UFO Research

UFO Research



December 15,1995

I conduct research of paranormal phenomena and have for the past eighty years of my life compiled a staggering report from my work.

It's not my purpose to argue too many specifics here, but I am somewhat bothered by the wheel spinning that occurs in the community of UFO "research people."

I know without any doubt that the intelligences exsist. They are very aware of our progress, but they see our evolution as a kind of holy relic, and do not interfere.

Yet, I observe the work of several so‑called researchers who appear to follow rather unfortunate techniques and dilute the earnest work with tasty foreclosures and intrigues, something to parallel the style of the National Inquirer.

The most apparent travesty appears in files the various report the existence of the MAJESTIC TWELVE.

I don't intend to debunk the MAJESTIC TWELVE scenario. Many sources exist now who will verify the past existence of this secret society. Still, there appears within these reports additional material with very inflammatory overtones that should either be

immediately supported or completely resisted.

In particular, I've seen some claims from one man who accuses President Bush of direct involvement with the South American drug cartels, CIA plots to reduce world population with the AIDs virus, the peril of Freemasonry, and on and on and on. This is not a responsible investigative technique and should not appear in these files. This kind of information also has the dreadful earmark of disinformation, whether directed by the author, or as a result of manipulation from his sources.

MAJESTIC TWELVE is apparently not a mythical organization. Still, the use of the name may be obsolete and the people involved in it may have either created another vehicle for themselves or divested their positions. I've been led to understand that many changes took place in recent years, possibly a major correction.

It is interesting to speculate on the apparent convergence that appears with existing data. Every major high level investigation including Watergate and the Iran‑Contra affairs involved cover‑ups and personnel traditionally associated with membership in MJ‑12. This was the message, or at least part of the message that "Deep Throat" tried to convey to Woodward and Bernstein, that their focus was misplaced on the Presidency.

Still, that aspect of the investigation is a completely separate issue and should remain outside until evidence surfaces to support their inclusion.

My investigation returns, again and again, to an apparently universal theme, that there must be a parallel growth within any social system that acquires alien technology.

At present our society is much less accomplished socially and spiritually than it is technologically. With great, exasperating agony we hold back the weapons that would decimate Iraq in a fiery bloodbath. This is the essential problem of power. No telling what would

come of exotic government and military ventures into

extraterrestrial research and the awesome powers that apparently lie there.

The group dynamic by which institutions structure their power usually guarantees the least mature psychologically mature performance from its individual members. This is the great danger in all the secrecy.

Moral questions and ideological diversity simply cannot exist easily within military structures or high level government organizations. UFO research, therefore, involves a new appreciation of life itself rather than the tired out, materialistic scramble to corner prematurely the sophisticated sciences of extraterrestrial origin.

Finally, our society must adjust to an understanding that our own evolution is far and away eclipsed by others who share our universe. There is a great diversity of these life forms, yet the whole of present research obsesses on several exotic beings whose physical forms are interesting, but fraught with exceptionally grim limitations.

The great wealth of the research really lies in the pursuit of philosophical exchanges with the more advanced "higher types."

I will say that there are life forms whose technical development is somewhat complete. The technology of the physical universe is already available to them. Their policy toward others, however, is non‑interference as they pursue a greater

understanding of their own social and spiritual development. If we reach out, and it seems that is the only thing we can do, we should extend our understandings first and let exploration follow.

Otherwise, we fall prey to the inflammatory scenarios of self‑styled gurus whose appreciation of things extraterrestrial arise from comic books and dramatic contrivances out of Hollywood. They are dangerous, and they are regrettable.

One final observation focuses on the dangers of genetic manipulation. This research is very aggressive at the moment in the military, private, and secret sectors. There are immense dangers involved here, moral questions, and unforeseen consequences that can cripple our society for all time if they are embraced without adequate consideration. This is another

aspect of the UFO question that few people have brought to discussion. Hopefully, some of the people who frequent this board will regard the subject with increasing interest.

Genetic manipulation, of course, holds the key to the universe of life itself. Disease and inherited conditions will be reversible through this technology.

The fabric of our social system is vulnerable to great damage, however, and that must be a primary consideration of the researcher. This involves more that the proverbial "test tube baby" and "clone army." It involves a possible manipulation and damage to the mental receptors where thought and perception reside. They are highly vulnerable to damage and the spirit of man is therefore the victim. Again, the spiritual maturity of mankind is at stake and should be allowed

to bloom before a premature technology finds use.

My research indicates that all life arrives from a common singularity and aspires to simplicity. The lower life forms obsess themselves with technological superiority and quests of material domination. The higher societies look increasingly more inward to understand the subtle fabric of life and consciousness.

Our own society is divided in this regard and may indicate the secret intervention of a premature technology as cause. There is already a stratification that exists which is somewhat horrifying. We have a naive, altruistic television public that is at the same time both myopic and impressionable.

On the other hand there exists and a community of scientists who approach god‑like powers in a mindless group dynamic.

This mindless group dynamic is responsible for quieting anyone whom steps forward and says, "I touched something extraterrestrial."

Immediately they attack and attempt to dehumanize the person. Instead of sitting back and listening to them. I find it very disturbing, that so much of humanity puts their own personal hang-ups in the way of progress and understanding.

I personally have met many people whom have come in contact with circumstances that I have not yet experienced. I find theses people fascinating and to be great sources of knowledge.

If anything that UFO and paranormal research teaches us that there is a definite

intelligence behind the design of all things.


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