Is The Obama Administration Trying To Divide America During This Shutdown?
Since the government shutdown began, we’ve seen the National Park Service do a few rather petty things no doubt ordered to do so by the thugocracy of the Obama administration. The Park Service has attempted to close a World War II memorial and even parking lots for the privately funded historical site of Mount Vernon, along with other questionable actions. Can you tell us that the government is so out of touch they don't even know Mount Vernon doesn't belong to them?
Now the National Park Service says it has been forced to close scenic overlooks. That's right, the Obama administration has ordered scenic overlooks to be closed that aren't even inside the borders of National Parks. One park ranger even admitted, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
Various overlooks around the country have been closed including some on the Washington Parkway and public highway overlooks at Mount Rushmore. It is claimed by park officials that these areas need to be closed because they cannot be maintained and the trash cannot be emptied along roadsides, but of course they don't mention it costs time, money, and manpower to put up barricades that keep American citizens from accessing these overlooks.
This is what you have with the thuggish behavior of the Obama administration and you have to ask yourself why they are doing this? Is it to be able to better place the blame for the shutdown on Republicans or is it for more nefarious purposes? And we all thought Obama was supposed to be a healer, bring people together and change the tone in Washington. Obama has unfortunately brought nothing but division, especially with immature and selfish acts like this just to position himself politically.
And no it is not the republicans to blame as the democrats planned this from the Nazi play books.
This is a political journal, and as such, may express opinions that are not the same as yours. If you cannot express those disagreements civilly, then don't comment. There is too much immaturity and incivility in politics already. This will be a long post because its politics.
First, predictably, I see many here and in the media blaming the republicans solely for the shutdown, even though that is not the case. Both sides contributed to the shut down. The republicans tried defudning obamacare through a continuing resolution to fund the government, then the senate rejected it. The republicans in the house f representatives then changed the wording to delay obamacare for a year, just like Obama granted to several large corporations (and donors) and congress. The senate rejected it and sent it back. It happened one more time, then the government shut down. The house republicans are now calling for a conference with the senate to discuss the disagreements and reconcile them, which is actually the way the constitution says this is supposed to happen. The democrats are refusing and saying the republicans shoudl pass a bill first then they wil talk about it.
From where I am sitting, there is stubbornness on both sides. I do not like that the republicans are using a continuing resolution to strike at obamacare, but i actually do understand why they are doing so. The democrats passed obamacare when they had a majority in the house and senate and held the presidency after scapegoating bush and the republicans for the 2008 financial crisis (which I will get to later). The reason republicans actually oppose obamacare is because they view it as a humiliation because of the way it passed. The democrats passed obamacare, while actively ignoring the republican minority on it. Republicans did not oppose the affordable care act, but they did, and still do, oppose the way it was passed.
The democrats had and still have a very disturbing tendency when in power, namely, they ignore the opposition when they can, and when they cannot ignore their criticisms, they demonize them into submission. The democrats seem to not understand that the US is a REPUBLIC, not democracy. In a democracy the majority shuts down the minority. In a republic, the minority has a voice. Yet the democrats act like 'Well we won the presidential elections and control the senate, so the republicans should shut up and do what we say!" . This is an extremely dangerous idea for a republic. This "we won, sit down and shut up" mentality the democrats have is a large part of what is causing the present problems in the government now.
Part of the excuse I often see for this mentality is the "right wing republican teabagger nutob extremists caused the 2008 crash!" this is pure, utter bullshit. First off, the teea party didn't exist until 2009/2010. Secondly, the 2008 financial collapse was caused by a housing and stock bubble blowing up at the same time. The housing bubble was caused when banks lended to people who couldn't afford it to get into homes. The government helped this,with a program to help first time homebuyers get into homes which started under clinton and continued under bush. This was supported by members of both parties. The stock market bubble was caused by the repeal of the glass-steagal act, which again, both parties supported and president clinton signed. The republicans lost congress in 2006 due to the war in iraq being unpopular. Bush warned that there was a bubble developing, but it was ignored by the democrats. The democrats controlled congress in 2008 and for 2 years before that, but when the market crashed, bush and the republicans took allt he blame for problems that started with clinton era policies and which the democrats refused to fix for 2 years. Democrats then used the finacial collapse to bame bush and the republicans for the crisis and gain political power, which they then used to marginalize the republicans and do whatever they wanted.
h is a neutral source for the information. Even they say blaming only one party is overly simplistic because the US economy is so complex.
The democrats though, have used the "republicans caused the financial collapse" canard for years to silence the opposition and get their way. And the economy hasn't really gotten better since, which is STILL blamed on republicans. Tehe double standard here is glaring: when the economy collapsed in 2008, republicans got all the blame, even though they were a minority in the house and senate and we had a republican president. In 2013, with a democrat president, a democrat controlled senate and a pretty large democrat minority in the house, all the problems MUST be the republicans fault, whether it be the government shutdown or the economy not improving. "If only the democrats controlled the house too, then we could silence those pesky republicans and improve the economy!". Yeah, because when you democrats had a supermajority in the senate and house and a democratic president you sure fixed the economy! Oh wait, you passed obamacare instead of fixing the economy so you could keep blaming the republicans. Which is why the republicans were put back in control of the House of Representatives in the first place: Democrats failed to do what they promised.
