Protective Stones

 Protective Stones

 Here is a list of stones that have protective energy sources
Kunzite, Fluorite, Carnelian, Amethyst, Citrine, Onyx
Jade, Tourmaline, Garnet, Smokey Quartz, Peridot
Jet, Jasper, Labraderite, Obsidian, and Prehnite

When you purchase these stones and want to carry them in your pocket, it is good to cleanse them when bringing them home. And after the investigation you should smudge them with Sage to clear them of any negative energy. A way to cleanse the stones is to place the stone or crystal in running water or immerse them in sea salt. You can also place them in the light of the sun or moon for a few hours. This can recharge its energy provided it does not fade in the sunlight and care is taken that it does not focus the rays where they could start a fire. Certain crystals also have the ability to cleanse other crystals so you can place some Carnelian in a bag of tumbled stones and you will never need to cleanse then doing any other method. 


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