"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

Black Mirrors - The Art of Scrying

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
Remember that line from the "Evil Queen" in the Disney classic Snow White?

Since the earliest of times Sorcerers, Witches, Soothsayers and so on have used Black Mirrors for Scrying. Even in the Disney classic "Snow White", the Evil Queen would Scry looking into the mirror and asking questions concerning her vanity and her rivals. What is Scrying? It is the divination of future or past events or talking with spirits from another plane of existence by gazing into an object such as the Black Mirror. Now the Black Mirror is not the only thing that can be used for scrying. It can be a puddle of water or a crystal ball or a piece of shiny metal. Even a regular mirror will work. One old favorite is to use a bowl of water and part black ink, which creates a very good black reflection. It can actual be almost any type of object that will allow you to stare into it for long periods of time and gain visions from doing so. The two most popular are the Crystal Ball and the Black Mirror. For me the crystal ball is too bright, although I do also have a solid black crystal ball. The Black Mirror is my choice for the art of scrying. All in all the items are all used as a focal point. They have no real Super Magical power. They do have magical energy after they have been consecrated for use and after they have been used a few times they will gather your own magical energies, but all in all it is the Sorcerer/Scryer who has the Power, the Power to see within the mirror. The Black Mirror then becomes the window to the Universe and to the Spirit world. It can bring you visions of past lives or things that are to come. It can show you answers to questions you may have or show you your spirit guides for it is a doorway to the other side. You must understand that Scrying takes quite a bit of practice to develop ones Astral Vision. What is Astral Vision? it is the ability to see onto the Astral Planes. For some people who are more psychic inclined it may come naturally easy. For other it may take weeks or months to master. Clearing the mind and concentration without stray thoughts is hard to master just as in meditation. So as I have stated it can be used for may different things in Magical Divination. For those of you who are interested in studying High Magic, then you need to know that the Black Mirror is used in the "Triangle of Solomon" for conjuring the Demon or Celestial being into the mirror. The Spirit does not manifest into the physical form. It manifests as a vision in the mirror by the magician being able to see onto the Astral Plane via the Black Mirror. The Mirror is also surround by 3 sacred names of God and Archangel Michael to help control the spirit.
Now, back to regular Black Mirrors.
Now there are a few places online where you can buy some really nice fancy Black Mirrors. You can get them as fancy as your heart desires. But for those of you who don't want to spend allot of money and would like to get started quickly in the Art of Scrying, you can simply make your own for about five-seven dollars. Simply go to Wal-mart or Wallgreens and buy a small 5x7 picture frame (you can buy an oval shaped one if you so choose) and a can of flat black spray paint. When you get it home take the glass out and make sure it is clean. No finger prints. Then paint the back side of it with the flat black paint and let it dry for about a half hour. Then put it all back together making sure that the painted side is facing the back and you now have your Black Mirror ready for you to consecrate and put on your alter for Scrying.
Ok now that I have given you some history and facts about Black Mirrors. It is time to teach you how to Scry. This is going to be a short lesson because there is not much to teach and there is no secret method to make it work instantly for you. It will be a matter of practice makes perfect. He who is patient and continually works at this will have success in the art.
Hopefully by now you have a small alter set up to do all your Magic Rituals. This is where you want to set up your Black Mirror. Mine sits dead center towards the back of one of my alters. Below is a picture of one of my smaller alters that is set up in my office. You will want to arrange your candles on your alter so they are not seen in the reflection of the mirror and that they do not distract you in any way. The first thing you need to do before starting is decide what you will be Scrying for.
You will want to do the LBRP, but do the invoking version to start with. At the end of your Scrying you should do the normal Banishing LBRP to get rid of any spirits that may be still hanging around. If you have your own protection type of Rituals then you may use them instead. Ok now that you have done the invoking LBRP you should sit on a comfortable stool that is the proper height of your Alter. You don't want to be standing for a long period of time. That is why I myself use a stool or chair. Sit and gaze (stare) into the Black Mirror. Ask the universe to bring you a vision or call upon a spirit guide to show you what you want or need to know. You will need to sit there and gaze into the mirror for a good period of time.. You will know when it is starting to work when you own reflection vanishes and all you see is black. That is the key to knowing that you are getting close to success. From that point on is when your visions will begin to appear. the first few times you may not even see all black, you will probably get bored and quit. This is not the way of the Magician. Patience is a virtue with magic. So it may take a few times to get the total black out effect. From then on you must strive to keep gazing into the mirror. You may only get a glimpse of a unfamiliar face or an unknown landscape. But as the weeks progress you will have success. One of the other most important things besides practice is for you to communicate to the universe or to your spirit guides as to your desires when Scrying. Some of you will find this very easy and many others will simply say this does not work and you may never do it again. Like all magic nothing comes instantly or without true dedication and practicing the art. All and all it takes an altered state of consciousness. However you so choose to get into that state of mind. I will say no more about that.

