
As can be seen we are slowly recovering some former planetary signitures to coroborate this data, but due to the hostile action of the 11/26/2005 this process will be both slow and probably incomplete.
The numbers given alongside the ordinals, equate to the mass of each Gate, and were discovered when the data was factorised to be primes. Their actual mass varries by 2.7027027% from their prime number value. Thus to calculate their SSI mass, multiply the given number by 1.027027027. This is based upon the fact G-0006 = 37, yet it weighs almost exactly 38 metric tonnes. This method has been cross checked with AREA-50 and 52, and found to be correct within an acceptable margin of error. The mid-Gate is No.799, being the largest with a SSI mass of 6,364.48 tonnes, and obviously G-0001 and G-1597 are the smallest at 17.45 tonnes each, which matchs historical records.
The other key observation concerns the total number of Gates, 1,597; as this is F17 in the Fibonacci sequence. It is possible that the Gates are "formed" according to Phi, being a common ratio/sequence in natural phenomena. In which case the Afghan example, may have been a F20, or alternatively two sets, the F18 and F19 formations respectively, lying in series, and not a single structure as formally hypothesised.
We can now confirm that our former assumption was correct, as the other "lines" do in fact follow this sequence. The US recovered sufficient data during CON-58 to conclude that their two Gates are G-0001 on an F-15 line (610 Gates) and G-0007 on an F-18 (2,584 Gates) for SG#50 (17.45t) and #52 (42.1t) respectively. The Russians have established that theirs is G-0011 (60.6t) on an F-20 (6,765 Gates). SG#53 in France is estimated to weigh in at circa 48 tons and is therefore probably a G-0009. Interviews with survivors from the PRC suggest that SG#55 was a G-0013/14 as it weighed in at circa 70tons. We conclude that currently the UNSGC has access to 11,556 Gates overall, but it is impossible at present to make an accurate guesstimation as to the number of actual target worlds this represents. As due to the evidence of large scale Gate clusters, such as that found in Antarctica, we could be looking at a figure as low as 100 planets in all. Also as to our general position in the network, again it is difficult to say, as currently we only have access to the smallest sized Gates, which were removed from Antarctica in 1999. Some of the 78 Gates found at Vostok base (Antarctica) were of considerable size, indicative of a mid-line position.

