seven-stages-of-alchemical transformation

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we unfortunately grow through suffering often times, sort of the. I think to properly have Creation, you must also have Destruction
ie.a pic related
Yes, I think morally behaving properly is positive and promotes a sort of good karmic energy.
Think of life like an MMORPG, if you play with negative morals and become a issue for other players wouldnt it create problems in game?
I think we have to understand our demons, then choose to rise above them
It would make sense for everything
>you suffer to become more resilient/learn
>throughout this you become immune to suffering
>throughout reincarnation you learn all varying viewpoints (your past lives)
>over eons this would equal out to the former "stone" being transmuted by God (the Philosopher's Stone) into "gold" (a more valuable state)
We are all part of the All
Perfection is subjective
and appears different to every person
God is subjective and appears different to every person
Is your version of God exactly the same as mine? Or anyone elses? Exactly?
What about perfection? What do you think that is? Do you think it is the same as everyone elses perception and understanding of "perfection"?
As I have said before, subjective
We would be this personalized God, that we choose to evolve into, through spiritual/physical/mental evolution.
What you become will be a "god" if you choose to, even up to being a Creator and having your own variation of creation.
However the Creator that you will become is not the same fully as our Creator, and is not the same as the Creators that others will become.
This is only one option out of several.


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