Metaphysical Properties
 Wulfenite is a member of the molybdate family and comes in both crystalline and mass form.
 Attunes to the root/base, sacral, and solar plexus chakras.
 Colors range from yellowish to orange to almost red.
 Wulfenite is an originality stone.
 Brings new ideas and concepts.
 Heals past life issues.
 Stimulates metabolism.
 Enhances sexual pleasure and heals sexual dysfunction.
 Wulfenite embodies the sentiment and symbolism of the serenity prayer.
 Wulfenite is attuned to the energies of ritual magic.
 Helps with past life recall.
 Harmonizes emotions.
 Used in healing the reproductive system, especially in females.
 Treats ailments of the spleen.
 Uplifts emotions.
 Wulfenite is a good grounding crystal.
 Helps treat issues with digestion and nutrition.
 Wulfenite is a rare "attraction" crystal.
 A great tool for use in alchemy, transmuting the human material base into the golden Divine Self.
 Helps one to accept the less positive aspects of one's life.
 Wulfenite aids in recognizing soul contracts.
 Brings contact and communication with the spirit world.
 Improves cellular memory.
 Facilitates physical and spiritual regeneration and rejuvenation.


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