theory of everything

I have a theory
A big theory
It involves you, even if you don't think it does….
Suspend your disbelief for a moment
Let me say
God is a paradoxical fractal
If you don't understand read further and I will explain….if you feel you do not need to understand, stop reading… one will blame you…
I feel I must first say this however, everything I am about to say can be seen as both truth and untruth in the same instance
Do not judge lest ye be judged
And on that note
God is a paradoxical, infinite, repeating, oneness.
With that in mind we can state several theories,
God is everything in existence and nothing at all
Even the nothing in space is God, and nothing equates to darkness, ie. absence of light, light would then be equal to everything, everything being matter, and matter being energy, even light energy and dark energy, matter and dark matter
If this is all true we can also say several other things, as in God is both 1 and 0, ie. paradoxical fractal, which separates into 2, ie.
God is both real and imaginary
Everything and nothing (again for reference)
Male and female
Alive and dead
Loving and Nonloving
Feels and doesn't feel
And several other dualities of dualites
From 2 and 1 we get 3, the Holy Trinity
Father Son and Spirit
Father Child and Mother
Mind Body and Soul
The Mental The Physical and The Spiritual
Everyone is both right and wrong at once and not at all
Everything is planned for, written down
God feels and doesn't feel everything and nothing all at once
All for us to become godlike
There is no enemy, no adversary, because there is no opposite of both everything and nothing
It is absolutely unimaginable
And we can't imagine it
ie. Fear of the unknown
The unknown doesn't exist
ie. Nothing, ie. God as well
All beliefs are right and wrong
Even atheists move towards God, because even in nothing, God will have them
That is unimaginable love if you see it that way
But, this paradox is life, accepting it will lead to "your" enlightenment, you don't have to understand, or even like it
But I say this all with love
See me as what you will
I will be judged accordingly not by your standards
But by Gods
The source energy has a mind of its own, and a personality and that would be the 1 god.
It created the higher spiritual planes and angels and spirits (these would be other "gods" not true gods, but some would be worshiped nevertheless)
A war broke out, end result was the creation of the lower spiritual planes to imprison the enemy
The war broke out because of the discussion of creating the physical, and putting spirits in physical bodies, and placing these creatures at higher rank than angels once certain lessons were learned.
Our planets are like atoms within The Source, as above, so below
Some spirits in the spirit world can die, they are added to the wheel of reincarnation.
Not every "human" on earth has a spiritual body, some are just souls and will return to the source, and some are empty, like husks…these are pawns used by both sides
Reincarnation is sometimes forced, sometimes sought after. More lessons, why?, to become like God….creators
How can the other Gods be spirits? They can die and go to the spiritual plane, i.e. Thor dies in asgard, he would go to valhalla
Less people are being reincarnated due to all of the alarms going off, The End is in fact near
How near is hard to say, Time moves faster in the higher spiritual planes than here, but a million time slower in the lower spiritual planes
We are within the mind of the creator, in one miniscule braincell exists our entire universe. Everything is from Its energy (bioelectricity), slowed down to become physical
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