Strategic Briefing for the Messiah Based on professional insights from preemptive news and image management

The Dialogue guideline links below transfer to specific participant roles in Towards a New Order of Meeting Participation
Note that the Transpose links below each transfer to the corresponding item in the Strategic Briefing for Satan
(which links back here).

  1. Promote a wide variety of new initiatives, clearly establishing their relationship to complementary approaches, especially those that oppose them. Question assumptions regarding production of more goods, concepts and people, or alternatively their incorporation or entrainment by such initiatives.Advantages: Highlights any implications of irresponsibility on the part of "developers" or researchers -- and draws attention to longer-term impacts and wider effects. Facilitates healthy social and environmental processes, including their coexistence with some that may, if necessary, be seen as "outdated" or "unproven". Reduces the possibility of undermining existing initiatives with a track record of long-term sustainability, whilst avoiding premature dependency on new and unproven processes. Dissociates the values of production and reproduction and ensures understanding of their wider consequences. Counteracts the marginalization of vulnerable initiatives, ensuring their coexistence as part of the meme-pool of any emerging larger undertaking. 
  2. Promote exploration of new approaches to working with challenging differences. Carefully establish their relationship to those common understandings of reconciliation, harmony and agreement that tend to be simpler, more widely understood, and less relevant to the wider dimensions of a complex social crisis. Stress the importance of understanding challenging new forms of  peace and solidarity on the occasion of any conflict between factions with intractable differences. Advise vigilance and the need for urgent initiatives in support of  those in fear.Advantages: Stresses that the peace that people seek is not viable or sustainable as a simplistic absence of violence for which most appeals are usually made. Directs attention to the challenges to understanding of any peace "which passeth all understanding" as opposed to simplistic focus on education for tolerance. It effectively calls for understanding of the higher dimensionality of any meaningful peace and consensual agreement. This is not an easy strategy since it challenges the identity and assumptions of both parties and consequently evokes patterns of defensiveness and denial through which you will be condemned and rejected. 
  3. Promote understanding of values and how appeals to them can be distorted and abused. Clarify conditions under which appeals to apparently constructive values may become inappropriate, and those under which apparently destructive values may become appropriate.Advantages: Inhibits simplistic understanding of values through which polarization is reinforced. Counteracts value reductionism, highlighting the role of values as strange attractors for psycho-social behaviour, whose nature and function are beyond easy definition.
  4. Promote vigilance with regard to the security of individuals, groups and cultures. Highlight ways it can be undermined by those most enthusiastic about it. Encourage understanding of the dilemmas associated with confidentiality as a safeguard for security and the development of new initiatives.Advantages: Highlights the value of criticism in increasing the robustness of any security system. Inhibits tendencies to condemn those conveying insights that question the integrity of any enterprise. 
  5. Promote excellence through understanding of its many forms. Highlight the valuable roles performed by those who do not (or cannot) aspire to it but who may nevertheless trigger higher orders of understanding in others and in the wider community. Emphasize the challenges (welcome or unwelcome) that excellence may create for wider society, especially amongst those effectively marginalized by it.Advantages: Avoids simplistic approaches to excellence that lead to various forms of triumphalism, elitism and exclusion. Through diversifying the nature of excellence, promotes self-esteem in the the largest number of people.  Ensures that the majority, without hope of certain advantages, experience some sense of their special value to society. Encourages the efforts amongst many ordinary people to evolve new forms of organization not dependent on competition for leadership or excellence.  
  6. Promote excellence through understanding of its many forms. Highlight the valuable roles performed by those who do not (or cannot) aspire to it but who may nevertheless trigger higher orders of understanding in others and in the wider community. Emphasize the challenges (welcome or unwelcome) that excellence may create for wider society, especially amongst those effectively marginalized by it.Advantages: Avoids simplistic approaches to excellence that lead to various forms of triumphalism, elitism and exclusion. Through diversifying the nature of excellence, promotes self-esteem in the the largest number of people.  Ensures that the majority, without hope of certain advantages, experience some sense of their special value to society. Encourages the efforts amongst many ordinary people to evolve new forms of organization not dependent on competition for leadership or excellence.