This is a distraction from the REAl issue coming up, which is namely that the US is about to reach its debt limit on October 17th . If the congress cannot agree to raise the debt ceiling, the US will default on the debt it has, which stands at around 16. 7 trillion dollars. The republicans are saying we need a plan in place to stop the growth of government debt and to start reducing it, and don't want to agree to anything until their is a plan in place to do that. The democrats want to raise the debt limit, even suggesting that the power to raise the debt limit should be given to the president, which is unconstitutional. Because the republicans want to slow or stop the growth of debt (like they did in the 90s, a republican congress gave us a budget surplus, clinton took all the credit for it) and democrats want us to keep spending like drunken sailors, we will likely end up defaulting on our debt.
TL;DR: The government shut down, I see too many ignorant people on here blaming only the republicans for what is going on without fully knowing what is happening. Both parties are being stupid, and caused a government shut down. The more important thing to watch will be the debt talks, which woud
This is a political journal, and as such, may express opinions that are not the same as yours. If you cannot express those disagreements civilly, then don't comment. There is too much immaturity and incivility in politics already. This will be a long post because its politics.
First, predictably, I see many here and in the media blaming the republicans solely for the shutdown, even though that is not the case. Both sides contributed to the shut down. The republicans tried defudning obamacare through a continuing resolution to fund the government, then the senate rejected it. The republicans in the house f representatives then changed the wording to delay obamacare for a year, just like Obama granted to several large corporations (and donors) and congress. The senate rejected it and sent it back. It happened one more time, then the government shut down. The house republicans are now calling for a conference with the senate to discuss the disagreements and reconcile them, which is actually the way the constitution says this is supposed to happen. The democrats are refusing and saying the republicans shoudl pass a bill first then they wil talk about it.
From where I am sitting, there is stubbornness on both sides. I do not like that the republicans are using a continuing resolution to strike at obamacare, but i actually do understand why they are doing so. The democrats passed obamacare when they had a majority in the house and senate and held the presidency after scapegoating bush and the republicans for the 2008 financial crisis (which I will get to later). The reason republicans actually oppose obamacare is because they view it as a humiliation because of the way it passed. The democrats passed obamacare, while actively ignoring the republican minority on it. Republicans did not oppose the affordable care act, but they did, and still do, oppose the way it was passed.
The democrats had and still have a very disturbing tendency when in power, namely, they ignore the opposition when they can, and when they cannot ignore their criticisms, they demonize them into submission. The democrats seem to not understand that the US is a REPUBLIC, not democracy. In a democracy the majority shuts down the minority. In a republic, the minority has a voice. Yet the democrats act like 'Well we won the presidential elections and control the senate, so the republicans should shut up and do what we say!" . This is an extremely dangerous idea for a republic. This "we won, sit down and shut up" mentality the democrats have is a large part of what is causing the present problems in the government now.
Part of the excuse I often see for this mentality is the "right wing republican teabagger nutob extremists caused the 2008 crash!" this is pure, utter bullshit. First off, the teea party didn't exist until 2009/2010. Secondly, the 2008 financial collapse was caused by a housing and stock bubble blowing up at the same time. The housing bubble was caused when banks lended to people who couldn't afford it to get into homes. The government helped this,with a program to help first time homebuyers get into homes which started under clinton and continued under bush. This was supported by members of both parties. The stock market bubble was caused by the repeal of the glass-steagal act, which again, both parties supported and president clinton signed. The republicans lost congress in 2006 due to the war in iraq being unpopular. Bush warned that there was a bubble developing, but it was ignored by the democrats. The democrats controlled congress in 2008 and for 2 years before that, but when the market crashed, bush and the republicans took allt he blame for problems that started with clinton era policies and which the democrats refused to fix for 2 years. Democrats then used the finacial collapse to bame bush and the republicans for the crisis and gain political power, which they then used to marginalize the republicans and do whatever they wanted.
h is a neutral source for the information. Even they say blaming only one party is overly simplistic because the US economy is so complex.
The democrats though, have used the "republicans caused the financial collapse" canard for years to silence the opposition and get their way. And the economy hasn't really gotten better since, which is STILL blamed on republicans. Tehe double standard here is glaring: when the economy collapsed in 2008, republicans got all the blame, even though they were a minority in the house and senate and we had a republican president. In 2013, with a democrat president, a democrat controlled senate and a pretty large democrat minority in the house, all the problems MUST be the republicans fault, whether it be the government shutdown or the economy not improving. "If only the democrats controlled the house too, then we could silence those pesky republicans and improve the economy!". Yeah, because when you democrats had a supermajority in the senate and house and a democratic president you sure fixed the economy! Oh wait, you passed obamacare instead of fixing the economy so you could keep blaming the republicans. Which is why the republicans were put back in control of the House of Representatives in the first place: Democrats failed to do what they promised.
This is a distraction from the REAl issue coming up, which is namely that the US is about to reach its debt limit on October 17th . If the congress cannot agree to raise the debt ceiling, the US will default on the debt it has, which stands at around 16. 7 trillion dollars. The republicans are saying we need a plan in place to stop the growth of government debt and to start reducing it, and don't want to agree to anything until their is a plan in place to do that. The democrats want to raise the debt limit, even suggesting that the power to raise the debt limit should be given to the president, which is unconstitutional. Because the republicans want to slow or stop the growth of debt (like they did in the 90s, a republican congress gave us a budget surplus, clinton took all the credit for it) and democrats want us to keep spending like drunken sailors, we will likely end up defaulting on our debt.
TL;DR: The government shut down, I see too many ignorant people on here blaming only the republicans for what is going on without fully knowing what is happening. Both parties are being stupid, and caused a government shut down. The more important thing to watch will be the debt talks, which woudl be more damaging to the nation.
l be more damaging to the nation.
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