If you look closely at this picture you will see that there is and incense stick which I just lit and there is one thin stream of smoke going upward and curling around in the Black Mirror. If you study this photo really close you will see a face of what looks like a woman in the Black Mirror. So you can now see what could be in store for you as you journey into the art of Scrying and Magic.


Black Mirror Scrying Tips & Techniques

Scrying is a technique that in some ways is harder than more traditional methods of divination such as tarot or runes. It is usually more symbolic and interpretation is a very personal process. There is no one "right way", or "wrong way" to scry. It's whatever works for you.

It is nearly always best to scry at night when it’s dark, because this method of divination is very closely related to the moon. Most people scry indoors (but there is nothing wrong with doing it outdoors), and if you choose indoors you should make sure all the lights are out except for a single candle. The candle should be out of your line of sight when you are looking at your mirror. Try placing it above and behind you. Some people like a steady candle flame, others like a flickering flame. Trim the wick according to your personal preferences.

The room should be as quiet as you can make it. If you do find that you still get unwanted sounds filtering through (as is often the case in an apartment) try playing some very soft instrumental music. Don’t choose music with lyrics as firstly you may subconsciously find yourself listening to them rather than concentrating on scrying, and secondly, lyrics may influence your vision.

Make sure you won’t be disturbed. Find a comfortable way of sitting with your mirror. Whether you choose to hold it, or place it before you is a matter of personal preference. Although you can scry at any time of the month most people find that visions are stronger around full moon time.

It is a good idea to have a short meditation session prior to scrying as this often helps to get you into the mood, or right frame of mind and helps to release some of the everyday tension we all get. You should be feeling as relaxed and receptive as possible. Make sure you are sitting comfortably.

When you look into your mirror try to look past the surface into the center of it. Try to keep your eyes fixed on one spot. Don’t worry about blinking. When you first start you’re very aware of the need to blink, but this will lessen as you relax. So don’t force yourself not to as distraction is the inevitable result.

Set yourself a limit for your scrying session. If you are not in the habit of meditating then 15 minutes is probably a good starting point. 15 minutes will actually seem quite a long time especially when you are trying to stop your mind from wandering! If you do meditate regularly then do whatever you are comfortable with though I would limit it to an hour. If you haven’t “connected” in that time then you are unlikely to in that session. Don’t set a timer though. Anticipation of it going off will prove very distracting.

The words “scry” and “vision” tend to be synonymous with the sense of sight. This is not necessarily the case as you may will receive information through any of your senses. If you expect to “see” information you may well prevent reception through another sense. You could even receive information through all five senses at once. When you do receive information, its context or meaning may not be initially clear to you. It may well be like a dream. In other words, it will need interpretation. If you are familiar with other forms of divination such as Tarot, or runes etc. you can always use a simple spread or cast after your session to help interpret what you have received. That’s not to say that all visions will need interpreting. Some won’t. Their meaning will be crystal clear.

If you intend to scry on a regular basis it would be a very good idea to start a scrying journal. Date and time each session and once you have finished for that night, note down all your perceptions. If the meaning of your vision(s) was not immediately clear, sleep on them overnight and then work on interpretation the next day. Although some will be so clear they will need little or no interpretation, most will and you will benefit from meditating on them thus giving yourself a while to absorb/discover the true meaning.

When scrying for the very first time people often see clouds of colors in their mirror. Some people will never get past this stage. If that should happen to you then don’t be put off. The colors themselves can be interpreted just as you would an aura etc. However, with practice, patience and persistence, there is no reason why you cannot progress.