An Introduction to Star Gates, Splines & Alien Worlds

The Star Gates originally discovered in Antartica, are part of an alien built inter-galactic transportation network, that is some 3 billion years old, and extends beyond the light horizon of the known universe, that is more than 13.7 billion light years. All the worlds, including the Earth, that are served by the network appear to be terraformed, not quite clones of the original home world P567, Gate numbers 1591 to 1598 on our Spline. All Splines have their origin on that planet. Nothing of the builders has survived, so we have no evidence of their appearance or their biology, except that they desired to create worlds exactly the same as our own. They have been assigned the designation Alien Species #1 (AS#1) in case of contact.The Earth like worlds so far encountered during the Program (1996~present), have been for the most part arborial in nature, with no evidence of native sentient life of any form. Four things stand out in their geological and fossil records; firstly, with the exception of the Earth, no other world has suffered the impact of the Cretaceous-Tertiary or "KT" event. Secondly, elsewhere mammals still rose to become the dominant group, but following a slow extinction of the dinosaurs, due to the fall in oxegen levels over a period of approximately 10 million years. This oxygen decline was also occuring on the Earth, so the result should have been much the same. However, one species group, primates, appear to be unique to the Earth, possibly because, it is theorised, that the KT event disrupted part of the bio-control program, that maintains parallel evolution. This may also account for the total absense of M1 ABC here on Earth, which is encountered everywhere else in the air, water and flora and fauna.
Evidence collected over almost two decades of the CONTACT Program, shows that Star Gates are formed as part of a larger structure called a Spline, then seperated into individual "modules" or as we know them; Star Gates. A "Spline" is any linear structure or "line", that is then "split" into sections. The Star Gates are theorised to have been "grown", starting with a "seed" that is first divided, the two halves forming the ends of the Spline. The number of intervening modules, or Gates is a Fibonacci number. The first 21 of which are listed in the table below. Note that the so-called "zero" and "end" Gates, or "seeds", are not traversable by humuns due to their small size. Attempting to do so has proven fatal to past operatives.
A permenant "Einstein�Rosen Bridge", more popularly known as a wormhole, exists along the entire length of the Spline. Periodically, and relatively regularly, this wormhole or tunnel through space-time, expands in between two modules or Gates, to permit transit from one to another. This means that two Gates on different Splines can never connect. The opening "cycles" have been equated more to weather pattern behaviour, or possibly the Gates performing some kind of random network wide system check at particular times of the year. It has taken until just a few years ago (2007) before we could in any way influence or "control" this process using the XAD1471 device. If a Gate is buried or submerged it will not work. If a Gate is destroyed, and to date the only thing capable of doing that has been a nuclear weapon, the Spline is cut, and consequentially travel becomes limited to the remaining sections. Unless an alternate route via a different Spline is found, the other part of the network is forever out of reach. Fortunately, it appears that the builders factered this in, and so Gates are normally found in clusters, formed as a ring, with the distance between Gates being not less than 65 metres. Sometimes, several Gates in the ring are on the same Spline in order to circumvent failiures. The rest are on different Splines, which on the whole go to the same planets, providing multiple redundency.
Gates open at each end for precisely 120 seconds, with a varriable journey time in between. While engaged in this action, no other connections can be made to those Gates, but ones either side of them can connect. Movement through wormholes is always in one direction, and thus they are known as either Outbound or Inbound Gates. During one of these "cycles" it is possible with special equipment to maintain contact with off-world teams, although the reliability of this communications equipment is an issue. However when it works, SG Teams can call for an emergency return Gate, wherein the engineers here on Earth using the XAD1471 can "force" a Gate connection, presuming the Gates involved are not otherwise engaged.
Gates appear to generate a "fear" field around themselves, ensuring that animals on one world cannot migrate to another. A feature that flight crews are required to learn to overcome. Finally, the system has x number of other perculiarities of importance to users:
    <> Unaccompanied inanimate objects cannot traverse a wormhole. This means that we cannot remotely scout out new worlds, and it is necessary for Marines to volunteer for so-called "Pathfinder" missions. Needless to say, these can be extremely dangerous, and entire units have been lost.
  • The Gates have a protective nano-tech barrier that "filters" out non natural or dangerous materials, to prevent unauthorised movement. Early travellers could be rendered naked, unarmed and with no means of survival by this filter, and it took nearly 20 years for limited methods of defeating this defence to be developed. New specialised clothing, equipment and munitions were prioritised. However only tiny quantities of inflammable or explosive compounds can bypass this system. So unless off-world production fasilities exist on the world being visited, then we can not use engines, generators or the like. The only truly odd exception appears to be radio-active materials, such as urainium, plutonium and polonium. We can only presume that these are permitted because these elements are not prescribed by the system, due to a failiure to perceive the potential threat. A non-explosively initiated low yield nuclear munition has been developed for use off-world. 
  • There is a limit to the mass of the equipment and materials that can be fielded. Operatives may not exceed two thirds of their gross bio-mass in stores. Larger loads "can" result in the loss of the operative en route. No missing personnel or stores have ever been recovered. 
  • Finally, weapons can not be carried in to a wormhole loaded. Instances of neglegent discharges and resulting casualties, have proven so common as to represent a greater hazard than possible enemy ambush at the Landing Zone. The practise is carry a magazine ready to load imediately upon exit on a possibly hostile world. And for the return phase, weapons are cleared or fully discharged before entering the Inbound Gate to Earth.

The Fibonacci Sequence

F1 = 1F2 = 1F3 = 2F4 = 3F5 = 5F6 = 8F7 = 13
F8 = 21F9 = 34F10 = 55F11 = 89F12 = 144F13 = 233F14 = 377
F15 = 610F16 = 987F17 = 1,597F18 = 2,584F19 = 4,181F20 = 6,765F21 = 10,946


  • Where known, Gates are grouped together by planet, headed with the Planetary Identifier, which contains:
    • the common P# reference 
    • the full Planetary Reference 
    • the Gate letter through which the planet was first visited during the CONTACT Program 
    • obsolete Gate and Planetary references 
    • significant data
  • Gates in BLACK and marked with the Skull & Crossbones symbol, are believed to be the "ends" of the Spline. Their small size in other Splines have led to the loss of SG Teams attempting to land. 
  • Gates in GREY are ones that have NOT yet been visited during the CONTACT Program. 
  • Gates in WHITE are ones that have been visited during the CONTACT Program, and include the operation/mission number(s) - where known. 
  • Gates in RED are known to have been destroyed (WMD etc.). 
  • Gates marked with a large X are believed to have been over-run by AS2 (aka the "Worms") and subsequentiallySnowballed. Where known the CON# of the connection attempt is included. 
  • Earth is marked in GREEN. 
  • The Mid-Gate is marked in BLUE as a navigational aid. 
  • Additional notes regarding planetary entries are in YELLOW. 
  • Where known the previous catalogue number/name of the Gate and planet has been included. 
  • All CON#'s are links to that operation's reports. 
  • Any superscript numbers lead to notes at the foot of this page.


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