  7. Promote tolerance, equality, and fairness by clarifying the richer patterns through which subtler and more viable forms become possible, notably where dependency on simpler forms has proved unfruitful. Emphasize that understanding of appropriate justice is continually challenged by complex situations unforeseen by the law and common understanding.Advantages: Inhibits tokenistic approaches to justice and facilitates identification of systemic patterns of miscarriage of justice. Highlights higher forms of justice inadequately guaranteed by more simplistic approaches to law and order. Encourages efforts to identify the subtleties of justice and mercy. 
  8. Promote action on both extremes of any polarity, whether labelled as "positive" or "negative", to ensure that the traps of dualism are transcended ... rather than reinforced in patterns of denial and oversimplification.Advantages: Develops insights and skills in working with both poles of any polarity in order to enable people to transcend them through sustainable new patterns of unforeseen behaviour and understanding.  Develops the capacity to respond to surprises emerging from blindspots, including hostile initiatives disguised in friendly clothing.  
  9. Encourage celebration and remembrance by clarifying how they sustain the social fabric over time, counteracting its dismemberment and providing a reminder of the lessons of history.Advantages : Focuses hopes and creative energy productively to sustain people through periods of discouragement. Reinforces beliefs weakened by the apparently insurmountable challenges of life. Increases expectations and builds up a sense of meaning and fulfilment and efficacy. Usefully refreshes the meaning of cultural symbols, opposing any tendency for them  to degrade into meaningless tokens.
  10. Focus visibly, vigorously and pragmatically on immediate concrete responses to issues, ensuring that these responses are always set within a larger context whose coherence it is vital to clarify and sustain.Advantages: Highlights responsibility for sustaining initiatives over the medium- and longer-term, inhibiting tendencies to erode their effectiveness and render them toothless once attention is drawn to other priorities.  Encourages development of subtler arrays of response, including strategic alternation and policy cycles,  to engage dynamic challenges with the level of complexity they merit.
  11. Promote benevolent universal plans, declarations and manifestos in a variety of forms, ensuring that they (and their specific provisions) always highlight a larger pattern of concerns, evolving over time, through which such instruments are all interrelated.Advantages: Provides an integrated  framework for the variety of concerns, especially when  new ways (song, music, etc) of articulating the relationships between the identified concerns can be found to render the subtleties of the relationships memorable. As such they then become instruments to enhance social memory which can increase effectiveness of  action on their purported focus of concern. Failure to subscribe to such declarations should then be seen as a creative challenge to their adequacy and to the forms through which they are expressed. 
  12. Promote sensitivity to youth, health and beauty, especially in their subtler forms beneath apparent age, ill-health and ugliness, as a challenge to understanding the larger dilemmas of a life in time.Advantages: Sustains a sense of well-being and self-esteem amongst people endowed in different ways and over the entirety of their lives. Fruitfully confronts people with challenges to understanding concerning their place in the scheme of things and the nature of their relationship to those who may appear more favourable endowed. 
The art for you is to do as little possible, providing opportunities for many different approaches to greater understanding as people explore and learn from the interplay of their own interests with those of their wider communities.These strategies will create viable, and essentially undetectable, contexts from which you and the forces supporting you can act freely and with most effect. Each strategy benefits from both strengths and weaknesses in particular types of people who, through acting on their limited understanding, will be your allies in advancing your strategic intentions as they learn their own limitations.
It is essential that you support every effort to recognize the double nature of these strategies - and especially how their complementarity provides the key to understanding what you offer.
Consistent with your expressed requirement, these strategies will enable many people to experience the transcendent reality of your presence, although they will never be able to articulate their understanding with sufficient credibility to enable others to oppose them effectively.
The challenge is always to position you so that, in despair at the ineffectiveness of their actions, people will perceive you to be their saviour


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