astrologer colleagues of mine who do a great job with that. The “total blam blam” is from a Bowie lyric (Suffragette City, to be exact.) He had such a great way of inventing words that although we didn’t exactly know what they meant, they effectively conveyed the vibe of what he wanted to get across. Mysterious, intense and packing a punch of double-entendre meaning, just like this Full Moon that lies ahead. Thinking on the cosmic tunes for this moon they were changing faster than the weather here in the desert this week. Early this morning I heard “Into the Void” by Black Sabbath in my head and was thinking about the great cosmic void. I was hoping it didn’t mean a major death, but I was feeling it. Little did I know another artistic genius of such profound influence (Prince) would be heading back in.
Dear ones, one of the greatest things you can do for yourself spiritually is to break out of the 3D prison of mind and into the greater cosmic reality. Earth life can be so deadly serious, while Spirit is lighter and free. Once you get a glimpse past the barriers, your view does not remain the same. There is a lesser need for competition and judgment and a greater manifestation of love, compassion and service. – The Keepers, Full Moon Message, 4.21.16
We have a Scorpio Full Moon opposed to the Taurus Sun every year, but we don’t always have Mars and Pluto in Retrograde at the same time. This gives this Full Moon some exceptional depth and revelatory potential. Also for some, it may be exceedingly nasty and dour. If any Full Moon energy was dependent on your predominant vibration (Love vs. Fear) to create experience, it would be this one. Both Taurus and Scorpio are interested in resources; Taurus with the more physical aspect while Scorpio can be overly attached to “thoughts as things,” and also people. What persistent (non-productive) thoughts need to be shown the door? Now’s a perfect time to escort them out. For those who are of a mind, this would be a very good Full Moon period to hold loving space for the Collective.
Thinking on the mantra for this Full Moon I received,“I AM Safe (Taurus) to Transform (Scorpio.)”
The theme of getting “unhooked” from illusions both ourselves and other people’s; has been a major cosmic theme in our lives, going all the way back to beginning of the Uranus/Pluto Square energies starting in 2010. It has gone beyond being a little uncomfortable to a major fire under our asses, as we are no longer equipped to pay the ultimate price of selling our own souls down the river. There’s been quite enough of that. It’s not the same world and we are not the same people in it. While Scorpio is associated with actual death or physical transition, it’s also associated with all kinds of “little deaths” that are a part of human existence and some are definitely more sexy than others.
Scorpio also rules poisons, toxins and healing. This Full Moon interestingly falls on Earth Day with the reminder that we can no longer use Mother Gaia as a toxic waste dump for our own projection or laziness. This is an excellent time to rededicate our love and service to the Earth in whatever ways that we can. Even the small things such as recycling, or no longer using single serve water bottles add up.
I want something good to die for, to make it beautiful to live. – Joshua Homme
Thank you, good travels and all blessings Prince. 
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. Electric word life, it means forever and that’s a mighty long time, but I’m here to tell you there’s something else: The after world. A world of never ending happiness, you can always see the sun, day or night. So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills, you know the one, “Dr. Everything’ll Be Alright.” Instead of asking him how much of your time is left, ask him how much of your mind, baby. ‘Cause in this life things are much harder than in the after world. In this life, you’re on your own. – Prince Rogers Nelson, 1984 (1958-2016)


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