Using and Empowering a Black Mirror

Scrying can be a useful means to contact Demons and spirits, to foretell the future, and to secure answers to questions. A black mirror is ideal for these purposes. Traditionally, Obsidian was the material of choice in the making of a black mirror, but the method described below works just as well.

The cycle of the Full Moon is the best time to create a black mirror, as the moon rules the third eye and psyche. Any frame for a photograph can serve as a base for a black mirror. Take the glass from the picture frame and paint one side of it with black enamel. You will probably need to use several coats of paint. Oil based enamels are lasting, but they can take a long time to dry. Be sure to leave the glass to completely dry before placing it back in the frame.

Substitutions for a black mirror include a dark bowl of black liquid or a shiny black object, large enough to focus upon. I have found average everyday mirrors to work in a dimly lit room (candlelight is perfect). The empowering ritual below is for advanced meditators and is very effective. If you are not advanced, you can still use a black mirror with results and wait until you are more experienced to perform the empowering ritual.

Empowering Ritual:

During a full Moon, go outside if possible, some place where you have a bit of privacy. Go into a slight trance, breathe in energy from the Moon into your third eye on the inhale, and on the exhale, chant "Inanna" E-E-E-E-E-N-N-N-N-N-N-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-N-N-N-N-N-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H vibrating, so you can feel it in your third eye. Do this for 30 times, then condense the energy from the Moon in your third eye and circulate this energy to your heart chakra and back to your third eye nine times, ending with the energy temporarily stored in your heart chakra. Place a paper or parchment of the Sigil of Astaroth on top of the face of the black mirror, and place both on your altar. Astaroth is the Goddess of prophesy.

Write the following prayer on a clean piece of paper:

Hear me Lord Satan, I ask in your name, that the forces of darkness bestow their powers of prophesy upon this mirror; that I may use this magickal medium to contact any Demons I may call forth, to scry upon for the revelation of secrets, and knowledge that is unknown to me.
In the name of Satan/Lucifer, I petition Ashtaroth, to bestow the blessing of prophesy and all the powers related, thereof upon this mirror. All of this, I ask in your name, Lord Satan. So it is done.

At the height of your ritual, recite the prayer aloud and when finished light it in the flame of a black candle on the left side of your altar. Place the burning paper in a bowl to burn.

Now, take the energy stored in your heart chakra and release it into the mirror by exhaling it- chanting g- g- g-g-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh The chant/vibration is done with a hard G as in the English word "Get" without the ’t.’ The base of your tongue should be as close as possible to the back of your throat when you vibrate the Gebo rune. Gebo is Astaroth’s rune and is used with workings involving powers of the heart chakra. With each exhale, vibrate the energy into your mirror. Visualize the energy entering the mirror. It should indigo (bluish-violet) in color (there may be some green or swirls of it) and grow with intensity upon each exhale. You should be able to judge when the mirror is fully empowered and feel the stored energy leaving you.

To use the mirror:
Position the mirror so it is at a comfortable level. You should be sitting comfortably when scrying. The room should be quiet and dimly lit, preferably with candlelight.

To begin a scrying session, enter into a trance, and imagine the mirror is black liquid water, jet-black like a well. Fix your gaze upon the mirror. The mirror will eventually brighten to gray and images of clouds will begin to form. Be patient, for the ability to see images of spirits and events will come with practice.

It is best to become familiar with your mirror before calling up any Demons. At first, nearly everyone sees clouds. This is normal and a positive sign. With experience and persistence, one will move onto other visions that will occur at random. These visions will be uncontrolled.

With experience, one will be able to call upon visions at will. An adept can experience visions that involve all five senses when scrying into the mirror; this can take some time, persistence and practice. Demons can touch the scryer, carry on lengthy conversations, and interact on a more personal level. The visions can begin to exist outside of the mirror and on all sides and surround the scryer.

When not in use, keep the mirror should be wrapped in silk to keep the energy from escaping and kept in a safe place where others will not disturb it. The energy will need to be replenished every so often. You will have to place your mirror in a window or out of doors under a full Moon to absorb the lunar energies. To do this, breathe in energy from the Moon into your heart chakra and exhale it into the mirror from your hand chakras. If you are open, you will see with your third eye, and feel when the mirror is fully empowered, and sense when it needs to be recharged.


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