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Almost everything has a spirit, an energy. Whether it is living, nonliving, or dead. Plants know they are being eaten just like animals
As Tesla said the whole universe can be understood by thinking in terms of energy, frequency, and wavelength
Fate and freewill both exist, fate being like a tree, free will being like all the branches. For example you can change branches, but never trees. Even when exerting freewill you are always contained to the same fate
Giving up your soul will give you essientally cheat codes in the physical, nothing after death but the punishment for cheating, however following the one God, will allow godmode to be turned on after death
All will have to pick a side in The End, good or evil, there is no middle ground in apocolyptic warfare
Chaos is not equal to evil, order is not equal to good, chaos can be change for good, just as order can be like stagnated water
Black and white magic are usually not to be used on earth, they can often come from the same negative souce, miracles come from a positive source and could be considered actual proper magic, miracles can be used
Know thyself, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Your spiritual body is your true self, this human body is simply our current container
In simple tems, the seperation between God and Jesus is like a video game player, and his character in game, earth being the game
It has all set up for 1 purpose
Creator creating future creators who will create future creators, and so on and so forth
>ok… for what purpose? to what end?
In the beginning there was nothing but God, so imagine that, step in Gods shoes
>You are alone
>You know everything
>Every single bit of spiritual knowledge
>physical knowledge
>and mental knowledge
>and no one to share it with…
What would you do?
How long could you stand that kind of solitary confinement?
Angels cant create…they are like machines….no real aspirations…
What would you do?
Nothing? For how long?
You would want to create similar beings, like yourself, to share existance with
I can push it even further that by saying God is light, and conscious light at that. So therefore
1. God can create removal of Its own light. (Void, still God)
2. God can destroy sparks that were created by re-absorbing these sparks
(Destruction or Oblivion)
3. Gods pure light hits us and is dispered through the chakras into different vibrational frequencies (inverted prism = human body)
The ouroboros repesents God
The serpent can release its tail and mover forward towards creation, +1
The serpent can simply hold its tail, moving neither towards creation, or destruction, neutral, 0
The serpent may consume its tail, moving towards destruction, -1


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