alien worlds

Recently, NASA have discovered something that could be an alien megastructure in space effecting the star KIC 8462852. This theory comes from observations made showing that the star was dimming by more than 20%, then it would brighten again and then dim weeks, sometimes months later. Originally the most credible theory was that a huge, and I mean HUGE swarm of comets was passing in front of the star blocking a substantial portion of light that was being emitted from it. However, this does not fully explain it. There are no other observed stars that seem to show this kind of behaviour so scientists are still struggling to work out what is causing it. Astronomer Jason Wright was the one to speculate that it could be an alien megastructure in the process of being built around the star. It is theoretically possible to build such a device around a star that would be used harvest the energy. This alien civilisation would be far more advanced than us and the device they could be building could be similar to a Dyson Sphere. But what could they possibly need such a large energy supply for?


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